Hi everyone,


Does anyone know if is is possible to set up a field value in business rules by combining 2 strings? For example change the title to something like "Account name - Customer need"? Hope this is achievable without programming as this is really a basic "no code" functionality...




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A business rule isn't able to do this. 

You could do it with a no code approach by creating a process that starts on the record added or modified that reads the record, then sets the field value by combining the two values. The down side to this approach is that the user won't see this value until they refresh the page.

I realize you're after a no code approach, however, if you want to do this with code, you can add something like this to the methods of the page - this will set the name when the record is saved (assuming the field names are correct):

save: function() {
    var account = this.get("Account");
    var need = this.get("LeadType");
    if (account && need) {
        this.set("Name", account.displayValue + " - " + need.displayValue);

(btw, I don't know why formatted code doesn't format code correctly on these forums, but the && is supposed to be &&)


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When trying to run a  sql query in clio against a Creatio cloud environment I'm getting this eror:


System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

   at Creatio.Client.ATFWebRequestExtension.GetServiceResponse(HttpWebRequest request)

   at Creatio.Client.CreatioClient.ExecutePostRequest(String url, String requestData, Int32 requestTimeout)

   at Clio.Common.CreatioClientAdapter.ExecutePostRequest(String url, String requestData, Int32 requestTimeout)

   at Clio.Common.SqlScriptExecutor.Execute(String sql, IApplicationClient applicationClient, EnvironmentSettings settings)

   at Clio.Command.SqlScriptCommand.SqlScriptCommand.Execute(ExecuteSqlScriptOptions opts)


Any thoughts?


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It's impossible to determine the reason without reviewing the logs. You need to try running the same command using a local copy of the app hosted in cloud, get the error message and review the application logs. Also sine this is a PostgreSQL command review the command itself and check if all tables and columns in the query are double-quoted and the register is correct.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


We decided to install a new Creatio Application instance on our linux based servers. We would like to know if we could use the lastest version of PostgreSQL (13 or 14)?

Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Best reply

Hello Pedro,


You can use the 13th version of PostgreSQL. But not the 14th for now.

Best regards,


Hello Pedro,


You can use the 13th version of PostgreSQL. But not the 14th for now.

Best regards,


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Hi Team ,


I'm looking for a solution for a scenario where a user double clicks on the record of a detail with column setup as list view, the record of the connected section should open instead of that detail record page.


Please help me achieve this.


Many Thanks,



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Best reply

Hi Sarika,

To do this would would add some code to the detail to change what happens when the row is double clicked. First, add the NetworkUtilities to the modules list at the top of the detail schema, something like this:

define("UsrMyDetail", ["NetworkUtilities"], function(NetworkUtilities) {

Something like this:

editRecord: function(primaryColumnValue) {
    var row = this.getActiveRow(),
        entity = row.get("UsrMyEntityColumn");
    if (Ext.isEmpty(entity)) {
    var hash = NetworkUtilities.getEntityUrl("UsrMyEntityName", entity.value);
    this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: hash});    


Hi Sarika,

To do this would would add some code to the detail to change what happens when the row is double clicked. First, add the NetworkUtilities to the modules list at the top of the detail schema, something like this:

define("UsrMyDetail", ["NetworkUtilities"], function(NetworkUtilities) {

Something like this:

editRecord: function(primaryColumnValue) {
    var row = this.getActiveRow(),
        entity = row.get("UsrMyEntityColumn");
    if (Ext.isEmpty(entity)) {
    var hash = NetworkUtilities.getEntityUrl("UsrMyEntityName", entity.value);
    this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: hash});    


Hi Ryan,


Thanks for the solution, I tried the below given code and it is working as expected. 



Best Regards,







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Hello community,

I tried downgrading packages to and everything is working fine. The next thing I need to do is downgrading the database version from to Which is the correct way to fix this issue because I'm getting "Versions of application "" and configuration "7.18.4" are incompatible"

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Unfortunately, it's impossible to downgrade the application. 

You can downgrade it if you made the full backup before the upgrade.

Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I have applied red asterisk using CSS on the fields that are mandatory in a section edit page using a client module for CSS.



The asterisk are visible in the pre-existing records but not in the new record. Please help me resolve this issue.


