I've created a process that send email.

I'm trying to inject process parameters into an HTML element of a custom email template, But the values are NOT populated into the html output.

 (see attached screenshot..)




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 Hello Eran, 

in order to do that first you need to add a block to the designer, and then add a text element. When you click on the text element, you will see at the top corner a thunder. If you click on the thunder you will be able to add your parameter to the text element.

Then, you need to click again on the text element, and you will see near the tunder another button, which has a tag inside <>, it is called "Edit source HTML code". You can click on it and it will show you the HTML for this text element, including the HTML for the parameter. Now you need to copy the  HTML code for this parameter (it will be an image tag) .

Then, you can go to the HTML block where you want to use this parameter, and paste it.  This will be enough to pass the parameter.

Also, you can create a parameter at the HTML element, and at the  "Value" field, you can pass this image tag that represents your parameter. 

Both options are valid to pass a parameter to your HTML element. I'll attach here photos showing how to do the steps mentioned above.


Best regards,




Hello Eran, 


following our conversation over the email, I'll share here as well the two ways to dinamically insert Id's into a link, in order to use that link at an email.


-The best one is creating a formula where you will concatenate two strings, the URL + the activity ID. 

You just need to create a formula before the email and modify the strings like this

"http://my.domain.com/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/ActivityPageV2/edit/"+[#Parameter 1#]  

I'll attach a photo showing how you can do this.

After that, your Parameter 1, will be a ready to use link with the ID attached at the end.

Now you can insert it into a text block (clicking on the thunder icon as I've shown in photos from previous messages) .

Or you can directly insert the img tag into the HTML code, you dont need to use the <a> tag because the img tag will be automatically converted to a link once you send the email. The formula will be responsible to merge the dynamic value of the parameter with the URL, and when you insert that into the email it will be a ready to use link.

-You can also create a text block in the email, then copy and paste the URL, after that you insert the Parameter with the ID, and then you put quotation marks between them "http://my.domain.com/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/ActivityPageV2/edit/[#Parameter 1#]".

This method is less desirable to use but i'll also attach a photo showing how does it look in the email designer.


Best regards,


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How can we filter to left "client" field in opportunities to show only accounts for selection and not contacts or accounts ?


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Best reply

Hi Damien,

You can add this to the page attributes to remove the contact lookup option:

attributes: {
  "Client": {
    "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"]


Hi Damien,

You can add this to the page attributes to remove the contact lookup option:

attributes: {
  "Client": {
    "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"]


Ryan Farley,


Thanks, worked perfectly :)

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I have a requirement to bind Organizational Roles to the package. I have come across some similar questions on academy and found that we can use SQL script to perform the same. Could someone please help with this if they are familiar with this approach or have done this activity previously. Thank you

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Thank you for your question. 


Please, note that it's not recommended to bind users, organizational structure, roles, licenses, and other administrative things to a package. It will be very hard to handle that if you decide to install that package after the moment when the client adjusts that administrative things according to his or her needs directly on the production.


Unfortunately, there is no script we could provide you with but in case you decide to bind this data and transfer it to another environment we suggest checking all changes on the copies before delivering it to the production websites. The organizational structure is in the "SysAdminUnit" and "SysAdminUnitInRole" tables and you are right, it's possible to bind it to the package via SQL scripts only.


Best regards,


We usualy do the following:

Create separate package for Roles

1. Add Data for SysAdminUnit 

2. Add Data for SysUserInRole

Before you install the package

Switch off trigger TRSysAdminUnitRoot in table SysAdminUnit (otherwise it will block adding new roles)

Install the package


Switch on trigger TRSysAdminUnitRoot in table SysAdminUnit

And always remember, that deleting of data cannot be transfered without SQL script

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how can I add a link to a created activity on the email sent by "Send email to case assignee"  process ?? 



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Hello Eran, 


Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task, do you need to have the direct link to the activity page ( meaning email record sent by "Send email to case assignee"  process) or which functionality exactly should be achieved?


Thank you in advance!

Best regards, 



There is a process (in process library) "Send email to case assignee" that sends email to the employee once a task is assigned to him. 

This process creates a new activity (for the employee to handle the case) and populate the "Specifying case assignee" email template, then sends it to the employee email.


I need to add a link in this template that will take the user directly to the newly activity page that was created by the process.


I hope it's clearer now  :-).



Hello Eran,


We've been able to build a process that would make such an idea work. Please follow this link to download the process, then you need to install it on your instance to see how everything works.


Just a few comments though:

In the [Add data] element, you would need to change the "To" and "From" fields to the values you need. Also, please remember that this is just an example of how such logic can be implemented and that it is possible. However, though this process could work on its own, you will need to implement it into the "Send email to case assignee" business process on your own and make changes to it so it could work seamlessly within the main process.


Please let me know if any questions appear or additional information is needed!


Kind regards,


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Hello community! 

