Hi Team,


How can we clear the value of any decimal/integer/Currency field value.

I have tried using the below given approaches for achieving this :


1. I have applied one business rule through which when the checkbox adjacent to the decimal/integer/Currency field is unchecked, the value in the decimal/integer/Currency field becomes 0.


2. setting the field value as null by code on edit page of the section



I want the field value to be absolutely cleared out and even there should not be any 0 by default value.


Please help me find any solution to this.


Many Thanks,



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Hello Sarika, 


As of now, there is no way to replace "0" with empty/blank value for columns with Integer/Decimal/Currency type as it will contradict working logic of a column (unspecified/empty value is being converted to 0). 

We already have a corresponding query registered for our R&D team to implement such functionality in the upcoming versions of the application, I will assign your request to the project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you!


Best regards,


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Can we deactivate / hide the icons in the right side action pane (for example here below hide the email and chat icons) the same way we can deactivate for the phone ?

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Hello Damien, 


Most of the icons cannot be removed from  the Communication Panel with a help of basic system tools but only with a help of development. 

Still, there is a way to hide the phone icon by disabling the functionality, please refer to the below post:



Also, there are some of the related posts with examples of how the described functionality can be achieved for other icons:





Hope it clarifies!

Best regards,


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Is there a way to set up a 'Formatting pane' for different fields/ columns



File attachments
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Hi Minh, 

One of the ways to do it is to add : 


"operation": "merge",
"Name": "$name$"
"contentType": this.Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT 


to the "Diff Schema" section of the schema of the page

where $name$ is the code of the field.

Important points: 

1. You can only add it to Text fields. 

2. It will add HTML tags to the content of the field, which might be displayed as well : 


3. Also, as you can see on the above screenshot, it adds the panel to the page, which is not collapsable.

Please consider the points noted above, before making changes. 


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Hi Community, how are you?

We have own package configured as seen on the image below:


In this environment we are using this addon: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/field-sales-creatio

We made customization for mobile (Account, Contacts, Opportunities, etc. ) that are working as expected on the default workplace. In this workplace we cannot use Field Sales, so we change to Field sales workplace. By default Field sales workplace only include activities so we included account, contact, etc. The scenario right now is:

  • If we use default workspace we see our customization but activities is standard without field sales functionality
  • If we use Field sales workspace we can use field sales functionality but our customization on Account for example are not visible (we see the standard account)

Our goal is to combine Field Sales add-on functionality with our customizations. We thought that this was something that was given implicitly since in our package we inherited from field force.

Appreciate any help.

Thank you


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Dear Uriel, 

In this case, depending on kind of customization you made you need to check MobileManifest and Modules you are using for DefaultWorkplace and try to copy them and their content into respective modules and manifests for Field Workplace. 

Basically, workplaces in mobile are different applications and in this case you will have to manually transfer the needed changes. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Thank you!

I tried but I couldn't. It takes me some changes yes and others no. Do you have any example of this?




Unfortunately, there is no examples we can provide you with as there can be different variations of customizations made. The general recommendation would be to perform all the manual changes you need to make in Mobile Application Wizard before modifying the code in schemas, because saving changes in wizard will override your customizations. 

Once all the fields and sections are added, you can proceed with transferring customizations in code. 

More information on customizations can be found in this academy article and all other articles related to it:


Best regards, 


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Hi Team,


Response time and resolution time is filled in based on the combination of case category, service type and service but when the cases are created via email only the case category is filled in and an email is sent to the customer without resolution time.

Is there a setting were we can set a resolution time only with the case category?





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Hello Amritha,


In order to change how resolution time is calculated please go to system designer -> Lookup -> Case deadline calculation schemas.


In there, you are able to choose one of the default options (one of which will suit your demand and is called "By service") or create your own rules.

To read more about resolution time calculation please refer to the academy article here.


Thank you,


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Is this a known issue? When any of our users try to upload a template to an excel report, it fails without an error message. The "template uploaded" box does not get checked. Any other users experiencing this or have troubleshooting suggestions?

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Hi Mitch,


Yes, this issue was reported, however we were unable to reproduce it. Please specify the following to help us reproduce the issue:

your Creatio product and version

add-on installation date

send us a template file without confidential data in a private message


Kind regards,


We are using Creatio Service, Sales, and Marketing v7.18.3 install date 11/1/2017

Mitch Kaschub,

Hi Mitch!

I recommend updating your add-on to the latest version as this issue was fixed in it.

You can find the latest version on this page:


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Hi Team,


I am not able to add detail (Education) record in the new section record, please see the error it is displaying on the console. 


I have tried compiling the system, but it didn't work.

However I am able to create records in the detail in already created records of the section.


Please help me in resolving this.


Many thanks!

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Hello Akshit,


Could you please contact our support team in order to investigate your problem?

Please send us an email at support@creatio.com


Thank you,


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I've setup my yahoo mail in creatio and I can send emails.

BUT in my "incoming" box in creatio I can't see any email! (looks like it won't sync).

BTW: I can see my sent emails the "outgoing" (so some sync did happen ! )


Any idea?  

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Hello Eran,


It's hard to say without access to the configuration of the website. Perhaps you have enabled specific folders for the synchronization and Incoming is not one of them.

Please contact Creatio technical support via email support@creatio.com so our team can assist you.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

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Hi community,

is it possible to call a procedure inside a script block in a business process ?

A postgres function can't contains commit statements.

A postgres procedure can contains commit statements.

I need to call a postgres procedure.

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Hi Stefano,

This is how we call postgres function with parameter from process script:

Guid usrRecordId = Get<Guid>("UsrRecordId");

StoredProcedure storedProcedure = new StoredProcedure(UserConnection, "UsrSetOpportunityRights")

    .WithParameter("RecordId", usrRecordId)  as StoredProcedure;


Vladimir Sokolov,

Hi Vladimir,

I know this way, but it doesn't work with procedure.

Stefano Bassoli,




The problem here is that the StoredProcedure class calls not stored procedures, but functions and it's so because of the fact that PostgreSQL supports stored procedures starting from 11 version. Currently there is no way to call a PostgreSQL procedure from a business process.


Best regards,


As I understand, function is performed as one transaction. And if error appears, rollback will cancel all actions.

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Hello community,

Is it possible to call BaseEntityEventListener.OnSaving for a specific entity from a business process?

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If the Parent Object of your entity is "Base Entity", all the Event Listeners of Base entity will be triggered during the execution of business processes. 

Best regards,


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