Hide Buttons CommunicationPanel


I need to hide some buttones in the Communication Panel, but i don't know what page to do it, I can hide them wiht javascript but when i enter a particular entity, I need them to be always hidden.

Any idea how to do it?

Thank you!


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Dear Ezequiel Rául Gómez,

In order to hide buttons on the Communication panel, please firstly inspeсt the button you are want to hide so to determine which schema it belongs to. You can create a replacing schema for it and adjust the functionality.

For example, if you inspect "delete button" of a particular row in mail grid on communication panel, you've used to see div id like this: "EmailItemSchemaEmailMessageContainer-91b3925d-63e9-4c6a-8f7d-bd37a4664b29-ViewModule_RightSideBarModule_EmailModule" that means this button related to EmailItemSchema schema and you can replace it to hide this button in the code of this schema.



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