Hello All,

The active business process is not running when the signal is triggered in the business process. I have checked the process log its not even triggering, process library where the business process is still active. What are the possible scenarios of getting this issue.




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Make sure that the created record matches the filter conditions. If not, the process will not start if a different type of record is added.

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I am doing a process where I want to create a new record  but I want that the field account fills automatic using a business process, but when I add the record it doesn't pass this information to the section, it shows a blank field, additionally i want to set the name of the record with a formula so it show the name of the account to complete the name but it doesn't pass this data. 


I first  tried to add the record and establish the fields that i want to be fill. Then I tried to first add the record and then modifty it to add the fields that i want to be show. And lately i tried using a subprocess to add the fields, but anything of the things that I tried haven't work. 

Can someone help me please? 





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Hi Laura, 


We'd need to perform a deeper analysis in order to understand and resolve your issue. 

Please forward this question to our support team. Don't forget to provide the external access to your system. 

Best regards,


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Hi all,


I have a Email element in a business process that uses macros.

Made changes in the format of a date variable used in the email.

But, changes are not reflecting.

(Save, Publish, compile done)


Please advise.



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Hello Anitha,


Kindly contact our technical support team at support@creatio.com for us to take a closer look at the issue.


Thank you,


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