Using Python within Creatio

Hello all,


I have need for a client to build a way to upload a file to Sharepoint from Creatio. I found a potential method using Python but I am unclear on if I can execute the code with Creatio.


Is this something that can be done? I haven't been able to find confirmation either way in the documentation.

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Hello Kevin,


You won't be able to use Python inside Creatio app and a possible implementation should use a custom webservice that will send requests from the app.


Alternatively there is this marketplace app that was designed to implement SharePoint integration -

Since Creatio's server-side code is all C#, It would be a better route to use C#.  There's likely far more examples online of using C# with Sharepoint - plus Microsoft has a C# client library to use for doing this sort of thing which makes the job easier.


Are you trying to upload a file to an object using the API With Python?  I c created a Python script the downloads a Printable, sends it to a Mail Service that prints and mails it. Once it is delivered, it grabs the Signature file  and Uploads it to the object using the API.  Python is run on a local server not in Creatio.

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