Hi community,


I added some records in [Connected to] Details. But when I check on the diagram, nothing changed.

Is there any way to update the diagram automatically after adding a record in [Connected to] details?


Thank you!

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Hi Bao, 

In order to help you with this question we need more details on how exactly records were added and where you want them to get displayed. 

Please contact our support team directly via support@creatio,com and provide us with this detailed info so we could advise you on this matter. 

Kind regards, 


Hi Roman,


I already contacted the support team

Thank you for your assistance!

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Hi community,


I am currently researching the Relationship which function shows as [Connect to] in Account or Contact in Classic UI

But I want to ask if there is any way to set up permission for that function.

For example, I want only the admin could allow to add or edit the relationship. Others can only read the relationship


Thank you!


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Best reply



To set up object permissions in that way you need to go to System settings - Object permission - Relationship connection. There you can set up permissions in that way as you provided in the request.



To set up object permissions in that way you need to go to System settings - Object permission - Relationship connection. There you can set up permissions in that way as you provided in the request.

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In account section page, creating relationship with other companies in the "CONNECTED TO" tab" the account selection doesn't use the account popup lookup search.

How can I use the same account selection popup available in other standard account lookup fields? 

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Hello all,


I am trying to display the relationship information within the newer connected to diagram as a list such as how the older detail used to be able to be used.

Is there a way to display the information as a list so that it can be easily viewed in a list and exported out to excel?


I have tried to create a list report based off the underlying object for the diagram but I have been unable to find the correct object to use.

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Hello Kevin,


Thank you for your question!


Unfortunately, the list view and export are not available in the new UI for "Connected to" diagram. We've already registered this idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. As an option, it's possible to disable the new UI for "Connected to" diagram and get back to the old one. However, the data inserted in the new UI will be lost while getting back to an old UI, same if you decide later to change the UI to the new one, changes applied in the old one - will not be saved. If you want this to be done, please reach out to us at support@creatio.com and we will disable UseRelationshipDesigner feature for you.


Kind regards,


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Hi community

I'm using the new relationship feature to connect accounts 

In the account's "connected to" tab, I setuped which is the parent account of current account.

I'm looking for a method for extract all accounts which have a parent account assigned, using advanced filter.

Missing the view to configure the filter on new tables?


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Thank you for your question. 

In order to get the wanted filter please choose the correct column called "Parent account". 

Please refer to the screenshot below: 



Thank you, 



Hi Artem,

the parent account field does not work correctly with the new "Relation connection" table used for describe the account hierarchy,

Hello Stefano,


Sadly, filtering will not work in this case.


It is due to the fact that the "connected to" diagram was created to be universal, it does not have any proper connections to the other objects in the system. Thus, it can't be used for filtering records in objects.


Theoretically, you can create a view table in your system where needed columns from separate objects can be added and use it in the section's filter but we don't have any examples of such implementations.


We have already created a request for our R&D team to create such functionality.


Thank you,



I solved the problem.

I've created a view table, here my postgres script view


IF EXISTS "UsrAccountParentView";
        OR REPLACE VIEW "UsrAccountParentView" AS
SELECT uuid_generate_v4() AS "Id"
    , reA."RecordId" AS "UsrAccountParentId"
    , reB."RecordId" AS "UsrAccountChildId"
    , rc."RelationTypeId" as "UsrRelationTypeId"
    , '410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00'::uuid AS "CreatedById"
    , timezone('utc', now()) AS "CreatedOn"
    , '410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00'::uuid AS "ModifiedById"
    , timezone('utc', now()) AS "ModifiedOn"
FROM "RelationshipEntity" reA
JOIN "RelationshipConnection" rc
    ON reA."Id" = rc."RelationshipEntityAId"
        AND reA."SchemaUId" = '25d7c1ab-1de0-4501-b402-02e0e5a72d6e'
JOIN "RelationshipEntity" reB
    ON reB."Id" = rc."RelationshipEntityBId"
        AND reB."SchemaUId" = '25d7c1ab-1de0-4501-b402-02e0e5a72d6e'


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Hi guys,

Anyone here experience not being able to save a formal contact relationship?

Both test kim (contact) and brad wolfe (contact) is connected to test delete 2 (account)


Let me know if you experience same thing or got any idea what to do.

Best regards,


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On an account page, in the tab "Associated with", our users got the error:

"The value of the AUM column cannot be obtained because it has not been loaded."

For my part, with a supervisor account, i don't have the error.

Does anybody as an idea to solve this issue ?

Thank you,




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Solved, rights have been put on the column

i remove the rights and it is ok

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I am trying to setup the columns to view in the relationships detail for a client but I can not see Start Date and End Date.

The fields are there in the schema but on the page, they look different (Screenshots attached).

I want to add Start Date and End Date of the relationships to the view. Please help me with this.


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Firstly you need to add the columns to the view VwContactRelationship. Please deploy the application locally and create a script that will modify the view. Then add the columns to the related object. Then the columns will appear in the section wizard. 

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I’m trying to limit connections between two Accounts. For example, Account A can be connected to Account B in a “Branch - Managing company” relation only if those 2 accounts have the same owner.

I have tried to overwrite the Save function in AccountRelationshipDetailPageV2 and put a validation there. But for some reason it doesn't call the new function. Do you have any idea what's wrong with this approach?

Thank you,

Cristian Galatan.



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Hello Cristian, 

Replace the BaseRelationshipDetailPageV2 schema (and not AccountRelationshipDetailPageV2). In the BaseRelationshipDetailPageV2 schema, create a validation method for the necessary fields (e.g., validateOneOwner()). This method should return an object with the invalidMessage parameter.

Override the onEntityInitialized() method. In the onEntityInitialized() method, call addColumnValidator() for each field with specifying the validation method. Use the following article for more details: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/how-add-field-…

An example of code is below:

define("BaseRelationshipDetailPageV2", [], function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "Relationship",
        methods: {
            onEntityInitialized: function() {
                this.addColumnValidator("AccountA", this.validateOneOwner);
                this.addColumnValidator("AccountB", this.validateOneOwner);
            validateOneOwner: function() {
                var message = "";
                // the needed validation
                return {
                    invalidMessage: message
        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


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How do I add additional relationships to my Connected to options between accounts? I have gotten to the page- but I don't see how to add an additional relationship.

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Dear Heather,


To add a custom object to the connected to of the Account you would need to add corresponding record to the EntityConnection table in db with  SysEntitySchemaUid is a Uid of the Account and ColumnUId is a column uid that can be found in the SysEntitySchemaReference table. For implementing this please analyze the EntityConnection table and SysEntitySchemaReference  to have an understanding of which record you need to add. For example you can execute the following script: 

select SysSchema.Name, ColumnName, EntityConnection.* from EntityConnection inner join SysSchema on SysEntitySchemaUid = SysSchema.UId inner join SysEntitySchemaReference on EntityConnection.ColumnUId = SysEntitySchemaReference.ColumnUId

Best regards, 


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