Can you have a distribution list in Creatio for sending emails to a group? For example, in the email form, you have List A as an option in the "To" column and when you select List A, the email is sent to a group of people configured to be part of that list. 

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Best reply

Hello Mitch,


Unfortunately, it is not possible to send the email to a specific group of contacts simultaneously without adding them one-by-one as To, CC, BCC of the email manually using standard application tools. The task to implement this functionality is already registered for our R&D team. I will assign your request to this project in order to increase its priority. 


Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


Hello Mitch,


Unfortunately, it is not possible to send the email to a specific group of contacts simultaneously without adding them one-by-one as To, CC, BCC of the email manually using standard application tools. The task to implement this functionality is already registered for our R&D team. I will assign your request to this project in order to increase its priority. 


Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


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Is it possible to have auto-populating contacts in the "To" column of an email form based on which email template you choose?

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Hello Mitch,


It's not possible using the standard application configuration since the "To" column select records from the "VwRecepientEmail" table that has no connection to the "EmailTemplate" table. Theoretically it can be done, but it requires some modifications:


1) You need to create a separate object that will connect contacts and email templates

2) Override the getLookupConfig method from the base EmailPageV2 or create a filter group function for the "Recepient" column (by adding lookupListConfig parameter for the "Recepient" column)


Best regards,


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Is it possible to create a filter on the "to" and "cc" and "bcc" columns of an email form when you are sending an email from a case?

Specifically I am looking for a filter based on some criteria from the case.


For example, if the Account for the case is Company A, then only show contacts in the "To" column of the email form if those contacts are from that account.

Like 1



Hello Mitch,


You need to test two following scenarios:


1) Create a lookupListConfig parameter for the "Recepient" attribute (should be created additionally) on the replaced EmailPageV2, creating a Terrasoft.FilterGroup in the parameter and specifying filtering conditions.


2)  Replace the getLookupConfig method from the base EmailPageV2 and override it in case the columnName is "Recepient".


One of these two approaches should work.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks for the insight.

I see these two business process are responsible for sending an email.


STEP 1 :  When a new case is created BP - Incoming email registration process : Triggered to send a notification to User 

STEP 2 : When the status of the case is modified/updated BP - Send email to contact on case status change, is triggered and this is linked to another Sub-Process BP - Send email to case contact.


I see that the reply is sent to all the recipients and I want reply email should be sent only to the sender (Who raised the request)

i.e., only for TO recipients and not for CC recipients

Hello Bhoonalan, 

Please enable Features CasesOnlyRespondToSender  and SendOnlyToContactEmail .  For MSSQL, use following script:


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'Feature code',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);

This script enables the feature , or creates the feature if it's not created on your instance 

Also, please enable sysSetting AutoNotifyOnlyContact.

Best Regards,



One workaround is to edit the 

VwRecepientEmail by adding the account name to the Contact Name field.

This way the user can search by account using the ContactName field.


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Hi Community,


Any Idea whats wrong with my crm system?, we are experiencing issue with AuthService.svc. Below screenshot from POSTMAN. We are hundred percent sure that we are passing the correct login credentials but we are getting “Invalid username or password specified”.


For additional information, this is an on-site oracle based system. Below is the license assigned to the login credential we are using.

Thanl you so much.


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Hi Fulgen,


Please use the same request parameters as on my screenshot below and you will be able to authenticate and receive cookies:

Best regards,


Szabó Gábor,

Please ensure that the login and password provided allow for correct access to the website.

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When trying to select a previous workflow case stage, the eligible choices have a circle with a slash and cannot be selected.  I see this on our production system and trial system in the Cases section.

Any ideas as to why I cannot select a previous stage even though I have all of the stages included as possible previous stages?

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Hello Scott, 


Please, add the stages to which you can transition from the current stage to the [Possible next stages] area. This property is responsible for the stages that can be selected once the current stage is set up. 


More detailed information on how to work with case stages can be found in the Case Designer workflows - Set up case stages Academy Article. 


Best regards,


I was looking at it from the wrong perspective, this now makes sense, thanks.

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I have applied filtration logic for one Contact lookup field in a section edit page based on User Role and role-based contacts alone getting listed in that field. But when I put the same filter in portal edit page of the section for the same lookup field, it is not showing the contacts. 

Please find below the used code.

Case: Users having Role Id : 'KYC', has to be listed in the lookup field.

Filter code:  Inside Attributes,

"GlbKYC": { 

// Attribute data type.

"dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

// The configuration object of the LOOKUP type.

