Hi community!


Is it possible to block the change of lead status to final positive according to account status?

My case:

For submitted or rejected account status, Lead status can be any, except final positive (in my case qualified). To set lead status as qualified, the account must be in Approved status.

How can this be achieved?


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Dear Paulina,


You may create the business process that would update the lead status to qualified once  the account is approved. At the same  time, you may lock the lead stage from manual selection in DCM settings and set up the business rule to lock it (if you use simple lookup filed for selecting the statuses)




Dean Parrett,

Hi Dean, 

Thanks for this idea but it doesn't fully meet my requirements.

The manual selection has to be possible (the user needs to decide when the Opportunity should be created). The Account status is copied from the Account and updated if it is changed (Lead can be created with unapproved account and during lead flow, the account can be accepted.) The issue is that lead cannot achieve final positive status if Account status field on the lead is other than Approved. 


Hi Paulina,

you should use validation on your Lead Page.

We do similar in our projects:


asyncValidate: function(callback, scope) {
 this.callParent([function(response) {
  if (!this.validateResponse(response)) {
   function(next) {
   this.asyncValidateSomeDetails(function(response) {
    if (this.validateResponse(response)) {
   }, this);
  function(next) {
   callback.call(scope, response);
  }, this);
 }, this]);

And create your method for validation that returns true or false

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Hi community!


Is it possible to block the change of lead status to final positive according to account status?

My case:

For submitted or rejected account status, Lead status can be any, except final positive (in my case qualified). To set lead status as qualified, the account must be in Approved status.

How can this be achieved?


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Where we qualify a Lead and the account allready exists, the contact of the lead is not linked to the account.

How could i correct this ?

Thank you



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Dear Nikolas,


Your question is a bit unclear. If you are asking if it is possible to create the opportunity if the account has no linked contact - by default it is enough the have the account linked to the lead to qualify it and create the opportunity automatically. The contact can be different. The created opportunity will have the selected account (in the left side bar of the opportunity page)  and the selected contact as well. The contact will appear on the Contacts detail of Opportunity Details tab




Hello Doyen


I deleted my question, the problem was that if an account with the same name allready exists in the database, the contact is not linked to the account when we qualify the Lead.

i told to my users to use the lead account panel to select the account if it allready exists and to create the account if it is a new account.


Thank you for your answer


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Hello Community,


I am doing local setup for Creatio CRM bundle on my old laptop everything is fine but, when I tried to do setup on new laptop it is giving me error as shown as below image.


Does anyone has any idea how to solve this issue? 

File attachments
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Dear Meet,


This error may occur if installation files were corrupted or modified incorrectly.

Try downloading new files from the archive and compare all changed config files with the working instance. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks for the replay.


I have downloaded file 2-3 time. still result remain the same.


And I just do copy paste of my old config, change laptop name in config file, and follow exact steps  which are mentioned in the academy.


Have you checked the requirements for Creatio(https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/on-site_…)? Some applications or Windows features may be missing.


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

I have checked that everything is fine still result remains the same sad



Most likely the root cause of the issue is related to the server-side settings. Can you please try to follow this recommendation and let us know the result?


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Angela Reyes,

Do you have the link where to download Creatio for Local Instance Installation? Tried asking customer support but they can't provide it directly.

Thank you.

Solem Khan Abdusalam,



Installation files for the local deployment can be received from the account manager directly or from us in case you deploy the dev site using the backup of some cloud app.


Also regarding the original error message from Meet's screenshot - the root folder of the application binary file contain a special symbol or empty spaces. Please name the root folder like "OnSite" without empty spaces and the error will be fixed.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


How can I override the Portal Case Page Actions and hide the oob/existing Actions (Cancel Case/Close Case/Reopen Case).



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Hello Fulgen,


Please install this package to the system http://ftp.creatio.com/support/downloads/0968497/Portal_2021-02-23_14.0… and disable the "PortalUserAction" feature in the database by executing this query:


update "AdminUnitFeatureState" set "FeatureState" = 0 where "FeatureId" in (select "Id" from "Feature" where "Code" = 'PortalUserAction')

And relogin to the application under the portal user. Once done the "Actions" button will be removed.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Is it correct override on PortalCasePage client schema the method  getActions() for hide some action?

getActions: function() {
	var actionMenuItems = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.BaseViewModelCollection");
		"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.CancelCaseActionCaption"},
		"Tag": "cancelCase",
		"Enabled": {"bindTo": "EnableCancelAction"}
		"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.CloseCaseActionCaption"},
		"Tag": "closeCase",
		"Enabled": {"bindTo": "EnableCancelAction"}
		"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ReopenCaseActionCaption"},
		"Tag": "reopenCase",
		"Enabled": {"bindTo": "EnableReopenAction"}
	return actionMenuItems;


Stefano Bassoli,




Yes, that's correct. You can either copy this code to the replaced PortalCasePage and remove items that should not be present in the page actions (don't declare them) or you can call parent method and then remove items from the items array returned in the collection of the actionMenuItems object.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


We are have given read only option to all the fields in a detail and on certain status change, have written a business rule to edit few fields and the rest of the fields remaining locked. Post another status change, previously editable field is locked and the other fields are editable. 


