

How can I break the connection between Contacts and Accounts? For example, I create a new contact "andreia" then choose an account that "andreia" does not belong to the contact, the contact disappears but I don't want that. I want to cut this connection, it is possible?


Thank you!





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Hello Andreia,


Thank you for your question!


Could you please elaborate more on yout business task? If a contact does not belong to the account, it's normal behaviour that they are not compatible together.


Best regards,


Hi Anatasiia,


What I need to do, if possible, is the following:

1. I have these two fields, ("Account" and "Contact") in the Case section



2. First fill in the "Account", then my question is, if it is possible to create a new contact, here on this page, that is not yet associated with this account, but when creating, associate the contact with this account.


My question is whether this is possible.

I hope you can understand!


Thank you.


Best regards,



Hello Andreia,


Thank you for your clarification!

If I understood your question correctly - unfortunately, you are not yet able to create new contacts through the case section without summoning any other additional fields.


Although, you are able to create a new contact by filling out the mini page that appears after you click on "new contact" button:

After which the mini page will appear where you can add the needed account:


I will create a request for our R&D team so they will develop the desired functionality in future releases. 

Hope it helps! 


Thank you, 


Thank you for the help Artem,


Best regards,


Hi Artem,


But in relation to my first question "How can I break the connection between Contacts and Accounts?" how can I do that? 


Thank you.


Kind regards,




I would like to do this as well. We have Different Account types that we use for Vendors on Projects.   If I add an account lookup and filter by the type, the Contact gets removed when I hit Save. I need to be able to add accounts where the contact is not associated with it.  Is this possible?

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Hi Team,


I have applied a field validation on edit page of section field "Name" that is should allow only numbers and it is working fine.

But the same section is an editable detail on other section where the field validation is not working.


Need some help to achieve the same validation on this editable detail mode.


Many thanks in advance!

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Can anyone please help with this.

Hello Akshit,


You can investigate BaseCommunicationDetail and add your validator by analogy.

					this.addColumnValidator("Number", newItem.validateField, newItem);
					this.addColumnValidator("Number", newItem.checkCommunicationDuplicates, newItem);



Hello Marcin,


Could you please explain in detail?



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Hi Community,


Any example how to do server side esq to delete records with multiple filter condition?



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Hello Fulgen,


You can find many examples by searching terrasoft source code files if You have local instance of Creatio.


One of example with multiple filters is from UpdateTargetAudienceProcessHelper.MarketingCommon.cs

		public virtual void ClearCurrentTargets() {
			new Delete(UserConnection)


Best regards,


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Hello community,

I'm trying to import/export data from one environment to another. I noticed that for each type of entity a table named 'Sys' +  entityName + 'Right' was created. I could not create data type schemes for these tables. What solution does Creatio offer for the transfer of this data?

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I have set up sales teams 7.18 .net core in windows system. I have come across the following post (https://community.creatio.com/questions/anonymous-custom-configuration-service-net-core) to create anonymous service. Please guide me on following questions:

  1. Should .svc file be externally created? If so where exactly it should be placed in the local folder?
  2. what are the steps for visual studio IDE settings for .net core setup in windows?
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Regarding your question about creating an anonymous web service: please follow the link below to the documentation, here you can find all the needed information in the "Develop a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication for .NET Core" section.


The short answer is, in .NetCore you don't need need to create the .svc file, you simply need to modify an appsettings.json file.


As for your second question, basically, there are no special steps/settings in VS IDE for .net core. It contains lots of tools but they are all optional and are not absolutely required for .net core. 

The only thing you should understand is that the code will be compiled under netstandard.


The application installation package on the .Net Core platform is universal, both on Linux and Windows.


Best regards,



Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Thank you firstly for your answer,


after configuring anonymous service for .net core indicated in the previous link, how we can test if they work ?

i tried with this link : "http://mycreatio.com/0/ServiceModel/UsrCustomConfigurationService.svc/G…"

but i get this error : page can’t be found



If you have followed the example on Creatio Academy, please note that you cannot use the mycreatio.com website, but need to substitute the URL of your Creatio site and the name of the service you created.

Form a link like this


[Creatio application URL]/ServiceModel/[Custom web service name]/[Custom web service endpoint]


Thank you.