"lookupListConfig": {

"filters": [

function() {

var filterGroup = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");


Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "[SysAdminUnit:Contact].[SysAdminUnitInRole:SysAdminUnit].SysAdminUnitRoleId", "C14E5787-4BF5-4FA8-A407-96FB942A02E2"));

return filterGroup;


Kindly help to resolve this.




Like 1



Hi Abinaya,


SysAdminUnit object is not accessible from the portal due to security reasons and creating filtration using this object is not possible for portal users. Also it is not recommended to use "Sys" objects on the portal since system objects have restrictions in the application core related to the portal.


You need to create a separate object to store connections between system users, their roles and contacts. This custom object will be accessible from the portal and you will be able to execute filtration under a portal user.


Best regards,


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Dear team

I installed multichoice field addin and It works fine

How can export the data save in the way?

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Dear Stephane,


It depends on the column you have added as a multi-choice field. It can be exported from lookups or from the detail itself if this is a detail. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thank you Angela.


The contact type field is available in the contact section, but I need to assign one or more contact types to a contact.

I installed the multiple choice fields add-on e. I created a many to many related entity with contact entity and contact type lookup, everything works fine.

The question Is it possible to export the contact types assigned from the contact section for each contact?

Stefano Bassoli,

If the detail was not registered we recommend installing the app You can use it to set up a report for the object where information is stored in many to many related entity.


Best regards,


Thank you Angela!

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The release notes for 7.17.2 mentions the following:

We have added API for working with files, enabling Creatio integration with third-party file storages, e.g., file systems, cloud repositories, etc.

I can't seem to find any information about this. Does anyone know if there is an academy article on this topic that is available yet?


Like 2



So far I've found the system setting ActiveFileContentStorage where the storage type is selected and the lookup "File content storages" where you define the class for the implementation of a file storage type, but can't seem to find anything about the implementation for the storage type class.

Dear Ryan,


This API is under testing since we are finishing our integration with S3. The documentation is also being prepared. It is done, all the information hot to work with this API will be published on the Academy.




Dean Parrett,

Thanks Dean. 

Dean Parrett,

Will you please share the Academy link on this subject now it is available  from 7.18 




Dear Muthukumara Raja Subramanian,


This API is still under testing. The documentation is also being prepared. All the information hot to work with this API will be published on the Academy.

Best regards,


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I need to show a detail inside a section page with a "treeview-like" (or hierarchic)  list.

I don't need to show a a "parent-child" relationship but I need to show a "group-by" view.

My real case need is that I need to show the Contacts detail inside the Opportunity (I guess it's the OpportunityContactDetailV2 client module) grouped by Role: I would like to see all the contacts with the same role as children of the Role.

The detail should report the different roles and when the user expands a role with the "plus icon", the page must show the contacts with that role.

How can it be done?

Thank you

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Perhaps this marketplace add-on would provide the functionality you're after? It allows you to define a detail and then have it group by a column, providing an hierarchical view of the rows.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan

I tried the add-on but it raises some javascript run-time errors and doesn't allow me to select the column to group by.

By the way, I'm interesterd on doing it with JS code in a section page detail creating: I need to know how to implement it.



I tried following the instructions dounf on this post…

but it doesn't work: any suggestions?

Dear Massimiliano Mazzacurati,

The answer will be published in this Creatio Community post.

Best regards,


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I can't see any Website events on the lead page.

I just get the message "Data loading is in progress. This may take a few seconds."


It seems I get some errors in my console when I open the Website events tab on the Lead page.


Method: POST
Error 400 Bad request


I created the Lead via Landing page and my Website events should be set up correctly.



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Best reply

Dear Julius,


Thank you for your patience and for contacting us at


As we have discussed in our email thread the new web tracking functionality has been currently revoked for revision.


When the revision would be completed it will become available on all sites for all customers.


For now, the old web-tracking can be used - it is still available!



Please be advised that we will let you know once the New web tracking functionality would be live!


Thank you for your cooperation!

Take care!




Dear Julius,


Could you please contact us at in order to provide the best services?


Please be advised that the answer on the question would be still posted here after resolution.


Thank you!

Dear Julius,


Thank you for your patience and for contacting us at


As we have discussed in our email thread the new web tracking functionality has been currently revoked for revision.


When the revision would be completed it will become available on all sites for all customers.


For now, the old web-tracking can be used - it is still available!



Please be advised that we will let you know once the New web tracking functionality would be live!


Thank you for your cooperation!

Take care!




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