New record page :



Previously saved Record:



Also I'm facing this error of amplitude not defined 


Many Thanks,



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Hi Sarika,


It the fields are mandatory then make them mandatory in the section wizard directly, but not applying red asterisk via css. Using the wizard the fields will be mandatory even when adding a new record.


Best regads,


Hi Oscar, the labels that you can see are field default values that is being used as field label which I have implemented for proper alignment of section fields layout.

The Label Group Name is itself a field and the blank space for the value for Group name is another field whose title has been hidden.

That is why, for applying style, I have used CSS.


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Hi Community,


I am trying to implement JIT when a user is not present. But by default it is creating a user as "Company Employee". Any suggestions how I can identify and create either Company Employee or Portal user based on the response that has been received in the SAML token.

I have followed the following two articles:

  1. Single Sign-On via ADFS
  2. Just-In-Time User Provisioning



Sourav Kumar Samal

Like 2



Hi All,


Can anyone answer on this?




Dear Sourav, 

I would suggest you to carefully check the web.config file located in the root folder of Creatio. 

In this file you can find the list of login providers (the place where you enabling JIT by the guide):

        <provider name="SsoAuthProvider" type="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.Authentication.SSO.SsoAuthProvider, Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader">


            <add name="UserType" value="General" />

            <add name="UseJit" value="false" />



        <provider name="SSPSsoAuthProvider" type="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.Authentication.SSO.SsoAuthProvider, Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader">


            <add name="UserType" value="SSP" />


If you want to enable JIT for portal user you need to make sure that key <add name="UseJit" value="false" /> is added to the block related to the "SSPSsoAuthProvider"

so it looks like:

    <provider name="SSPSsoAuthProvider" type="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.Authentication.SSO.SsoAuthProvider, Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader">


            <add name="UserType" value="SSP" />

            <add name="UseJit" value="true" />


After that please make sure that SspLogin.aspx is specified in all keys instead of NuiLogin.aspx to make sure that user will get a proper portal cookie in case if you want to use a Service Provider initiated SSO flow to create portal users. 

Also please note that in this case ordinary company employees will have to login via direct link only or use the link to NuiLogin.aspx module if they want to use SSO as well. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Does this mean we can only use Jit either for Portal User or for Company Employee user?




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Dear team,


We have an observation from 7.18.5 Cloud Version of Creatio. User A has added his email inbox. When User B logs in using User B's credentials and goes to Contact record of User A, User B is able to see all emails sent by User A!


This could be a possible security issue unless we are missing something.

Please help us with this.



Like 1



Hello Shivani,


Please, check the following setting:




This option should be disabled for the user in question. In case, this is not enabled for user B - please, reach out to us at support@creatio.com so that we could have a closer look at the problem.


Best regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

I am unable to see this image. Could you please reupload or type out the  setting?

Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Can we have an update on this please?

Anastasiia Lazurenko,

The image is not shown.  What setting/parameter are you indicating here?

Shivani Lakshman,

Is it Resolved?

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Hello community,

I'm trying to install a package using update from file system. After the installation everything is added successfully, except for some objects which have the following status (Source code update required).

I tried the following commands but nothing happens.

The structure of the object in the database is modified successfully but this message is displayed again.

** This happens only with replacing objects.


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Thank you for your question!


Please, run database structure update for these objects.


After that, 

select Generate For All Schemas (source code) as on the screenshot below:


And compile the system:


This should resolve the issue.

In case it persists after these recommendations - please, let us know.




Anastasiia Lazurenko,

I tried the recommendations you sent but it still did not work. This happened because I was using the landing version and the package version was newer ( After downgrading the package version everything was compiled successfully. 



Thank you for updating us. Good to know the issue is no longer in place.




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while filling a record in detail I am getting the below error 

What does this error means?


When I tried compiling the site I again get the below error

What does this error means?


I don't see any linking between these errors. Can anyone please help?


Many thanks!

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The 2nd error is resolved I figured out the reason is that the field name(code) is same as the section name(code).

But I didn't find out the reason of 1st error. 



As for the first error message, find this Id from the error message in the UI sources in the developer console F12 -> Sources tab -> Search and see which object is returned in ViewModule.aspx when searching for the Id from the error message (like here https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-overcome-item-unique-identi…). Then you need to remove the SysModule record from the system that is related to the object found in the UI sources.


Best regards,


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