After our latest upgrade to 7.17.1 there are now many more notifications that show up based on cases the user is following. Our users used to rely on notifications from feed post mentions to know if they need to look at a case. Now they are flooded with notifications every time a new email is attached to a case, and our users rely too heavily on emails to communicate in cases so there is an excessive amount of notifications for them to look through. Is there a way to filter which types of notifications a user receives? Is there a way to configure certain objects, for example so emails don't cause new notifications?
Dear Mitch,
In order to disable these notifications please do the following:
1.) Disable the feature with Code 'NotifyOfNewSocialMessages'
2.) Turn off the process with Name "NotifyOfNewSocialMessages"
Kind regards,
Roman Brown,
What about for Emails? (The email icon in the communication panel). Is your suggestion for the Notification object that updates the bell icon? What object updates the email icon with a little red number?
Dear Mitch,
My suggestion relates only to feed messages and doesn't affect system, processes or email notifications.
As for your second question - the counter of new email notifications is being updated when the new message is received via websocket and this information is not reflected in DB.
Kind regards,
Roman Brown,
So the new email notification counter cannot be turned off using standard settings? I just want to confirm this so I can tell my users who are asking me to turn it off.
Unfortunately, there are no user tools to disable the mentioned notification counter.
We will register the proposition for the responsible R&D team to add this functionality in future Creatio releases.
Kind regards,