Dear team, 

As documentation says that FastReport functionality will be retired in Creatio version 8.0.3, I am wondering if you plan to replace it with other functionality?


Looking into documentation, it seems that Word printables does not allow to create a macros to calculate a value straight away, and FastReport does allow to do so.


Kind regards, 


Like 1



I am also curious if there will be a replacement. 

However, we've been doing some very complicated Word printables using a combination of macros and db views. It's turned out to be pretty powerful. 

You can create custom macros for Word docs. The macros can do queries, calculations, even return conditional text as needed. Here's a very simple example in this article:…

That example in the article only takes a value and returns it formatted. However, we typically will pass an Id to the macro, do queries and other complex calculations and return values, text, etc. Note, to do queries in a macro you'll need a UserConnection which you can get from the session:

var userConnection = (UserConnection)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserConnection"];

Hope this help, it doesn't answer your original question, but wanted to mention that macros for Word printables is possible and does at least bridge the gap with creating more complex Word reports with FastReports being retired. Also, creating db views and exposing as entities has been very useful for more complex Word reports as well.


It would be nice to have normal Report designer/generator, cause not all customers use MS Word in their organizations. 

Vladimir Sokolov,

I do agree. Plus, there are some scenarios where a Word report will just not cut it. I have some customers that are producing government forms which have extremely strict formatting requirements (that are just not possible to recreate as a Word document) or they will be rejected.

I do hope there will be a replacement for FastReports at some point. It's possible to do some complex things with a Word report, but it's still no replacement for a full reporting solution.

Hello Team


Any news on FastReport's replacement?


I have been using FastReport editions for my opportunities for two years (10 models), my edition models were stable and I had not seen this future deletion pass...

Except that today, I need to create a new model and I can't...

So I'm stuck... But above all, I would like to anticipate the future...


Best regards



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Hi everyone, We have installed the Mailbox section for Creatio ( for a customer however we have run into an issue. Every time we try to add it, we get a 400 bad request in the browser console, and it does not get added. Clearing the browser cache doesn't seem to do anything as we can still reproduce the issue Has anybody experienced this issue before or knows of a workaround? Any assistance would be appreciated!

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can you please go to the Workplace setup, delete any existing Section, save, then add it again along with the Mailbox section?


Please, let us know whether it helped.


Kind regards,


Hi Gleb,


Thank you for the suggestion, it is appreciated.


We have attempted your solution and unfortunately it doesn't resolve this issue.


Any other potential solutions are appreciated.

Dear Harry,


unfortunately, it is difficult to analyze the problem in such a way.

I would recommend creating a case for the Support team so we can take a closer look at the issue.




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Hello team,


I was trying to replicate account photo functionality in a custom section. I noticed that the getAccountLogo method gets called twice. Please see below screenshot (Hello from getAccountLogo is repeated twice)

This is causing errors in my functionality. Can someone please check?

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If you want to add a photo to your custom section then there is instruction on how to do it.

Take a look at this conversation, there you can find an article and example.

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Can't see Already Existing Campaign Details When opening Campaign Page or Campaign Design and the below page remains forever.

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Please contact our support team ( for further investigation. 

Best regards,


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What error is this? I cant delete and open the page because this error

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The object "BaseObject" has those fields ("MdrName") and if your object was inherited from "BaseObject" it must have had those fields in inherited columns. If your object doesn't contain those fields, those fields must have been removed.

Please try to update database structure, generate the source code for all and compile all in the configuration section.

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I have a business case were the managers need to extract a report to identify the accounts and/or contacts group by user, where the user is either the owner of the record or the user to whom the record has been shared with. Please note that the records are visible by owner, that said, is a private model.


  • Contact A is owned by Sales Rep 1 (only that sales rep has visibility on it)
  • Sales Rep 1 shares contact A with the Sales Rep 2 granted read-only rights (now both Sales Rep 1 and Sales Rep 2 can see the record)
  • Both sales reps have the same manager
  • Manager wants to have a list grouped by sales rep to track which are the records they have to work on. Expected result should be as follows:
    • Sales Rep 1: Contact A, Contact M, Contact Z
    • Sales Rep 2: Contact A, Contact X, Contact L

Any help on how to achieve above will help me a lot! 




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Best reply

Hi Adriana, 


You can create VIEW in the database (Access rights to Contact are stored in the table SysContactRight) and object based on that view. Then you can use this object for report or for tagging records.

A little bit more complicated situation is when record has access rights for group (e.g. All Employees). That means that this record is shared with more users and you need to calculatate all of them


Hi Adriana, 


You can create VIEW in the database (Access rights to Contact are stored in the table SysContactRight) and object based on that view. Then you can use this object for report or for tagging records.

A little bit more complicated situation is when record has access rights for group (e.g. All Employees). That means that this record is shared with more users and you need to calculatate all of them


Hello Vladimir

Thank you so much for your reply, I have also consulted internally and I got the same solution so I guess thats the best alternative!

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I am trying to enable a web service for a portal user. When I try to trigger the service however, I receive a 500 Error. 

