

I'd like to set permission for add-on (installed application). 


Anyone can help how can I do it please



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Hello Minh,


It depends on the MarketPlace add-on. Let me explain to you on the SQL Executor for Creatio add-on:

In order to set permission rules you need to go to ‘System Designer’, click on ‘Operation permissions’, and select operation named ‘Access to ‘SQL Console Requests section’ (the code is CanUseSqlConsole).  

Having it done you can add or delete access rights for users and groups of users.


Right after you complete making these settings, please make logout and login into your account again.


Best regards,


Hi Bogdan,


Thank you for your reply,

But I cannot find operation 'Access to' SQL Console Requests section, please see picture

Can I add new operation permission and link it to an addon?


Kind Regards, 




This operation permission shoud be created automatically after add-on installation. 

Please try to create it manually, if it wasn't created automatically.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


Please see the below screenshot : 

System users will come top to down while filling the form but since primary manager and secondary manager fields are required, they can't create record in Qualification and Awards detail first without filling the Primary manager and secondary manager fields.


How can we correct this that keeping the primary manager and secondary stakeholder required, it shouldn't restrict the user to create records in the details?


Many thanks!




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We usualy make such field required on specific stages. So, it is possible to fill the details, but not possible to save in next stage until the fields are filled in

Hello Akshit, 


It's not possible to proceed with adding data to details on the record page before filling in the required fields on this page, it's expected behavior and as of now it cannot be changed with basic system tools. 


As mentioned by Vladimir, there is a workaround to make the fields required only on the specific stage of the record, so users will be able to fill in the details with data on the previous stage and on the next stage the fields will be required. 

Please find more information about this functionality in the article below and connected articles:


Best regards, 


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Hi community,

the feedback case page (021/0/Nui/Feedback.aspx?vm=FeedbackModule&token=138ce645-68ad-48ee-a24b-b7fa7ed2822d&schemaName=CaseRatingFeedbackPage) appears always in english, on my creatio instance.

There are the localization strings in the client schema "CaseRatingFeedbackPage"

What am I doing wrong?


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Hello Stefano,


The feedback page is using your web browser settings to choose the appropriate language.

For example, if the browser language is set to English - the feedback page will be in English, if the user uses Russian - the page will open up in Russian, and so on.


Thank you,


thank you Artem


How does the URL of the feedback page is generated, I'm referring to the root URL (mysite.creatio.com/0)

I have set a system setting "SiteURL" to "mysitegateway.creatio.com" but it takes mysite.creatio.com in the smiley links.

But mysitegateway.creatio.com is configured using a proxy server for on-premise setup.

Best regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

hi Bhoobalan

check the PortalSiteUrl system settings value


Stefano Bassoli,

It's empty.

Does this PortalSiteUrl have to be populated as well, same as the "SiteURL" value?

Best regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

You have to compile both field with


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Is there a way to send a notification email to contact owners when specific contacts are participating in any of the campaign step? For example, I want to send a notification to owner when a mail sent to a contact is opened. I am trying to stick with only campaign section and campaign flow edit, using campaign elements. 

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Dear Ismet, 


using the campaing elements this would be not possible, you would need to use a business process for this. You can create a signal that will be triggered by the condition that you desire. After that you can create in the business process an email that will be automatically sent to the contact owner.                                                                                                                                                        Business process designer article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/business_process_setup/…

Signals article: 


Business process event:



Thank you for contacting us.

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Hi Team,


I have added one button in detail on clicking of which , it should be automatically navigated towards the next record in the detail. The records are displayed in tile view. Please refer to the screenshot.



I tried using the following options but they dont seem to work.






Kindly help.




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Best reply

Sarika Sharma,




Ok, then something like this should be used:

onNewLineButtonClick: function(){
				var gridDataValue = this.getGridData();
				var gridDataItems = gridDataValue.getItems();
				var requestedActiveRow = this.get("RecordIndexColumn");
				if (requestedActiveRow != null) {
					if (requestedActiveRow >= gridDataItems.length) {
					var targetActiveRowId = gridDataItems[requestedActiveRow].values.Id;
					this.set("ActiveRow", targetActiveRowId);
					var targetElementId = document.querySelector("[id*=" + CSS.escape(targetActiveRowId) + "]");
					$([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({
						scrollTop: $("#" + CSS.escape(targetElementId.id) + "").offset().top
					}, 2000);

RecordIndexColumn - is a virtual column where we specify the number of the record to which we should scroll (for example can be a separate field on the page or in the detail). This variable:

var targetElementId = document.querySelector("[id*=" + CSS.escape(targetActiveRowId) + "]");

searches for the detail record on the document (since each detail record has an Id value inside the Id selector of the element on the page).