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 Hi community,

I'm trying to disable the columns of an editable detail to make them read only and I have read many articles about it, but I'm still having a problem that I can't fix.

I wrote this code in the GridDetail to disable the fields but I noticed that for some of the columns of the detail is not working.

getCellControlsConfig: function(entitySchemaColumn) {
    if (!entitySchemaColumn) {
    var columnName = entitySchemaColumn.name;
    var enabled = (entitySchemaColumn.usageType !== this.Terrasoft.EntitySchemaColumnUsageType.None) &&
        !this.Ext.Array.contains(this.systemColumns, columnName);
    var config = {
        itemType: this.Terrasoft.ViewItemType.MODEL_ITEM,
        name: columnName,
        labelConfig: {visible: false},
        caption: entitySchemaColumn.caption,
        enabled: enabled
    if (!this.values.IsEnabled) {
        config.enabled = false;
        //config.labelConfig.enabled = false;
        //this.set("Is"+columnName+"enabled", false);
    if (entitySchemaColumn.dataValueType === this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP) {
        config.showValueAsLink = false;
    if (entitySchemaColumn.dataValueType !== this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.DATE_TIME &&
        entitySchemaColumn.dataValueType !== this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN) {
        config.focused = {"bindTo": "Is" + columnName + "Focused"};
    return config;

Debugging I have discovered that the detail adds to the labelConfig the property "enabled" which is binded to an attribute ("isProductenabled").

I tried to force the property writing it in the method and I also tried to set the attribute manually, but it's not working... do you have any idea?

Let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Best reply

Luca Tavasanis,

While I was debugging I have noticed that the properties of the labelConfig that enabled some of the fields where added in the method: "applyBusinessRulesForActiveRow: function(id, gridLayoutItems)" and to fix the issue I just added this method in the client module.

You can lock the fields in the editable detail using business rules on the page for the detail, rather than in code. On the page for the detail, add a business rule to make the field not editable. Something like 

Condition: Boolean true = Boolean false (something that is never true)

Then: Make field editable (the condition is never true, so field is never editable)

The business rule will apply to the detail list and the fields will not be editable in the detail list.


Hi Ryan,

I'm actually working with the BaseGridDetail so I can't lock it with a business rule... do you have any other idea?


Thanks anyway.


Luca Tavasanis,

IIRC to do it in code I usually do it like this (but unable to verify if this is correct at the moment)

getCellControlsConfig: function(entitySchemaColumn) {
    // get config from base 
    var config = this.mixins.ConfigurationGridUtilities.getCellControlsConfig.apply(this, arguments);
    var columnName = entitySchemaColumn.name;
    // if this is the column I want to disable
    if (columnName === "UsrMyColumn") {
        Ext.apply(config, {
            enabled: false
    return config;

Hopefully that gets you closer, of course, if you're wanting to disable all, you could just remove the if to check the column it's for.


Ryan Farley,

I just tried what you suggested but unfortunately it's not working... it returns an error when I use this.callParent(arguments);.

Thank you anyway.


Luca Tavasanis,

While I was debugging I have noticed that the properties of the labelConfig that enabled some of the fields where added in the method: "applyBusinessRulesForActiveRow: function(id, gridLayoutItems)" and to fix the issue I just added this method in the client module.

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Q: Why there is no option to select "Amount" when creating business rule on Order page?

Also.. no option to select "Price" when creating business rule on Order-products page

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The requirement is to hide the business process a business process from the record/list page for certain user roles.

For example we have connected an approval business process with a section, we need to show that process only for the approver user roles.

Is there a way we can configure this. Please advice

Thank you!

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Hi Community,


We have this requirement from our client, they have existing password management system. They want us to do the login authentication on that system. Any idea where we can start customizing/extending the login functionality.

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Hello community,

I am implementing a way to import/export organizational data. The thing I want to do is create a business process that will transfer the data from SysAdminUnitCopy to SysAdminUnit and vice versa.  For the transfer of this data I created a script in sql server which transfers this data and executes successfully.

The next thing i need to do now is put this script in a sql script type schema and call it from a process.

Is there any way to call/execute a sql script schema from a business process?


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