Hi Community,


We wanted to customize the case edit page and section in portal. Where we can modify it? Is there available section wizard? What are the client schema?



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Hello Fulgen,


Thank you for your question!


Please note that the portal user cannot access the functions of the page-, detail- and section wizards. These functions can be accessed from the main system interface with administrator permissions in the following way:

  1. Enter the [ Workplace setup ] section in the system designer.
  2. Select the [ Portal ] workplace and click the [ Open ] button.
  3. Select the required section and click the [ Section wizard ] button.

The standard section wizard will open.

You may read more about the Self-service portal by the following link:



Hope this helps!



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Hi Community,


I have created a new workplace in our development system. Now I wanted to transfer this new workplace in our production system. What are the objects I need to consider in Data Binding?


Thank you

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Hi Fulgen!

Thank you for your question!

In this case, we would recommend you binding the data with the packages. You may read more on how to bind the data here (the link is clickable) and here (the link is clickable).

Please note that the schemas you ought to bind are: SysSchema & SysWorkplace with your package.


Hope this helps.

In case you have any other questions, please, feel free to contact us!



Ivanna Yatsura,

Please, can you explain why we need to bind SysSchema? 


Data binding is a process that ensures the developed functionality is transferred correctly between environments. When you bind SysSchema, you are essentially ensuring that the schema (the structure of your data) is correctly transferred and maintained in the new environment



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Hi Community,


I have created a POST API which accepts class object as parameter. Below is my code.



When I tested my API using Postman, I am getting Object Reference Error.



Any idea, what's wrong with my code? In academy I cannot find any example of configuration service which accepts class object as parameter.


Thank you so much

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Hi Fulgen,


It usually means that the problem is somewhere with the UserConnection. Can you please also check the application logs at the moment of issue reproduce? Maybe they contain more information on this topic?


Best regards,



You also need to add the [DataContract] attribute to the class you're passing/returning (the ActivityRequest and Activity classes) 


Ryan Farley,

 Hi Ryan, Thank you for your reply.


I tried to put [DataContract] and [DataMember] attribute on my object classes but still the same error I am getting. 

Fulgen Ninofranco,

Fulgen, I believe your issue is how you're passing the body to the service. Since the method takes a single parameter named "activityRequest" which is an object, the body should look like this:

    "activityRequest": {
        "DepartmentId": "the id here",
        "StatusId": "the id here"

This way, the parameter of activityRequest will be filled with the object containing the two values of DepartmentId and StatusId. The way you're passing the body in now, it is assuming there are two parameters, one named DepartmentId and one named StatusId, so when you try to use the activityRequest properties the object is null.


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I have a text field that contains a unique number in contacts- and I have a problem where we should only have that number once in our system. I need to prevent my users from creating duplicates when they save new contacts. 

Can I do that in a business rule?

Or what would that look like in a business process?

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In a process, it's really too late for validation. The best way is to accomplish this via programming. You can use the asyncValidate method for this type of task. I have an article here that shows how to use it and even uses a sample scenario that is similar to yours (the sample code in the article shows how to ensure that an opportunity has a unique job number).


You should be able to use the code in the article with minimal changes to accomplish what you're after.


Thank Ryan- And I would just paste this into my source code in contacts? Does it matter where in the code I paste it? I can see where I would put in my own info and sub in my object names- but as a non-coder, I want to make sure I add the code in the correct location. 

Heather Mahley,

This would go into the methods block in the page code. Since you're not familiar with writing code, I'd copy and save all the page code first to revert back to if needed. Also, feel free to post the code with the addition here before saving it and I'll take a look to make sure its all in the right place.


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Hi Community,

I have this situation where I need to update all the AccountAddress records that belong to my Account and have ImdNumerador "0". In order to do that I added the following query:

var updateQuery = Ext.create("Terrasoft.UpdateQuery", {
	rootSchemaName: "AccountAddress"
var firstFilter = updateQuery.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Account", this.get("Id")); 
var secondFilter = updateQuery.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "ImdNumerador", 0); 
// Filters will be updated by AND logical operator in query filters collection. 
updateQuery.filters.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND;
// Adding created filters to collection. 
updateQuery.filters.add("firstFilter", firstFilter);
updateQuery.filters.add("secondFilter", secondFilter);
updateQuery.setParameterValue("Primary", false, this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN); 
updateQuery.setParameterValue("IsInactive", true, this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN); 
		window.console.log("Update Successfull");

This query is executed everytime I press a button that I've created in AccountPageV2.js.