When I trigger the service using an internal user account, the service triggers with no issues. My test portal user however receives the error. To me that says portal users are unable to trigger a batch query but I've been unable to find anything that says it for sure. Is there a setting I need to adjust?

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Please make sure that portal users have access to your web service.

More details on the academy website:……

Cherednichenko Nikita,

I have followed the provided academy pages. Though when trying to compile, I receive the errors.


" The type or namespace name 'SspServiceAccess' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"


"The type or namespace name 'SspServiceAccessAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"

Try to generate source code for all schemas and run compilation again.

After generating source code for all schemas and compiling again, I am still receiving the same errors. Is there a namespace I am missing?

namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.KeenGlbInterviewService
	using System;
	using System.IO;
	using System.Collections.Specialized;
	using System.Globalization;
	using System.Runtime;
	using System.Runtime.Serialization;
	using System.ServiceModel;
	using System.ServiceModel.Web;
	using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
	using System.Threading;
	using System.Threading.Tasks;
	using System.Web;
	using Terrasoft.Core;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Factories;
	using Terrasoft.Configuration.GlbInterviewService;
	using Terrasoft.Web.Common;
    using Terrasoft.Web.Common.ServiceRouting;
	#region Class: KeenGlbInterviewService
	[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
	public class KeenGlbInterviewService : BaseService
		#region Methods: Public
		private static readonly GlbInterviewService _baseService = new GlbInterviewService();
		[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
		public InterviewServiceResponse Start(InterviewServiceRequest request)
			return _baseService.Start(request); 
		[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
		public InterviewServiceResponse Complete(InterviewServiceRequest request)
			return _baseService.Complete(request);


Please see another community post:

Perhaps there is an answer to your question.

Cherednichenko Nikita,

Thank you for the recommended page. However I have already looked through this page and it makes no mention of using SspServiceAccess which is the piece I'm having difficulty with.

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We're looking for a way to link a document that is loaded into Creatio in an email template that is sent. 


For example, a contract is uploaded into the Attachments section of an Opportunity. The Opportunity is won, and a notification email goes out to specified users. The email includes information from the record, but also a link to the document within the Attachments section. 

Like 2



Hello Susan,


Your business task can be achieved via custom business process. You'd need to use [Process file] and [Send email] elements to achieve this business task. 

More detailed information about these elements can be found on our Academy:……

Best regards,


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Hi Team,

We have a use case, in which we built out the 2 case lifecycle in the Lead Section.

Ref Image,

And we have deactivated the OOTB case lifecycle. This DCM process built out of new column known as ("Lead Flow Status").

When we export this package and import in new environment. The existing Case, Column to build the stage, Column determines which case case to be used - all the things are not updated.

Ref Image,

My use case is to build it out of new lookup column("Lead Flow Status"). And DCM flow changes based on new column ("Current Stage"). This need to be reflected in my proceeding environments.

Can you let me know any data Bind need to be done to deactivate the existing case and update other two fields. Or write any scripts for it ?

Best Regards,

Adharsh S


Like 0



Hi Adharsh,


you can try such a script, just use names of DCM you want to deactivate:

Update "SysSchemaProperty"

Set "Value" = false


    ("SysSchemaId" IN

        (SELECT s."Id" 

        FROM  "SysSchema" s 

        WHERE s."Name" IN ('DocumentCase','ContractCase')


​​​​​​​Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,

I could see 6-8 records when we run the query. As "SysSchemaProperty" contains many records for each SysSchemaId of different properties. Which column should be updated to "False".

Also I have attached below the image for reference which is the query result of deactivated DCM Case in local development environment. I could not able to find any column with value as "False".

Image -1 : "Result query of deactivated 'LeadCase' DCM"


Image-2: "Result query of newly activated 'LeadFlowCase' DCM"

Result of both queries seems to be similar. Not major difference. Initially I thought, Enabled property defines the Active/InActive state of DCM case. But in this case both values are True.

Kindly help us with it.

Best Regards,

Adharsh S

Adharsh writes:

Yes, you are rights. Enabled property should be set to false.  

... AND "Name"='Enabled'

But I don't know why they both are Enabled if one of them is deactivated.

Also I see in our project, that Enabled property for LeadCase didn't exist in production enviroment, so script just adds new one:

INSERT INTO "SysSchemaUserProperty"





Vladimir Sokolov,

Thanks for it. I am able to deactivate the existing OOTB - Lead case stages. But the columns "Which column to build the stages by?" and "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" are not updating, Retains the same state. 

Ref Image,

Kindly help us, how to update these values! Am I missing any other thing?

Best Regards,

Adharsh S


You should find SysDcmSettings in bound data (the easiet way to to find by Modified On date) and set 'Forced update' for column Filters. 

I think it can help


Kind regards,


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Formula does not allow me to input current datetime.

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Best reply

Hello Joseph, 


This function is not available for the Pivot tables as mentioned in this academy article.

This function is available only  for business rules. 

Best regards,



Hello Joseph, 


This function is not available for the Pivot tables as mentioned in this academy article.

This function is available only  for business rules. 

Best regards,



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