This is not a ready code, but it animates the page to be scrolled to the active row visible in the document.


Best regards,


Hi Sarika,


An example of such a button created for the AccountAddressDetailV2:


1) The button code itself:

				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "NewLineButton",
				"parentName": "Detail",
				"propertyName": "tools",
				"values": {
					"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
					"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
					"style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE,
					"tag": "NewLineButton",
					"caption": { "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.NewLineButtonCaption" },
					"click": {"bindTo": "onNewLineButtonClick"}

2) Creating an attribute:

attributes: {
			"ActiveRowIndex": {
				"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.INTEGER,
				"value": 0

3) The code of the click handler:

onNewLineButtonClick: function(){
				var gridDataValue = this.getGridData();
				var gridDataItems = gridDataValue.getItems();				
				var activeRow = this.get("ActiveRow");				
				for (var i = 0; i < gridDataItems.length; i++) {
					if (gridDataItems[i].values.Id == activeRow) {
							this.set("ActiveRowIndex", i);
				var currentActiveRowIndex = this.get("ActiveRowIndex");
				var newActiveRowIndex = currentActiveRowIndex + 1;
				var gridDataItemsLength = gridDataItems.length;
				if (newActiveRowIndex >= gridDataItemsLength) {
				var targetActiveRow = gridDataItems[newActiveRowIndex].values.Id;
				this.set("ActiveRow", targetActiveRow);

As a result after refreshing the page the button will do what is needed - navigation will be performed.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


Thanks for your response.


I tried the code that you suggested and it is selecting the next record in the row on Clicking the Next Record Button. But the issue is I still have to manually navigate to see the next record that is selected. Kindly suggest me some way that the next selected record automatically gets visible on the screen without me having to scroll towards it.





Sarika Sharma,


Please clarify what do you mean? I thought you need a button that will select the next record in the grid. Do you want to open it or what? Please provide all the details of the task from the very beginning to the expected result.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar, 


I want the functionality as follows:

As Soon as I click on the 'Next Record' Button, the next record should be automatically scrolled up and comes up in the view without me having to scroll the view of the window.



Please check the below link for making it clear.




As soon as a number is entered, and GO button is clicked, it redirects to the line with that number. I want the same redirection to occur on incremental basis.


Sarika Sharma,




Ok, then something like this should be used:

onNewLineButtonClick: function(){
				var gridDataValue = this.getGridData();
				var gridDataItems = gridDataValue.getItems();
				var requestedActiveRow = this.get("RecordIndexColumn");
				if (requestedActiveRow != null) {
					if (requestedActiveRow >= gridDataItems.length) {
					var targetActiveRowId = gridDataItems[requestedActiveRow].values.Id;
					this.set("ActiveRow", targetActiveRowId);
					var targetElementId = document.querySelector("[id*=" + CSS.escape(targetActiveRowId) + "]");
					$([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({
						scrollTop: $("#" + CSS.escape(targetElementId.id) + "").offset().top
					}, 2000);

RecordIndexColumn - is a virtual column where we specify the number of the record to which we should scroll (for example can be a separate field on the page or in the detail). This variable:

var targetElementId = document.querySelector("[id*=" + CSS.escape(targetActiveRowId) + "]");

searches for the detail record on the document (since each detail record has an Id value inside the Id selector of the element on the page).


This is not a ready code, but it animates the page to be scrolled to the active row visible in the document.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,

Many thanks for your response,


I tried the code you've provided above but it seems it is not reflecting any changes or action performed on the screen. I also configured the field "RecordIndexColumn" in section and added incrementing values in each of the records.


Sarika Sharma,




It works correctly (almost, it should be modified a little since there is a problem with the MainHeaderSchemaContainer module at the top and the animation of the record (MainHeaderSchemaContainer sometimes can cover the actual record that is the first or the second in the detail list)). Also an example was provided for the AccountAddress detail and the "New line" button there). See the result:

Best regards,


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Hi Team,

How to upload a image in creatio, and reuse that Image with url in creatio UI.



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Could you please specify the exact place (, detail, record, etc)?

What is your business task?

Best regards,



In portal section need to show company image logo,So need to upload a image to creatio and reuse in portal section using add web page option.Image not in any pubic network,it exists in local system now so trying to upload it to creatio. Hope You understand the requirement.





In order to display a custom image on the portal main page. It can be a banner that conveys the style and spirit of your company. Configure the banner as a separate web page. Create a separate web page on your website similar to the default banner on the portal to display a custom image.

