In the Contacts section, I need to filter all the contacts that ever got emails Titled "Thanks" (NOT bulk emails, just simple emails). These emails are displayed here:
I tried any available lookup, yet no success. Which object should be used?
Roman, that doesn't work for me! That gives only a few contacts. For instance, Darren is not among them. I suspect the contacts don't have activities, just emails. What table stores the emails?
I need to add a different "filter Business rule" for the same field regarding the value of another field, this is not possible using the Filter Business rule wizard, how can I did it?
In my case, regarding the contact Account Type I want to filter the possible Contact Types we want to enable, for example
if the account type is Our Company, contacts type just can be Employee,
if account type is Customer, contact type just could be "Customer" or "Contact Person"
There are numerous use cases where Creatio filters for some data before showing on the UI. Few examples below -
Writing ESQ from JavaScript where we filter an object for only select records by adding filter groups.
User applying of a filter in a section list page or a detail.
When we add a detail to a Section record page, we map a column from the detail to a column in a section record. This is how Creatio filters for only the detail records belonging to that section record and displays the records subsequently.
Few questions below which will help us explain Creatio better with our customers-
At which layer does Creatio execute these filters? Is it at the Application layer or at the Database layer? It is unlikely that it is at the App layer. Can you confirm that these happen at the DB layer and only the filtered records are fetched to the App layer and subsequently passed back to the UI?
I am guessing that the Creatio ORM would aggregate all of the filters and frame a query which filters for the required data and then execute this at the DB layer? Excuse the over-simplification. Can you confirm and share a few more details on how this done? This would give us insight into the Product architecture and help us understand the product better.
If these insights are already available in the Documentation, Request you to share the link. Thanks in advance!
Yes, all filter conditions are added as conditions for queries and are performed at the database layer. You can see this if you install Creatio locally and run SQL profiler. You'll notice as an ESQ gets executed that ultimately this is translated to a SQL query with the filter conditions in the where clause.
Additionally, as a related side topic to mention to your original question which might be of interest, you can also create SQL views in the database containing aggregates/joins/unions/ranks/partions/etc and create an entity/object for that view. These objects can then be used normally in section lists, details, dashboards, reports/printables, and even read via OData/DataService APIs etc. This is a fantastic way to create what would be a complex or time consuming query and make the results readily available in the client.
We can confirm that filtering conditions are configured as conditions for queries and they are being performed on the DB layer, but not the application layer.
We will ask the responsible team to add more information relateable to this kind of topic to the Academy. At the same time, please check the articles included in this section, they should be useful for further development operations:
Today I’ve installed on production tenant the "Excel report builder" available on the marketplace.
Before installing it I tried to install on a test tenant and everything is fine.
Now, when I try to add the new section “Excel reports” to Studio workplace I receive an error on the browser console and the section doesn't appear on workplace.
I get this often with the Excel reports builder package. Usually after logging out and back in (sometimes after a couple of times) it usually lets me add it to the workplace eventually. Not sure why this happens, but it only ever seems to happen for me with this package (and happens often with this one)
To apply the changes, we recommend logging out and logging back into the application again (just like Ryan says above). If the issue persists, try adding any basic section to the workplace first, and after that add the 'Excel reports' section.
We have reproduced the issue and submitted it to the responsible team. As soon as they are done with the issue analysis, we will get back to you with a solution.
Is it possible to have multiple current jobs in different accounts for one contact? E.g. a contact works for two companies (two accounts). One account will be the primary account, but the contact is not shown in the other not-primary account. We want to show the contact as a contact for both accounts.
You can create separate detail in the contact section that will show connections between contacts and accounts if there are multiple connections. You can also use the Relationship tab, But one contact can be primary only for one account, and in OOB fields it will always be connected to one account.
After our latest upgrade to 7.17.1 there are now many more notifications that show up based on cases the user is following. Our users used to rely on notifications from feed post mentions to know if they need to look at a case. Now they are flooded with notifications every time a new email is attached to a case, and our users rely too heavily on emails to communicate in cases so there is an excessive amount of notifications for them to look through. Is there a way to filter which types of notifications a user receives? Is there a way to configure certain objects, for example so emails don't cause new notifications?
What about for Emails? (The email icon in the communication panel). Is your suggestion for the Notification object that updates the bell icon? What object updates the email icon with a little red number?
My suggestion relates only to feed messages and doesn't affect system, processes or email notifications.
As for your second question - the counter of new email notifications is being updated when the new message is received via websocket and this information is not reflected in DB.
So the new email notification counter cannot be turned off using standard settings? I just want to confirm this so I can tell my users who are asking me to turn it off.
Please contact our support team at with a short description of the issue or simply provide a link to this post so we could help you with it.
1. Custom section is set up as indexing for full-text search but I dont see in a result window.
2. Enabling section for fulltext search: would it find the details records aswell. For example if I search for product name, it find me all orders where that product in placed. Will it work for custom section as well with products detail?
We have a Creatio installation on Creatio SaaS cloud with a few custom configuration services we have built. The security requirements are very stringent and we need to be able to permit access to these custom configuration services only to a few users & only to a few IPs. Pls find below questions in this regard -
From what we understand, access to the GUI application and to the back end services are shared across the same Creatio credentials (via user setup). Can we disable GUI access to a few users and only enable access to these specific custom configuration services? Also, can we disable access to these configuration services for all other GUI users? In short - A few users only for these configuration services. A few users only for the GUI.
We would like to permit only certain IPs access these configuration services. This can be handled in 4 layers - Network infrastructure layer (Load balancer etc), IIS Configuration on the WebServer, Explicitly verify and restrict access to certain IPs inside the configuration service logic. Which of these 3 is recommended from a feasibility & security perspective on Creatio SaaS cloud?
In the example above the system user with "1" login won't be able to login to the application.
As for disabling access to custom configuration service you need to find a location record for this service in the /Terrasoft.WebApp/Web.config file (just an example below):
As a result the Supervisor won't be able to get access to the GeneratedWebFormService service.
2) As for restricting access from IP-addresses - such a possibility is present to restrict login to the UI, but there is no in-built possibility to restrict access to the endpoint via IP. We don't have any recommendations on this matter and you can test all the possible approaches and choose the most suitable one.
In the example above the system user with "1" login won't be able to login to the application.
As for disabling access to custom configuration service you need to find a location record for this service in the /Terrasoft.WebApp/Web.config file (just an example below):
As a result the Supervisor won't be able to get access to the GeneratedWebFormService service.
2) As for restricting access from IP-addresses - such a possibility is present to restrict login to the UI, but there is no in-built possibility to restrict access to the endpoint via IP. We don't have any recommendations on this matter and you can test all the possible approaches and choose the most suitable one.