I would like to know if there's an easy way to check whether or not an input string is an acceptable email address (mening that it contains at least "@.")

I would like to check the correctness of the input received by the user, no need to verify the validity of the email address (I know there's an addon in the marketplace for that). 

Otherwise I'll just stick to the old but gold "[#myParam#] !=  String.Empty" check.

Thank you in advance.

Have a great day (:

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Best reply

Hi Federica, 

The very basic way to check for a character or a string inside another string is to use String.Contains('char') method. 

For example, you can use it in your conditional flow like this :

[#ReadDataUserTask1.First item of resulting collection.Notes#].Contains('@')


Best regards,


Hi Federica, 

The very basic way to check for a character or a string inside another string is to use String.Contains('char') method. 

For example, you can use it in your conditional flow like this :

[#ReadDataUserTask1.First item of resulting collection.Notes#].Contains('@')


Best regards,



Thank you Yurii! 


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When creating a new Task the system automatically sets the task duration 30 minutes. How can I change this default value?


There is an older question about it, but I can't find that line that is mentioned there  


Thanks in advanced for your help!

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Hello Cesar,


Unfortunately, there is no option to change the default value anymore.

As a workaround, you are able to change the duration after creating the task.


Thank you,


Hello Cesar,


Unfortunately, there is no option to change the default value anymore.

As a workaround, you are able to change the duration after creating the task.


Thank you,


Hello Artem,


In version 8.0.10, is it possible to change the default value assigned to the duration of activities?

Thank you,




Hello Andreia,


Unfortunately, this option is still not available at the moment. However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases.



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Hi Team,


How can we clear the value of any decimal/integer/Currency field value.

I have tried using the below given approaches for achieving this :


1. I have applied one business rule through which when the checkbox adjacent to the decimal/integer/Currency field is unchecked, the value in the decimal/integer/Currency field becomes 0.


2. setting the field value as null by code on edit page of the section



I want the field value to be absolutely cleared out and even there should not be any 0 by default value.


Please help me find any solution to this.


Many Thanks,



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Hello Sarika, 


As of now, there is no way to replace "0" with empty/blank value for columns with Integer/Decimal/Currency type as it will contradict working logic of a column (unspecified/empty value is being converted to 0). 

We already have a corresponding query registered for our R&D team to implement such functionality in the upcoming versions of the application, I will assign your request to the project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you!


Best regards,


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Can we deactivate / hide the icons in the right side action pane (for example here below hide the email and chat icons) the same way we can deactivate for the phone ?

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Hello Damien, 


Most of the icons cannot be removed from  the Communication Panel with a help of basic system tools but only with a help of development. 

Still, there is a way to hide the phone icon by disabling the functionality, please refer to the below post:



Also, there are some of the related posts with examples of how the described functionality can be achieved for other icons:





Hope it clarifies!

Best regards,


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Is there a way to set up a 'Formatting pane' for different fields/ columns



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Hi Minh, 

One of the ways to do it is to add : 


"operation": "merge",
"Name": "$name$"
"contentType": this.Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT 


to the "Diff Schema" section of the schema of the page

where $name$ is the code of the field.

Important points: 

1. You can only add it to Text fields. 

2. It will add HTML tags to the content of the field, which might be displayed as well : 


3. Also, as you can see on the above screenshot, it adds the panel to the page, which is not collapsable.

Please consider the points noted above, before making changes. 


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Hi Community, how are you?

We have own package configured as seen on the image below:


In this environment we are using this addon: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/field-sales-creatio

We made customization for mobile (Account, Contacts, Opportunities, etc. ) that are working as expected on the default workplace. In this workplace we cannot use Field Sales, so we change to Field sales workplace. By default Field sales workplace only include activities so we included account, contact, etc. The scenario right now is:

  • If we use default workspace we see our customization but activities is standard without field sales functionality
  • If we use Field sales workspace we can use field sales functionality but our customization on Account for example are not visible (we see the standard account)

Our goal is to combine Field Sales add-on functionality with our customizations. We thought that this was something that was given implicitly since in our package we inherited from field force.

Appreciate any help.

Thank you


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Dear Uriel, 

In this case, depending on kind of customization you made you need to check MobileManifest and Modules you are using for DefaultWorkplace and try to copy them and their content into respective modules and manifests for Field Workplace. 

Basically, workplaces in mobile are different applications and in this case you will have to manually transfer the needed changes. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Thank you!

I tried but I couldn't. It takes me some changes yes and others no. Do you have any example of this?




Unfortunately, there is no examples we can provide you with as there can be different variations of customizations made. The general recommendation would be to perform all the manual changes you need to make in Mobile Application Wizard before modifying the code in schemas, because saving changes in wizard will override your customizations. 

Once all the fields and sections are added, you can proceed with transferring customizations in code. 

More information on customizations can be found in this academy article and all other articles related to it:


Best regards, 


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