Dear All . In new instalation on server Windows 2022 Creatio version 8.08 I cant login on cratio . On login page doesnt hapen any . In browser console I saw error "Error while sending request
It will help to standardize the above, recognize the logged in user session and auto redirect - Especially the different behaviors between #1 and #4. Users could very well bookmark URL #1 and lose the advantage of session tracking.
Yes, the behavior you've described is an out-of-the-box behavior and our core R&D team has a task to enable proper redirects in case the user has an active session in a web browser and tries to reach the links mentioned above. I will let them know about your idea so to prioritize the task for them.
Thank you for helping us to make the application workflow better!
Unfortunately, bpm'online does not provide any oob way to modify the login page, except changing the logo picture.
Of course, if you are using onsite, you may try to modify asp net web forms files that are used for login and are located in Login folder, but it is highly recommended not to make any changes to it due to security reasons, furthermore, making modifications to it could brake authentication in bpm'online