Question : During a creation of the detail in the first status, certain fields are locked and the fields which can be editable are editable but when the status is changed based on the rule it has to lock the fields which was edited previously and remaining fields to be editable but all the fields are locked. until in the new status we try to add a new detail then the business rule works and the field which needs to be edited is editable but not to the already created detail.

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Dear Amritha,


For such a task, you may create a business rule for each field and each stage - then when the stage is changed new set of rules will start working. Otherwise, you can add business rules to the source code for each field: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/front-end_development/creati…


Best regards,


Dear Angela,


While creating the fields have given only read access to all the fields. Later in the business rule for a stage, where the fields needs to be edited have given editable option via business rule. But there is no option that for other fields to give  uneditable option in business rule, we havent given that instead provided read only option.


But still, in the initial stage based on the rule few fields are editable and when the stage changes. When we create a new detail then that stage business rules gets applied but to already created detail the business rule for that stage is not getting applied, that is our concern


Amritha Mayan Gorky,

So you mean when detail is moved to another stage old records are still read-only and new records are edible while in fact, all records should be editable? 

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Hi Community,


OOB, Dashboard in Case section in Portal is not available, How can I possibly show this?

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Dear Fulgen,


You can use the Portal main page to configure the dashboard section instead of a separate section. This is the easiest option since most OOB sections cannot be added to Portal at all even with development. 


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


In Contact Lookup lets say in Case page, there is a "New" button for user to create a new Contact record. Once "New" button is clicked, instead of opening contact edit page, I wanted to open add mini card. How can I possibly do this?



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Hi Fulgen,


We are interested in the needOpenMiniPage method from the LookupPageViewModelGenerator. I was able to open the lookup in runtime of the webbrowser by modifying the code of the method in the following way:


original code

needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName) {
			const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
			const entityStructure = moduleUtils.getEntityStructureByName(entitySchemaName);
			const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
			const hasAddMiniPage = editPages[0].hasAddMiniPage;
			return notUseSilentCreation && this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd && !Ext.isEmpty(hasAddMiniPage);

runtime code that opened a minipage when clicking on the "New" button in the modal window:

needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName) {
			this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd=true; //line added
			const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
			const entityStructure = moduleUtils.getEntityStructureByName(entitySchemaName);
			const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
			const hasAddMiniPage = editPages[0].hasAddMiniPage;
			return notUseSilentCreation && this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd && !Ext.isEmpty(hasAddMiniPage);

You need to replace this method in your system and add this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd=true; before this.callParent(arguments) and it should open the minipage:

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi, I'm trying to do what you suggested but can't find the 

needOpenMiniPage method in the LookupPageViewModelGenerator.

Am I looking at the right place? (added screenshot)


Chani Karel,




Yes, this is the correct module, please double-check it, the method declaration is located at 1208 row:

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you so much, I found it.

I have another question now:

I used this atricle https://customerfx.com/article/overriding-modules-in-creatio-formerly-b… to add the override function and it didn't work.

Is there another way to edit the method?

Was I doing the right thing?




Oleg Drobina, Chani Karel,

I am trying to override LookupPageViewModelGenerator but it seems to be not working. 

Can you give me some insights. 

