
I've an old instance of sales team creatio edition.

On Account page I can't see the new feature "DUPLICATE" search.

How can I solve this?


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Hello Stefano,


Could you please contact our technical support in order to take a closer look at the issue?

Please contact us by sending us an email at support@creatio.com


Thank you,


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We have concerns about security of lodash module used in client app. As we understand, version 4.17.19 is used in 7.18.5. Do you plan to update it, or can we have an instruction on how to do so. Thanks in advance!


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I have a requirement to add a Dynamic Case Management (DCM) for detail on portal. Is there any possible way to achieve this?

Thank you.

Like 2



Hello Balaka,


Sorry for the delay with the response. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add cases to the detail page because the DCM module is not compatible with the detail page. 

We will create a request for the R&D team to implement functionality to create a DCM in the detail pages as well. 


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I urgently need to confirm if we can install the package with the development done on instance with version to the instance with the new version, i.e, 8.0.


Please confirm.


Best regards




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Hello Sarika, 


We do not recommend transferring customizations with a package between instances with different versions as it may lead to the errors while applying customizations and as a result affect the system.


I'd suggest to first update the instances to the same version, double-check whether the customizations are still working properly and then proceed with transferring it from one instance to another.

Hope it clarifies!

Best regards,


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Hi community,

I'm trying to read the value of a custom system setting in creatio from the client-side, but I noticed that even if my setting has the flag "Cached" it results undefined when I try to get the value using this code:

var test = Terrasoft.SysSettings.cachedSettings.UsrSysSettingTest;

while when I use the asynchronous way it works fine.

Code for the asynchronous way:

Terrasoft.SysSettings.querySysSettingsItem("UsrSysSettingTest", function(sysSettingTest) { 

       var test = sysSettingTest; //here is defined

}, this);

Do you know why this is happening?


Let me know.

Thanks in advance,


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Best reply

Hi everyone,

I discovered that the problem with the cached setting was the type of it. To fix the issue I simply had to change the type from Text (500) to Text (250), I tried to do the same in other environments and I had the same result.

Hope it can help.


Best regards,


Hi Luca,


I was able to reproduce this behavior using the following steps:


1) Create a system setting

2) Don't relogin to the app and execute both commands you've shared in the developer console


As a result synchronous call returns undefined, async call returns value.


You need to relogin to the app to start using the setting value synchronously (if it won't help try flushing Redis).


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,

I've actually logged into the app many times, I even closed the browser and flushed Redis, but I still have this issue.


Is there anything else I can do?



Best regards,


Luca Tavasanis,


Does this issue occur in another browser? In my case cached system setting was fetched properly after relogin and the issue is not in the rights for the setting since you can fetch it asynchronously.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Yes, I have this problem also in other browsers.


Best regards,


Hi everyone,

I discovered that the problem with the cached setting was the type of it. To fix the issue I simply had to change the type from Text (500) to Text (250), I tried to do the same in other environments and I had the same result.

Hope it can help.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


Kindly provide me some resolution for the following scenario:


In the instance, there is one parent object 'Enquiry' and 'EnquiryForInsurers' is the child object of Enquiry. Now , I deleted one lookup field from the parent object Enquiry and published the object successfully.


But while I'm updating the child object EnquiryForInsurers, I'm facing the error which says failed to update the database structure. Although the deleted lookup field is not there in the inherited columns of the child object EnquiryForInsurers, but still I'm not able to publish the child object successfully.


Please refer to the screenshots for errors information.




kindly help in resolving this error..








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Best reply

The issue was in the foreign key constraint left in the database after the column was deleted from your object and this constraint prevented the database structure from being updated. We've removed that foreign key and the issue was fixed.


Best regards,


The issue was in the foreign key constraint left in the database after the column was deleted from your object and this constraint prevented the database structure from being updated. We've removed that foreign key and the issue was fixed.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


Thanks for the help

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Hello community,

I'm trying to insert a datatable with a thousand rows in the database from the server side. Does Creatio offer bulk operations to the database?

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To achieve your business task you can also use Import build-in toll.

Please refer to the article by the link below:



Please also check the OData functionality, it could help you to implement your task.


If you want to do it directly from the database please check the information on the official website of its developer.

Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I urgently need one solution for how we can highlight or apply background color to a specific word in the sentence that is modified.


For example : There is one string field in section. On record creation , the value is entered in the field - 'This is a example.' and record is saved.


Now, later if the user modifies the value to 'This is an example'., the changed field value should be highlighted in the following manner which means only the specific word that is changed is highlighted in color.



Please provide some solution for this.







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Hello Sarika,


There is no such oob functionality, implementation of this idea will require development. Unfortunately, we do not have any ready to use examples of how it can be achieved with code. 


I have forwarded your idea to our responsible R&D team to consider it's implementation in the upcoming versions of the Application. 


Thank you for helping us to make our application better!


Best regards,



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Any ideas how to change the order of Account and Contact in the "Customer" selection of opportunities ?


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Nevermind found it, but leaving the post as this can interest some people:


attributes: {
			"Client": {
				"multiLookupColumns": ["Account","Contact"]


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Hi Colleagues! How are you?

I'm trying to develop a kind of webhook on Creatio. To achieve it I have created an anonymous web service. The issue I'm experiencing is a Bad Request 400 when receiving the request that is going to be sent by third party app. They are going to send an XML using  POST request, Content-Type = text/xml, and XML Body similar to this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>



If i change the encoding for example to UTF-8 it works.

I tried a lot of alternatives but always I get the same result:

  1. Changing the service contract,
  2. Operation contract,
  3. Mapping a custom class,
  4. Override WebContentTypeMapper


Any recommendation? Any workaround?

Appreciate it!


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can you post the code?

keith schmitt,

How are you? Thank you your interest. As I commented I tried a lot of alternatives. Attached the code. Focus on UpdateSMSStatus / 

GetInstructions / ProfileRequest. Each method has a different behavior but none of them works.



Thank you!

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