To do this:

  1. Click  → “Set up portal main page.”

  2. Click  → [ Edit ].

  3. Double-click the “Website with image” block.

  4. Specify the title, the page URL, and styles (optional).

  5. Save the changes.

Best regards,


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Hi Team 


We are trying to generate notification Using Academy Article as everything shows successful but no notification was generated





For Approval we tried adding section to mobile but nothing was found in section




These are only option available can anyone suggest some workaround over this


Thank You So Much


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Best reply

Hello Braj,


I'll share here the answer that I provided regarding the approvals case so the community has access to this information as well.

In order to be able to use approvals in the mobile app you would need to follow these steps:

1) You need to run the 3 scripts that will be at the end of the message. This will enable some features needed for this functionality.

2) Then you need to flush (clear) the cache of the Redis server and restart the pool application of the site. 

3) Before adding the approval detail to a section in the Mobile application wizard, you need to make sure that approvals are enabled for this section in the main Creatio site. In order to do that, you need to open the Section wizard at the desired section, and you will see the possibility to enable approvals for this section.

4) Then you can open the Mobile application wizard and open the desired workplace. There you can open the desired section,  select "Details setup" and click on "New detail". There you will be able to select the Type, and here is where you can select the approval that you desire.

After that you can log out and log in at the mobile app, and verify the changes.


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'UseMobileApprovals',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'UseMobileApprovalPushNotifications',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'UseMobileFlutterApprovals',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


Best regards,






We have already a corresponding case from you for our support team. 


We will update you there.


Best regards,



Hi Bogdan,


It has been 20 days.

Please do check over this as client is escalating this


Thank You

Braj Raj singh Kushwaha,


hope this finds you well.


Unfortunately, we are unable to investigate this issue without having access to the instance. We have requested external access from you but never heard back. Kindly get back to us with the external access provided so that we could look into this.


Best regards,


Hello Braj,


the notifications weren't working because the feature UseMobilePushNotifications wasn't enabled. After activating it, I have tested the business process and I could succesfully receive a push notification.


Best regards,


Hello Braj,


I'll share here the answer that I provided regarding the approvals case so the community has access to this information as well.

In order to be able to use approvals in the mobile app you would need to follow these steps:

1) You need to run the 3 scripts that will be at the end of the message. This will enable some features needed for this functionality.

2) Then you need to flush (clear) the cache of the Redis server and restart the pool application of the site. 

3) Before adding the approval detail to a section in the Mobile application wizard, you need to make sure that approvals are enabled for this section in the main Creatio site. In order to do that, you need to open the Section wizard at the desired section, and you will see the possibility to enable approvals for this section.

4) Then you can open the Mobile application wizard and open the desired workplace. There you can open the desired section,  select "Details setup" and click on "New detail". There you will be able to select the Type, and here is where you can select the approval that you desire.

After that you can log out and log in at the mobile app, and verify the changes.


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'UseMobileApprovals',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'UseMobileApprovalPushNotifications',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'UseMobileFlutterApprovals',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


Best regards,




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Can we fill and submit a form of another website using Creatio Landing Pages?

e.g. if the user clicks a button, the fields of a landing page form are automatically populated with creatio values

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Thank you for your question.


Yes, it's possible, but could you please elaborate a little more on your task? Also, where is this button going to be located? In Creatio or on the landing?


Best regards,


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Hi All,


I am looking for feasibility of developing source code using Visual Studio Online. We have our instance on Cloud and due to security reasons, cannot take the backup and install on local. Looking for an alternate way of developing source code with the provision to debug.


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Thank you for your question.


Unfortunately, customers don't have access to the file system of cloud instances due to security reasons.


Best regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Can you suggest any alternative to work on it. We want to develop some custom API code to a site hosted on cloud and to ensure proper development support with option to debug, we need an environment to build it.


Appreciate your valuable input.




There are several options here:

1. You can take an anonymized copy of the cloud instance and deploy it on-site for development. This kind of copy doesn't contain user data so it's quite secure. To get this kind of copy, please contact Creatio support.

2. Perform a development on your clean on-site instance and deliver the changes to the cloud-based instance via packages and/or file transfer (request to support for changing config files)


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

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Hi team,


When my screen resolution is @ 90% then see the below screenshot : 


But when screen resolution is @ 100 % then : 


Can anyone please help me to understand why it is happening?

More Information : Field in front of "Other" checkbox have hidden title. 


Many thanks in advance!

Like 1



Hello Akshit, 

The mentioned issue may occur if you have located the fields too close to each other in the Section wizard. 

I would like to suggest you to double-check how the fields are placed in the Section Wizard and make sure there is at least one "cell" of free space between them as on the attached screenshot:

If needed, please apply the changes, save them and re-login to the instance. The issue should not persist.

Should you have any questions, please let us know!

Best regard,


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