Timeline Data Source - Feed

Hi all, 

In the latest updates to Creatio, you can set a datasource for the timeline component, other than the record page. 

However, if you do this, the feed component is still set to the record, which means if someone posts on this, it does not appear on the timeline. I'm not sure if this has been overlooked at development. 

I'm hoping it's possible to do this in the code but have come stuck. 

I have changed the entitySchemaName to "UsrBookings" which has correctly changed the schema. However, I can't seem to change the column which needs to be PDS.UsrBooking 


				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "FeedComposer_aweotp0",
				"values": {
					"type": "crt.FeedComposer",
					"classes": [
					"sortedByColumn": "CreatedOn",
					"data": {
						"uId": "fad7ff3c-73da-a7aa-b7be-48fa49cd0d0d",
						"schemaType": "Feed",
						"sortedByColumn": "CreatedOn",
						"typeName": "crt.FeedComposer",
						"caption": "Feed"
					"primaryColumnValue": "$Id",
					"cardState": "$CardState",
					"feedType": "Record",
					"dataSourceName": "PDS",
					"entitySchemaName": "UsrBookings"
				"parentName": "MessageComposerSelector_uxr8sil",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 1

Any help greatly appreciated!

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This will be changed in the Freedom UI designer. Thank you for reporting this issue!


As for the workaround: the code of the composer should be changed in the following manner (PDS_UsrAccount_x75v5wo should be replaced with the attribute of the column for which the feed should be displayed and new messages saved, "entitySchemaName": "Account" - entity of the section where feed messages should be saved)

"feedType": "Record",
					"primaryColumnValue": "$PDS_UsrAccount_x75v5wo | crt.ToObjectProp : 'value'",
					"cardState": "$CardState",
					"entitySchemaName": "Account",
					"dataSourceName": "PDS"
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