Q: Why there is no option to select "Amount" when creating business rule on Order page?

Also.. no option to select "Price" when creating business rule on Order-products page

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The requirement is to hide the business process a business process from the record/list page for certain user roles.

For example we have connected an approval business process with a section, we need to show that process only for the approver user roles.

Is there a way we can configure this. Please advice

Thank you!

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Hi Community,


We have this requirement from our client, they have existing password management system. They want us to do the login authentication on that system. Any idea where we can start customizing/extending the login functionality.

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Hello community,

I am implementing a way to import/export organizational data. The thing I want to do is create a business process that will transfer the data from SysAdminUnitCopy to SysAdminUnit and vice versa.  For the transfer of this data I created a script in sql server which transfers this data and executes successfully.

The next thing i need to do now is put this script in a sql script type schema and call it from a process.

Is there any way to call/execute a sql script schema from a business process?


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Hi Team,


How to provide the Delete all and Select options in detail menu.


Can any one help with this?




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Hello Akshit,

To select all records in a detail, you just need to call this:


This will select all records in the detail. Once all records are selected, you should just be able to use the Delete menu option to delete all selected records.


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I want to send a notification to a case owner and an escalation manager when a case has not been updated in 48 hours.

For this I found in the admin guide a reference to performing a pipeline condition (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-18/user/bpm_tools/business_process_setup/formulas/process_formulas) and used this to create the following condition:


(decimal)RoundOff(([#System variable.Current Time and Date#]-[#Read modified time.First item of resulting collection.Modified on#]).TotalHours) > 48

However, when trying to save I get the following error - Formula value error: Invalid Operator. I cannot see why this is the case, as it follows the guide exactly with just the variable values updated.


thanks in advance




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Hello Community,

I'm trying to import the administration roles from one environment to another. When trying to add a schema of type data for the SysAdminUnit entity object I get the following message.


The record with Id "6f9af602-3a22-455c-b056-2cf14241f943" is already bound in the data "SysAdminUnit_CompanyAdministrator" of package "SSP" for schema "System administration object"

The record with Id "cc83e259-3630-49fd-918a-27a841d0c4cb" is already bound in the data "SysAdminUnit" of package "Lending" for schema "System administration object"

The record with Id "40cb908c-2a03-4bd6-9415-6c83e8aff297" is already bound in the data "SysAdminUnit" of package "Lending" for schema "System administration object"

The record with Id "720b771c-e7a7-4f31-9cfb-52cd21c3739f" is already bound in the data "SysAdminUnit" of package "SSP" for schema "System administration object"

The record with Id "83a43ebc-f36b-1410-298d-001e8c82bcad" is already bound in the data "SysAdminUnit" of package "Base" for schema "System administration object"


How can I perform this import/export because I have a lot of data of this type. 


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Hello Community!

Is there any easy way to transfer changes from section Pages(Full User) to Portal Pages. I have editet three pages in Lead Section, and i want to transfer these modifications to Portal also. Is there an easy way to do this automatically ?Or i would have to repeat dhe same process to Portal by hand ?

Thanks !

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Hi all!

I have an issue that I'm hoping someone has a simple answer for.

I have a BP that is set to run in the background (it's long running).  It iterates through many items in a script task and then executes a sub-process passing in parameters for that item.  I'm getting the user connection in both BPs using Get("UserConnection").  Both processes run fine if the parent process is set to run in the background, but the subprocess is not.  If I try to also run the subprocess in the background, it will execute the process but it will just get stuck with a status of "Running".  None of the steps show as being executed in the execution diagram.  It's as if the process get's scheduled, but no work actually gets done.

Is there some other way I should be executing the sub-process or fetching the user connection?

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Small update here.  There seems to be no difference between getting UserConnection by referencing it directly or by using  Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection").  Works fine either way, however, I still cannot call a BP set to run in the background from the script task.  Still shows "Running" in the log, but not steps are executed.  Anyone have any thoughts?

For those that may find there way to this post, I think I found the issue.  You need to check the "Serialize in DB" checkbox as well as the "Run process in background" checkbox.

This did expose a bug, however.  If you call the process client-side using the process UID, it runs fine, but if you use the name, it will not run in the background.  See sample code below:

           var config = {

                // Process name

                //sysProcessName: "UsrProcessName",

                sysProcessId: "ee018aff-1b7f-4713-993a-61b1f065df51",

                // parameters process                

                parameters: parameters


            // run process


The above will work as shown, but if I comment out sysProcessId and uncomment sysProcessName, the UI will lock up and show processing until the main process completes.  In other words, it effectively ignores the setting to run in the background.

Jeremy Couzens,

That is interesting and good to know. Thanks for posting this.

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Does anyone have any ideas how you can change the color of a detail section page based on a system setting? If system setting=false, then make it orange, or show a word saying "OFF". If setting=true, then set it to green or write "ON". I'm open to ideas but I just want something that can how on the main list page of the section. Thanks!

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