Followed this article: https://customerfx.com/article/overriding-modules-in-creatio-formerly-b…



define("UsrLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2", ["LookupPageViewModelGenerator"],
function()  {
  Ext.define("Terrasoft.UsrLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2", {
    override: "Terrasoft.LookupPageViewModelGenerator",
      needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName) {
             this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd=true; //line added
  			const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
  			const entityStructure = moduleUtils.getEntityStructureByName(entitySchemaName);
  			const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
  			const hasAddMiniPage = editPages[0].hasAddMiniPage;
            return notUseSilentCreation && this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd && !Ext.isEmpty(hasAddMiniPage);



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Dear community,

after reading about the timeline tab (https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/introduction-17), i tried to add some fields in various TimelineTileSetting objects, for example in the Activity tile, here is the Data : 


    "entitySchemaName": "Activity",

    "viewModelClassName": "Terrasoft.ActivityTimelineItemViewModel",

    "viewClassName": "Terrasoft.ActivityTimelineItemView",

    "orderColumnName": "StartDate",

    "authorColumnName": "Owner",

    "captionColumnName": "Title",

    "messageColumnName": "DetailedResult",

    "filters": {

        "typeFilter": {

            "comparisonType": 4,

            "columnName": "Type",

            "columnValue": "E2831DEC-CFC0-DF11-B00F-001D60E938C6"



    "columns": [{

        "columnName": "Result",

        "columnAlias": "ResultMessage"



        "columnName": "Author",

        "columnAlias": "Author"




but it does not change anything in my timeline views.

i can not figure out what's wrong.


any hint appreciated !




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Hello Patrice,


The problem here is that the ActivityTimelineItemView doesn't know anything about the "Author" column and there is no viewConfig for the "Author" column.


Please also see this article that describes how to create a timeline for the custom object in the system https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/creating-timelin….


The idea here is to create a view config for all the columns that are present in the timeline "Data". Same thing should be done for the "Author" column of the activity view model.


Best regards,


Hello Oscar,

thanks for the response, that's a typical rtfm case ;)

i was missing half of the work to do.


best regards



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I am calling business process from contact section to run a script task to send a message from server to the page. Based on the message, 

I am trying to display browser notification message. I am facing following issues:

  • Sometimes browser notification message is not being displayed at all or only business process notification ("service is started ") is displayed
  • Often onMessageReceived method is not getting triggered at all despite user task running successfully

kindly help in resolving the issue. Refer below for code


//user task code in business process
	var UImessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    Message = "Please try again later"
            //intendedUserId is unique identifier parameter sent to business process(current user login)
            var intendedUserId = Get<Guid>("intendedUserId");
            IMsgChannel channel = MsgChannelManager.Instance.FindItemByUId(intendedUserId);
            if (channel != null)
                var simpleMessage = new SimpleMessage()
                    Id = intendedUserId,
                    Body = UImessage,
                    Header =
                         Sender = "BrowserNotification"
	return true;
//section page
define("ContactSectionV2", ["DesktopPopupNotification","ProcessModuleUtilities"], function(DesktopPopupNotification,ProcessModuleUtilities) {
	return {
		methods: {
			init: function(){
				this.onMessageReceived, this);
				if (DesktopPopupNotification.getPermissionLevel() !== DesktopPopupNotification.PermissionType.GRANTED) {
				//process that runs user task
			onMessageReceived: function (sender, message) {
				if (message.Header.Sender === "BrowserNotification") 
					if (DesktopPopupNotification.getPermissionLevel() !== DesktopPopupNotification.PermissionType.GRANTED) 						{
                      	this.console.log("no permisssion");
                        var config = {
                            id: 123456,
                            title: "Test notification",
                            body: "This is a test notification",
                            icon: Terrasoft.ImageUrlBuilder.getUrl(this.get("Resources.Images.UsrIcon")),
                            onClick: this.onDesktopNotificationClick,
                            ignorePageVisibility: true,
                            timeout: 5000,
                            scope: this
					this.console.log("displaying message");
			callCustomProcess: function() {
				var args = {
					// Process name
					sysProcessName: "UsrProcess_05207ff",
					// parameters process
					parameters: {
						UsrLeaveRequestID: parameter
				// run process
			destroy: function() {
						this.Terrasoft.ServerChannel.un(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMessageReceived, this);


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Thank you for the code provided!

The problem here is that starting the process triggers the base _showSuccessfullyRunProcessPopup method that shows the popup that the process was successfully started (ProcessModuleUtilities module in NUI package). And the browser performs a kind of a random choice which popup should be displayed first and how long: the popup about "successful process start" information or your custom one (in some cases I had the "Test notification" popup being displayed first and the "Successfully started" popup then and visa versa).

See that these two notifications are generated simultanously and the browser selected to display "Successfully started" popup first (and the practice showed that the second notification will be never displayed after the first one is displayed).


The only way to disable the "Successfully started" popup is to override the _showSuccessfullyRunProcessPopup method in the ProcessModuleUtilities module. As a result custom notification will be shown without any issues.


As for displaying the onMessageReceived method - I wasn't able to reproduce that at all, if you have steps to reproduce I can take a look at it as well.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks a lot for helping in this issue

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