
In my environment it is not possible to create a Mail-Template.

The Fields "Macro source" and "Template type" are locked.

I use Version


Is this a Bug? Or a configuration problem?

I hope somebody can help me.




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Hello Oliver, 


It's expected behavior that both these fields are locked. They are predefined by the template option you've chosen while creating a new template record in "Message templates" section. By a default (in oob version of a system) 2 options are available:


Therefore, you'd need to simply choose the needed option to proceed with email template.


Best regards,



Hi Anastasiia,


thanks for your answer. But there is no option "Chat template" or "Email template". There is just a "new" Button.



I just see that there is also only a "new" button in version 8.0.5.

In Version 8.0.4. everything is as expected.


Best regards,



Oliver Herzog,




As mentioned, in oob version of a system there are two options (corresponding edit pages):


Situation from your screenshot may occur on a specific site in a result of applied customizations or modifications done from your side, for example if one of the edit pages have been deleted. Such changes (adding or deleting the edit pages) can be done through the Section Wizard of the corresponding section.


Best regards,


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do we have the equivalent of partner "education & certification" available for employees in the the internal "employee" section ?


If not, what's the best way to replicate ?



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Hello Damien,


if I understood your question, you want to display the detail on a different section, is it correct?


If yes, there are two options.


1. You can simply open the Wizard of the page where you want to have your detail. Click on "New detail", then find it by Detail name. And the one you are looking for is Education and certificate.


2. You can create exactly the same detail. You still need to open the Wizard, click on "New Detail" but now you have to create a new one. All you have to do is open the Education and certificate detail setup and copy the parameters to a new detail. Then you will be able to display it on the page and save.






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Hello Team,

I am trying to insert a null guid directly to the DB. I use the following snippet

	QueryColumnExpression nullParameter =
					Column.Parameter(DBNull.Value, new GuidDataValueType(UserConnection.DataValueTypeManager));
				update.Set("ResponseDetailsId", nullParameter);

I get the following exception


System.NotSupportedException: The CLR type Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryColumnExpression isn't supported by Npgsql or your PostgreSQL. If you wish to map it to a PostgreSQL composite type you need to register it before usage, please refer to the documentation.


If this is not a suitable way, which is the proper way to insert a null guid directly in a PostgreSQL db from C# code ?

Like 1





new Update(_userConnection, "SysAdminUnit")
					.Set("LDAPElementId", Column.Parameter(null, "Guid"))
			int operationsCount = update.Execute();


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Hi Team,


A new DCM is created/OOTB DCM is used in a stage and few records are created. Post that there is a change made in the life cycle and new stages are added and saved and made it actual version.


Records created post the new stages has been defined will have the new DCM stage shown but the old records will have the old DCM and option to “change case” available and on click of the “change case” the stage will show with the new DCM flow.


Question : instead of going to each and every old record to change the DCM to the new DCM created, is there an option to update all the old records DCM to the newly created DCM?



Thanks in advance!




Like 2





We have already registered it in the backlog of our R&D team to fix this logic in future releases.


Currently, you can only change the version of a case manually in each record separately.

+1 here, it would be great to update all or select opps in batch to switch to new dcm version.


Would like to ask if this is possible now?

Thank you

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Any update on this.

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Hi Community,


In Organizational Role, we can specify who are the users and the managers and their relationship. On which db tables is this saving? what are the objects related? Any idea. thanks. 

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Information relating to the tables is given below:

- SysAdminUnit (Administration object: users and roles)

- SysUserInRole (Users in roles)

- SysFuncRoleInOrgRole (Functional role into organizational role)

- SysAdminOperation (System operations)

- SysAdminOperationGrantee (Access to system operations)

- SysEntitySchemaOperationRight (Access to objects)

- SysEntitySchemaRecordDefRight (Access to default records)

- SysEntitySchemaColumnRight - (Access to object columns)

- SysAdminUnitGrantedRight - (Delegated)

- SysWorkplace - (User Workplace)

- SysAdminUnitInWorkplace - (Users in the workplace)

- SysModuleInWorkplace - (Section in workplace)


Thank you for this information,

How about the link/relationship between the User and its Managers in Organizational role, where it is saving?

Hello Fulgen,


You can get real user roles, including those received as a manager, delegated, etc. using the script below.


Substitute the username for <SysAdminUnit.Name>.


sau1."Name" as UserName,

sau2."Name" as RoleName,

sau3."Name" as GotRoleFrom,

(select "CanExecute" from "SysAdminOperation" sao join "SysAdminOperationGrantee" saog on sao."Id" = saog."SysAdminOperationId" where sao."Code" = 'CanSelectEverything' and saog."SysAdminUnitId" = sau2."Id") as CanSelectEverything,

(select "CanExecute" from "SysAdminOperation" sao join "SysAdminOperationGrantee" saog on sao."Id" = saog."SysAdminOperationId" where sao."Code" = 'CanInsertEverything' and saog."SysAdminUnitId" = sau2."Id") as CanInsertEverything,

(select "CanExecute" from "SysAdminOperation" sao join "SysAdminOperationGrantee" saog on sao."Id" = saog."SysAdminOperationId" where sao."Code" = 'CanUpdateEverything' and saog."SysAdminUnitId" = sau2."Id") as CanUpdateEverything,

case WHEN sauir."Source" & 1 > 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as "Role source: Self",

case WHEN sauir."Source" & 2 > 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as "Role source: ExplicitEntry",

case WHEN sauir."Source" & 4 > 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as "Role source: Delegated",

case WHEN sauir."Source" & 8 > 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as "Role source: FuncRoleFromOrgRole",

case WHEN sauir."Source" & 16 > 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as "Role source: UpHierarchy",

case WHEN sauir."Source" & 32 > 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as "Role source: AsManager",

sauir."CreatedOn" as LastRolesActualization

from "SysAdminUnitInRole" sauir

LEFT join "SysAdminUnit" sau1 on sauir."SysAdminUnitId" = sau1."Id"