When I execute this query I get the error bellow:

I'm not understanding this error because:

  • I don't have any validation or rule for my Country field, so this must be a rule that comes with the default Creatio applications.
  • All the records that I'm trying to update have the country field filled in, so I don't know why I'm getting this.

I would like to know why this is happening and how can I fix it.

Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


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Hi Pedro,


The same code connected to the button on our side worked perfectly:

Try opening all the account addresses records for the account where the update error message is returned, try applying any change to each of those addresses records and check if any of them returns an error (one of them or several records should return an error). Once the error is received you can send a screenshot of such an address record and we can check why the error is received together.


Best regards,


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Changes on attributes dependencies are not being triggered on my detail edit page. Any reason for that ?


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It's really hard to understand the issue completely without the code of the detail edit page and without the logic that the code represents. Can you please provide us with it?


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


In the update guide (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/release/update-guide/update-guide#titl…), there are sets of scripts needs to be executed before proceeding to the upgrade. But in the guide they only specified MSSQL and PostgreSQL scripts they have not given a script for Oracle. Any idea what is the counterpart of the below  scripts in Oracle. Thank you so much.


Before updating to version 7.15.3


declare @val as varchar(max) = ''

select @val = concat(@val, SchemaName, ', ')


(select SysSchema.Name as SchemaName

from SysSchemaContent with (nolock)

inner join SysSchema with(nolock) on SysSchemaContent.SysSchemaId = SysSchema.Id

inner join SysPackage with(nolock) on SysSchema.SysPackageId = SysPackage.Id


SysPackage.Maintainer != 'Terrasoft' and

SysSchema.ManagerName in ('EntitySchemaManager', 'PageSchemaManager',

'ProcessSchemaManager', 'ProcessUserTaskSchemaManager', 'SourceCodeSchemaManager') and


cast(SysSchemaContent.Content as varchar(max)) like '%Terrasoft.Reports%' or

cast(SysSchemaContent.Content as varchar(max)) like '%ReportSchemaManager%'



select SysSchema.Name as SchemaName

from SysSchema with(nolock)

inner join SysPackage with(nolock) on SysSchema.SysPackageId = SysPackage.Id


SysPackage.Maintainer != 'Terrasoft' and

SysSchema.ManagerName in ('EntitySchemaManager', 'PageSchemaManager',

'ProcessSchemaManager', 'ProcessUserTaskSchemaManager', 'SourceCodeSchemaManager') and


cast(SysSchema.MetaData as varchar(max)) like '%Terrasoft.Reports%' or

cast(SysSchema.MetaData as varchar(max)) like '%ReportSchemaManager%'


) as contentList

select DB_NAME(), @val as SchemaContent



Updating to 7.16.1

SELECT SysSchema.Name AS SchemaName FROM SysSchema (NOLOCK)

WHERE SysSchema.Id IN (

SELECT SysSchemaId FROM SysSchemaSource

WHERE SysSchemaId IN (




INNER JOIN SysPackage sp WITH (NOLOCK) ON ss.SysPackageId = sp.Id

WHERE sp.Name NOT IN ('Base', 'ProcessDesigner', 'NUI', 'SSP')

AND sp.Maintainer != 'Terrasoft'

AND ss.ManagerName NOT IN ('ClientUnitSchemaManager', 'DcmSchemaManager', 'PageSchemaManager')


AND (Source LIKE '%MailBe%' OR (Source like '%SmtpClient%' AND Source like '%Terrasoft.Mail%'))



Like 0



Hello Fulgen,


Our apologies for the delay in responding!


The required scripts for Oracle are ready.

