
I'm developing my own custom Angular component for Creatio. I would like to use some of the standard components within it, such as a lookup field. How can I achieve this?

Is it possible to create a custom component that acts as a container for other elements, similar to crt.FlexContainer, which defines an items property for child components?


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Hello Eryk,

Unfortunately, it's impossible to reuse components in custom angular components for now, but Creatio plans to add such functionality in future releases.

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Cheers to all.

I'm developing my custom UI component in Angular and I need to get some data from Creatio database inside of my component. I discovered there is EntitySchemaQuery class in Creatio's sdk, so I decided to use it, but I'm stuck when I need to retreive data with that ESQ as I didn't find method for that. In classic ESQ there was getEntityCollection method for that. Could you please suggest how do I retrieve data from the database? Either using ESQ or other class, but user's authorization matters.

Here is the code of component.

import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, 
        ViewEncapsulation, EventEmitter, SimpleChanges  } from '@angular/core';
import { CrtViewElement, CrtInput, CrtOutput, EntitySchemaQuery,
          ComparisonType,  AggregationType, AggregationEvalType, isGuid} from '@creatio-devkit/common';
  selector: 'usr-input',
  templateUrl: './input.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./input.component.scss'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom
/* Add the CrtViewElement decorator to the InputComponent component. */
  selector: 'usr-input',
  type: 'usr.Input'
export class InputComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor() {}
  /* The input recordId. */
  public recordId!: string;
  /* Add decorators to the EventEmitter<string>() event. */
  /* Track input value changes. */
  public valueChange = new EventEmitter<string>();
  ngOnInit(): void {
  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (isGuid(changes["recordId"]?.currentValue)) {
      let esq = new EntitySchemaQuery("ClvObject");
      esq.addAggregationFunctionColumn("Id", AggregationType.Count, "AppCount", AggregationEvalType.All);
      esq.filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(ComparisonType.Equal, "ClvProject", this.recordId, "currentFilter");
      let record = esq.getMetadata();


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The EntitySchemaQuery classes in the devkit don't do anything, at least not how it is exposed. The ESQ classes require an executor class that actually *runs* the query and provides the connection. We don't have access to this, the executor that runs the ESQ is not part of the devkit sdk. This is intentional/by design since they want us to use the new Model classes instead. This better anyways, the Model class is far easier and more intuitive IMO.

The intended way to get data now is the Model class, which is in the devkit sdk. Here's some articles on the topic: 

Model Query Using Filters: https://customerfx.com/article/querying-data-using-filter-conditions-vi…

Model Query for a Single Record Given it's Id: https://customerfx.com/article/retrieving-a-record-via-the-model-class-…

Also, the model class does inserts/updates/deletes:

Inserting a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/inserting-a-record-from-client-side-code…

Updating a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/updating-a-record-from-client-side-code-…

Deleting a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/deleting-a-record-from-client-side-code-…

Copying a Record: https://customerfx.com/article/copying-a-record-from-client-side-code-u…

You can also use the Model class to get an object's schema:

Get Object Schema: https://customerfx.com/article/getting-an-object-schema-using-the-model…


Hi, Ryan. Thanks for quick reply.

Maybe you could suggest how do I need to prepare aggregate columns for the query using Model class? I tried it as described below

  async ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (isGuid(changes["recordId"]?.currentValue)) {
      const dataModel = await Model.create("ClvObject");
      const filters = new FilterGroup();
      filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(ComparisonType.Equal, "ClvProject", this.recordId, "currentFilter");
      const records = await dataModel.load({
//        attributes: ["Id", "ClvName", "ClvType", "ClvProject.ClvCommissioning"],
        attributes: [{ 
          aggregationConfig: {
            aggregationFunction: AggregationFunction.Count,
          type: "aggregation",
          path: "Id",
          name: "AppCount",
          caption: "AppCountCaption",
          dataValueType: DataValueType.Integer
        parameters: [{
            type: ModelParameterType.Filter,
            value: filters

But instead of getting one record with one column "AppCount" containig 2, I get two records each containg "Id" and "AppCount" 

Ok< I found out the way. Looks like aggregationConfig isn't yet working well and functionConfig should be used instead. Here is working exampe.

  async ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (isGuid(changes["recordId"]?.currentValue)) {
      const dataModel = await Model.create("ClvObject");
      const filters = new FilterGroup();
      filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(ComparisonType.Equal, "ClvProject", this.recordId, "currentFilter");
      const records = await dataModel.load({
//        attributes: ["Id", "ClvName", "ClvType", "ClvProject.ClvCommissioning"],
        attributes: [
            type: "function",
            path: "Id",
            name: "AppCount",
            caption: "AppCountCaption",
            dataValueType: DataValueType.Integer,
            functionConfig: {
              aggregation: AggregationFunction.Count,
              type: "aggregation",
              aggregationEval: "all",
          parameters: [{
              type: ModelParameterType.Filter,
              value: filters

And result

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I have been working on adding new custom components using the new freedom UI following the below Creatio article.


After doing some additional research I was able to add some custom components successfully. But I'm kind of stuck on where I need to pass the data from Creatio's side to that specific angular component. Please refer to the below screenshots of my code snippets and if anyone has any idea on what I'm missing can you guide me or provide some resources to get more idea on this?