LEFT join "SysAdminUnit" sau2 on sauir."SysAdminUnitRoleId" = sau2."Id"

LEFT join "SysAdminUnit" sau3 on sauir."SourceAdminUnitId" = sau3."Id"

Where sau1."Name" = '<SysAdminUnit.Name>'

order by CanSelectEverything desc, CanInsertEverything desc, CanUpdateEverything desc, sau2."Name"

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Hello fellow creators! I have problems with extending BaseSectionV2 schema. I want to disable View button , so I  created a replacing module of BaseSectionV2 and wrote some code, but it's not working. Any advice would be much appreciated

	 return {
			 checkIsAdmin:function() {
				 var user = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER;
				 var name = user.displayValue;
					 return true;			 
				 		return false;
					"operation": "merge",
					"name": "AnalyticsModeViewOptionsButton",
					"parentName": "AnalyticsModeActionButtonsRightContainer",
					"propertyName": "items",
					"values": {
						"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
						"caption": { "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ViewOptionsButtonCaption"},
						"enabled": { "bindTo": "checkIsAdmin"},
File attachments
Like 0


Best reply


You need to override shema BaseDataView and modify the button SeparateModeViewOptionsButton:

	 return {
			 checkIsAdmin:function() {
				 var user = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER;
				 var name = user.displayValue;
					 return true;			 
				 		return false;
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "SeparateModeViewOptionsButton",
				"values": {
					"enabled": { "bindTo": "checkIsAdmin"}



You need to override shema BaseDataView and modify the button SeparateModeViewOptionsButton:

	 return {
			 checkIsAdmin:function() {
				 var user = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER;
				 var name = user.displayValue;
					 return true;			 
				 		return false;
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "SeparateModeViewOptionsButton",
				"values": {
					"enabled": { "bindTo": "checkIsAdmin"}


Dmytro Vovchenko,

Thanks a lot! It worked!

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Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is well,

I really need urgent help/suggestion in the below scenario-


Candidates resumes are attached in the Contact attachments and I need to stream this file to 3rd party resume parsing platform which can parse the resume/CV and send back the response.

My Findings -

I found a few resume parsing platforms to which If I can pass either file url/file/base64 and then it parses the information.

I also tried to pass the data in the "Data" column of the contact attachment table directly to the parsing platform but it returns an error - "Unable to decode encoded file data"

Challenge -

Not able to read file data from attachment as base64 and convert it to string.

Like 1





In Postman I was able to get the content of the file using the following URL (GET request):…


This is the URL that is called when you try to get the attachment from the UI. d95c76f6-64bc-444c-9bfc-1b9cfd4f06e0 is the UId from the SysSchema table representing the object where the attachments are stored (ContactFile, AccountFile, FileLead etc) and the eba29d21-2922-4094-b996-f5c18ee025d1 is an Id of the actual attachment.


This should be also received using some program call (like some integration) as either a plain text or the set of bytes (should be tested). Then the content can be encoded\decoded using something like this…. These are suggestions, unfortuantely we don't have a ready solution for this. 

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I recently set up a new Freedom UI page which is no longer loading.


I am seeing the following error in console:


scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
    at 355.js:1:40066
    at 388.js:16:4661
    at r._next (388.js:16:3329)
    at (388.js:14:14878)
    at scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353804
    at N.Te._next (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353224)
    at (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:351743)
    at scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:369134
    at N.Te._next (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353224)
    at (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:351743)
    at scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:359003
    at N.Te._next (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:353224)
    at (scripts.js?hash=ca02198d1fea4be091f9d9f8d644f662:1:351743)
    at r._next (388.js:14:15147)
    at (388.js:14:14878)

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi Lewis, 

Please contact our support team since this question has to be checked more detailed. 

Kind regards,



How was this issue solved?

Hello Sasori,


The issue was related to the "Schema_name" schema, which had a reference to the "Column_name" column that didn't exist in the object. This led to the assumption that it might have been renamed or deleted

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We need to add Pivot to the Account page.

As there is no widget with pivot available in page wizard, is there another option to do that?

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I do wish we could add dashboard list elements on pages. It would make things easy to display unrelated data on a page and things like pivot tables. However, I don't believe there is anyway to add it to the page that I know of. We usually just create a view, then display the results in a detail on the page instead. For creating a pivot table, Postgresql does have the crosstab function which does this easily - However, that is part of the tablefunc extension, which isn't installed in Creatio postgresql databases - I've never tried to see if it allows you to install extensions like that. See…


Ryan Farley,

We have added widget with list to the page, but it is still displayed like flat list, not pivot... 

That's why I would like to find out if it is possible to make this last step :)

Hello Vladimir,

Did you find a solution ?

Vladimir Sokolov,

Could you please add the steps for adding the list element to a page?



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Hello Creatio community,


I'm trying to debug a service deployed in another server. Which is the easiest way to debug a source code schema type? Currently I install all package updates and sometimes the database (to debug existing test cases) locally but this procedure is very time consuming.


Is there an easier way to debug a source code locally without the first procedure?




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