  • The Before updating to version 7.15.3 script is available below. It will be added to the update guide shortly.
  • begin
    		v_val VARCHAR2(4000) := '';
    			 v_clob CLOB;
    			 v_varchar VARCHAR2(32767);
    			 v_start PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    			 v_buffer PLS_INTEGER := 32767;
    			IF blob_in IS NULL THEN
    				RETURN NULL;
    			END IF;
    			 FOR i IN 1..CEIL(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(blob_in) / v_buffer)
    				v_varchar := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(blob_in, v_buffer, v_start));
    				DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(v_clob, LENGTH(v_varchar), v_varchar);
    				v_start := v_start + v_buffer;
    			 END LOOP;
    			RETURN v_clob;
    		END blob_to_clob;';
    		select v_val = concat(concat(v_val, ','), "SchemaName") into v_val
    			select "SysSchema"."Name" as "SchemaName"
    			from "SysSchemaContent"
    			inner join "SysSchema" on "SysSchemaContent"."SysSchemaId" = "SysSchema"."Id"
    			inner join "SysPackage" on "SysSchema"."SysPackageId" = "SysPackage"."Id"
    				"SysPackage"."Maintainer" != 'Terrasoft' and
    				"SysSchema"."ManagerName" in (
    					'SourceCodeSchemaManager') and
    				(blob_to_clob("SysSchemaContent"."Content") LIKE '%Terrasoft.Reports%' or
    				 blob_to_clob("SysSchemaContent"."Content") LIKE '%ReportSchemaManager%')
    		select "SysSchema"."Name" as "SchemaName"
    		from "SysSchema"
    		inner join "SysPackage" on "SysSchema"."SysPackageId" = "SysPackage"."Id"
    			"SysPackage"."Maintainer" != 'Terrasoft' and
    			"SysSchema"."ManagerName" in (
    				'SourceCodeSchemaManager') and
    			(blob_to_clob("SysSchema"."MetaData") LIKE '%Terrasoft.Reports%' or
    			 blob_to_clob("SysSchema"."MetaData") LIKE '%ReportSchemaManager%')


  • The Updating to 7.16.1 and 7.16.2 script is available in the Academy article.

Best regards, 


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I've seen this post,


Is it possible to use the same logic to change the detail columns captions too (depending on the page) ?

(binding the detail column caption to a property works when I open a detail row for edition, but we need it to happen when the detail is shown on the object edit page)

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Hi Ricardo,


The logic that forms the name of the columns in the Grid is stored in the SysPorfileData table and the actual ObjectData column value is formed using base addProfileColumns method (that is a part of Profile that consists of tiledConfig (config for tiled columns display) and listedConfig (listed columns display config)). Modifying the base logic will be hard (either overriding addProfileColumns and modifying configs or creating a trigger on the database level that will update the SysPorfileData table for the detail grid setup). We don't recommend modifying the logic and recommend using multiple edit pages and setup detail column names separately in different pages.


Best regards,


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Is it possible to reorder the analytics titles in the section analytics data view page?

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Best reply

Dear Ricardo,


Those titles are ordered by alphabet. If you need to set some of them in a specific order you can add dashboards to favorite or number them.


Best regards,


Dear Ricardo,


Those titles are ordered by alphabet. If you need to set some of them in a specific order you can add dashboards to favorite or number them.


Best regards,


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I'm extending BaseSchemaModuleV2 follow example of CenterNotificationModule, but it's missing the messages GetHistoryState and ReplaceHistoryState (already define in BaseSchemaModuleV2). I found that CenterNotificationModule has Parent = BaseSchemaModuleV2, but I cannot find a way to add that Parent to my module.

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Here is an example of extending the modules:


define("UsrTestModuleV2", ["TestModuleV2"],
function() {
    Ext.define("Terrasoft.UsrTestModuleV2", {
        extend: "Terrasoft.TestModuleV2",
        // extend functions in TestModuleV2


In the logic above the "UsrTestModuleV2" will use all the logic of "TestModuleV2" and also extended logic for "TestModuleV2" specified in the "UsrTestModuleV2". Also the parent is already added to "CenterNotificationModule" - it is done in this part of the schema definition:


 define("CenterNotificationModule", ["BaseSchemaModuleV2"]


so BaseSchemaModuleV2 is a dependency for the "CenterNotificationModule".


Best regards,


No, I mean this parent:

The messages are inherited via metadata inheritance:


This is the error I get when I loaded the test module:



Basically, I can manual add those messages into the test module. However, if the BaseSchemaModuleV2 is updated with new messages, the error may happen again. Therefore, inheriting those metadata is the best way to make sure that the test module is forward-compatible. The CenterNotificationModule metadata exported shows that it inherited those metadata instead of redefining them. But it seems that I cannot do that from the developer console, although the built-in package already had ability to do that.

Is there any update?

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