Dear all,

Is it possibile to set record author when it is imported? 

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Dear all,


I think I found the solution to my problem.

The owner field of the account entity is the author of the record

Can you confirm is it the right way ?

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Hi community,


Few year back someone overrode this save method as you can see in the below attached image.

now this has became  a third party schem for me.


I want to remove this implementation(what all written inside save), because it is restricting the user from saving the record now.


What I have tried is creating the replacing client schema for the above schema and again overriding the save method as : 

save : function() 



but it didn't worked.


Now, what all I am trying to do is to call the base implementation of Save method by skipping all the overriding implementaion therefore I also tried this : 

save : function() 



but it didn't work either.


Can someone help me how can I achieve this.


Many thanks!


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Dear Akshit,


save : function() should have solved your task. Have you debugged the code to find why it did not work?


Best regards,



Hi Angela Reyes,


Thank you for the response,


I haven't tried to debug this code.


I thought there is some way to call the base implementation of Save by skipping the overriding versions of the same(Save method).


So according to you below should work : 

Save : function () 





Ok, I will debug and will respond back here.






If you want to call the base save function then you don't need to override the save function at all. Without overriding the system takes the base save function and executes it. But if you need to store some additional logic upon saving the record you need to callParent the parent save function and then your additional actions that the code is supposed to call. 


Best regards,



Akshit,  Hello ,

Did you find a solution to this problem

Thank you 

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Hi Community,


Does creatio has built in RestSharp library? Thanks.

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Dear Fulgen,


Yes, Creatio has RestSharp library located in RestSharp.dll 


Best regards,


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Dear, how can I see the code to create a database view? For example, I have a UsrVwContactAddress view and I would like to get the creation code for that view in sql console:

CREATE VIEW dbo.UsrVwContactAddress



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Hi Sebastian, 


Here are the example how you can do it:



Best Regards, 


Bogdan L

If this is a cloud system, and you don't have access to local tools, you can use the following commands via SQL Executor to get the SQL for the view.

If database is MSSQL:

    object_id = object_id('viewname');

If database is Postgresql:

select pg_get_viewdef('"viewname"', true)


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What is the shortcut keys for the new built-in IDE? In the old version, I can use Ctrl|Cmd + / to comment out multiple lines. But I cannot do that in the new version.


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The new editor is based on the Code Mirror editor. I've outlined some of the most common shortcut keys here…

You can see the complete list of shortcut keys on the Code Mirror website in the Commands section, although not all of them are implemented in the Creatio editor (and I don't see one to comment/uncomment multiple lines although Code Mirror does have a comment addon and I've not checked if it implements this - or if the Creatio implementation includes that)


Thank you, Ryan. So far, I still wait for somebody from Creatio to tell if there is shortcut key for comment multiple lines, or a promise to include that feature in next release.

Van Ly,

We are using CodeMirror to write code in the designer so all shortcuts can be found here:

Unfortunately, comment out multiple lines shortcut is not present in the list. 


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I have a configuration Service, how can I execute my Business process inside my configuration service?


By the way my business process includes opening an edit page. Is this possible?






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Best reply

Fulgen Ninofranco,


The problem here is that the page will be created, but it is not opened automatically and remains in the CTI-panel on this tab:

But you can open it by clicking the page name in the CTI-panel (Test in our case on the screenshot below). And it seems that it is not possible to open this page not in the background, but I've created a problem for our R&D team so they could modify the ProcessEngineService so to allow opening auto-generated and pre-configured pages not in the background in case they are called via Web-service.


Best regards,


Dear Fulgen, 


You can use this article:… to launch the process from web-service.


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Hi Angela, I am able to launch the business process. I can also see it In my process log that the BP was triggered successfully. But edit page is not opening. Is it possible to launch BP with edit page via configuration service? If possible, how?

Fulgen Ninofranco,


The problem here is that the page will be created, but it is not opened automatically and remains in the CTI-panel on this tab:

But you can open it by clicking the page name in the CTI-panel (Test in our case on the screenshot below). And it seems that it is not possible to open this page not in the background, but I've created a problem for our R&D team so they could modify the ProcessEngineService so to allow opening auto-generated and pre-configured pages not in the background in case they are called via Web-service.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I have a Configuration service which saves new record on Account. I am saving new record using Entity.Save(). How can retrieve the record Id of the new record after calling Entity.Save()?