Below is the "card.component.html" file:

<mat-card class="card-class" *ngFor="let val of valuelist" >
    <mat-card-content class="content-wrapper">
        <div fxFill fxLayout="row">
            <div fxFlex="30" fxLayout="space-around center">
                <div fxFlex fxLayoutAlign>
                    <img mat-card-sm-image src="https://material.angular.io/assets/img/examples/shiba2.jpg" alt="Free Image" class="responsive-image"  >
                <div fxFlex fxLayoutAlign>
                    <img mat-card-sm-image src="https://material.angular.io/assets/img/examples/shiba2.jpg" alt="Free Image" class="responsive-image" >
            <div fxFlex="55" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="center start" class="contentN" >
            <div fxFlex="15" fxLayout fxLayoutAlign="center center" class="contentP">
                <img mat-card-sm-image src="https://material.angular.io/assets/img/examples/shiba2.jpg" alt="Free Image" class="responsive-image" >

 As in the above, from using ngFor I'm adding cards based on the data which are coming from the "valuelist". Below is the example of the "card.component.ts" file:


import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { CrtInput, CrtOutput,CrtInterfaceDesignerItem, CrtViewElement } from '@creatio-devkit/common';
  selector: 'mlcgd-card',
  templateUrl: './card.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./card.component.scss'],
  //encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom
/* Add the CrtViewElement decorator to the Textpromt component. */
  selector: 'mlcgd-card',
  type: 'mlcgd.Card'
/* Add the CrtViewElement decorator to the InputComponent component. */
  /* Manage the element layout in the library of the Freedom UI Designer. */
  toolbarConfig: {
    caption: 'Card View',
    name: 'CardView',
    /* The path to the component image. */
    icon: require('!!raw-loader?{esModule:false}!./icon.svg'),
    defaultPropertyValues: {
      label: 'Card View'
export class CardComponent {
  valuelist:string[] = [];
  constructor() {}
  /* ...............The input value. */
  public value: string = 'Lakindu, Chinthana, Deshan';
  /* ................Track input value changes. */
  public valueChange = new EventEmitter<string>();
  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.valuelist = this.value.split(',')

As you can see in the above code snippet I have a string called "value" and I have hardcoded 3 values for that. What I need to achieve is without hardcoding the data I need to get those data from the Creatio's end like from a field. So to do that I need to modify the code which is gonna add to the viewconfig array in the client schema. Please refer to the below Code snippet. And I need help with modifying it accordingly to pass the data from Creatio to the component.


				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "Card_hs3upn6",
				"values": {
					"type": "mlcgd.Card",
					"label": "Card View",
					"value": "$MLCGDName"
				"parentName": "FlexContainer_08awxs2",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 0

Kind Regards,


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You can find an example of working with the field value in these articles.



They described information on how to create a validator/converter for the value in a field.


Thanks for sharing this but I'm afraid this might not be the one that I'm looking for. Anyways do you have anything related to dashboards? Like adding a new dashboard element using a remote module?

I was able to add some components there but for the moment I am kind of stuck at passing the data to the created component using the remote module.

Unfortunately, no, we don't have such examples.

To be honest, the remote module is quite a fresh feature, which means that currently, it doesn't have much logic. If possible, it would be better to use other methods to add your business logic.

Lakindu Yasomith,

Maybe this article can help you:



If not, please let us know. Maybe you can describe your case in more detail for support@creatio.com.

Lakindu Yasomith,



I'm also working on a custom component and have the same issue.

Did you find a solution to this?




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I am working on a use case to use angular component inside creatio. I have followed this link .It seems like it is old documentation most of the js files mentioned in that link is not there in the angular package. Can anyone helo me on this 


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Hello Pavan,


Can you please describe this question a little bit in details? At which particular step do you face issues?

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I've created a remote angular module for Freedom UI, following the tutorial: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/front_end_development_freedo…

I added my component to Freedom UI library. Thus, I'm able to drag'n'drop my component to page area.

The problem is that my component have some configuration params (a string and an integer), that I can't fill using the no-code designer. I have to do it manually, from source code.

I would like to add such configuration options to component to make it possible to configure a component instance in no-code way.

For example, when I create button I can change its label or action performed on click event. I would like to achieve something similar with my component.

I use Creatio 8.0.7

I will be really grateful for your answers :)



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Could anyone help me? :)


Can you please give more detail on these configuration params you are talking about? Some screenshots would be nice.

Dmytro Vovchenko,

Yes, sure :)

Some elements, like an input, have many configuration options:


And my component not:


So, I'd like to add similar configuration options to my custom component to reduce amount of coding while using custom angular components.



Unfortunately for now the system does not support such no-code option.

However, already informed our developers about this option and they will work on this feature in future versions.

Thank you for helping us improve the system.

Hi, has anything changed since last time? :)


After reviewing all the information, we inform you that at the moment the system still does not support this kind of no-code option. However, this particular request has been passed on to the responsible team for consideration and implementation in future releases. Task number: PR-29433.

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I followed this article to add Angular component, but failed to build it.



My window.ng.core.VERSION.major = 9 (Creation 7.16.3). So I tried @angular/cli@9. But it seems that ngx-build-plus doesn't support Angular 9 yet.

$ yarn build:my-app:externals
Unknown option: '--extra-webpack-config'
Unknown option: 'webpack.externals.js'
Unknown option: '--single-bundle'
error Command failed with exit code 1.


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I tried ngx-build-plus@~9 and it works now.

Van Ly,


Nice to know that! Yes, you are correct, Creatio uses Angular 9, so here is the package you can use for the 9th version: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-build-plus/v/9.0.6


As well as, please make sure that you've indicated the proper build in the "angular.json" file. 




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