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Hi Fulgen,


Here is the example of my process that I called using the /0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/UsrAddNewExternalContact/Execute endpoint and that returned an Id of the created contact in the auto-generated page that was launched in the background:

The code of the script task is:

var schema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Contact");
var entity = schema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
var ContactName="This is contact created via a process";
var ContactPhone="13222123";
entity.SetColumnValue("Name", ContactName);
entity.SetColumnValue("Phone", ContactPhone);
EntitySchemaQuery query = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Contact");
query.PrimaryQueryColumn.IsAlwaysSelect = true;
var entities = query.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
List<object> contacts = new List<object>();
foreach (var item in entities){
if (item.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Id") == entity.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Id"))
	var contact = new
        Id = entity.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Id"),
Set("ContactList", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contacts));
return true;

So the idea here is to create a contact calling a process from outside (you can modify the code and pass ContactName and ContactPhone as actual parameters when calling /0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/UsrAddNewExternalContact/Execute), execute the entity.Save(); and then find the created contact and return its Id on the autogenerated page. As a result I've received this Id:

and the contact was created in the system:

So you need to use something similar in your webservice.


Best regards,


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Dear Community,

Happy New Year ! 


I noticed a strange problem on cloud environment with 7.17.0 version.

When i'm trying to bind SysImage data to my package i can't choose the columns

"Data" and "PreviewDate".

Here is the list of available columns:

I tried to do the same on Demo Marketing Environment with 7.17.1 

and i haven't seen this problem, the columns were available for data binding.


I checked that Columns "Data" and "PreviewData" have Usage mode = General in SysImage object. 


Do you know what might be the root cause of this problem?


Thank you in advance,


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Hello, Community 

We have requirement to generate Report in pdf format.

I have searched also connect with the Creatio support team. And I found Marketplace Application as link below. 


But unfortunately to use this on  big scale we need to buy Subscription.


So I want to know there is any other way to achieve our goal? Like development or creating custom script to generate to convert Docx to PDF.

If there is please do let me know.

Like 2



Hello Meet!


Unfortunately, this marketplace feature is available only via subscriptions. This tool is the only one that can provide PDF export without any development required.


The second option that we can recommend is setting up Fast Reports. Please navigate by this link below. In addition, please note that setting up Fast Reports requires minimum development skills.…


Hope this helps!


Thank you! 

Hi Danyil,


Please don't take this the wrong way, but this is clearly one of the few features that Creatio has "desaccelareted".


There was relatively simple way to implement this with the "convert to PDF" option.


We have won projects were we assumed that this feature would be available and after several requests from many users it is still not implemented.


Fast reports has a really long learning curve and the effort cannot be compared to the simple convert to pdf feature that was available before.


 There is still and open answer from Oscar Feb 2020 on this thread:


"Currently our R&D team is working on implementation of this feature in an out-of-the-box version and we hope that it will return back very soon. We are very sorry for any inconveniences caused."


Do you have an ETA for this? is it still in the development pipeline?




Since 2019 this feature was removed from Creatio. It is an urgent MUST HAVE!

Hello Luis Tinoco Azevedo,


Please be advised that starting from version 7.14.2, the ability to download printable forms in PDF format has been excluded from Creatio.

Please note that customers who are upgrading from previous versions of Creatio which had Aspose components in their system available will have the print to PDF feature working as before.

Our R&D team is informed on this case and they are doing their best to ensure that the upload forms in PDF format will be present in future releases.

I am sorry to say, but I have no possible ETA on this feature being implemented in future updates.

As a workaround, for those users, who need the information from the forms un-editable for other users upon download, I may recommend a printable Word template with limited access using a password to perform changes to the file.

This will ensure that no one would be able to change the Word file without knowing the password.

I hope this helps!

Thank you for your questions, 

Have a great day!

Hi Danyil,


Thanks for the reply and the sugestion on the word with password workaround but unfortunately it does not help a lot.

The expectation from our customers is to have this "basic" feature on the core of the product and not throw some paid add-on.

And our expectation, taking in to consideration that there thread going back one year ago that this is in the development pipeline, is that this feature would be available by now.

So please, I have to insist, what is the expectation for this feature to be implemented? We really need a concrete answer.




Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

Thank you for your sincere concerns regarding this matter!

Please note that Creatio had to remove the 'generate to PDF' feature from the platform as the Aspose library is provided only via subscriptions.


I have contacted our Product Owner questioning the implementation`s ETA of this feature. 

Please be informed that this process is of great concern on our end and it is currently in development. I would be able to provide the exact ETA in several weeks.

Thank you for your comprehension!

Hope you have a great day!


Thanks for the feedback and for checking, I'll be looking forward to hearing some positive news from your side.




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Hello all,


How can I modify the page layout of a detail that isn't also a section within the Creatio mobile app? I only get the option to change how it's connected to a page. 

I need to be able to change the fields that are shown but the embedded detail won't do the trick because it's not clear on when one detail record ends and the next begins.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello Kevin,


It is necessary to go to the section Page Setup, scroll down to New button, select Embedded detail option, add your detail and hit New column to add required fields. You can also the fields them in the required order there. 




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