I am getting below error when installing Aspose.PDF connector for Creatio in free trial full-bundle demo instance, version 7.17.1. Please advise:
2021-03-21 13: 25: 30,703 Compilation of the configuration DLL
2021-03-21 13: 27: 42,510 Errors and / or warnings when compiling the configuration DLL
2021-03-21 13: 27: 42,510 Autogenerated \ Src \ GlbAsposePDFHelper.GlbWordToPdfConverter.cs (5,8) Error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Aspose' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference ?)
I tried to import the Account.Parent column the import is finished without error, but in the "connect to" tab of page account no relationship between the two account imported is showed.
I checked in the RelationshipConnection table and no records are imported.
In the past on a environment with 7.16 version everything worked fine.
The new Connected To tab in 7.17 doesn't use the Parent column on the account - it has a new table structure that works for both accounts and contacts. You can add the previous Connected To detail on the page and it will show the account relationships using the Parent column.
This is an sql script that creates for an account with parent column set the right records in the new relationship tables.
DO $$
SchemaId uuid;
AuthorId uuid :='410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00';-- supervisor
RelationTypeId uuid;
-- Get Schema Account
FROM "SysSchema"
WHERE "Caption"='Account'
AND "ExtendParent"=false
INTO SchemaId;-- Get relation
FROM "RelationType"
WHERE "Name"='Holding company'
INTO RelationTypeId;
CREATE TEMP TABLE "Entities"("EntityIdA" uuid
, "EntityIdB" uuid
, "RelationshipDiagramId" uuid
, "AuthorId" uuid
, "RelationshipEntityAId" uuid
, "RelationshipEntityBId" uuid
INSERT INTO "Entities"("EntityIdA"
, "EntityIdB"
, "RelationshipDiagramId"
, "AuthorId"
, "RelationshipEntityAId"
, "RelationshipEntityBId")
SELECT a."ParentId" AS "EntityIdA"
, a."Id" AS "EntityIdB"
, uuid_generate_v4() AS "RelationshipDiagramId"
, AuthorId AS "AuthorId"
, NULL AS "RelationshipEntityAId"
, NULL AS "RelationshipEntityBId"
FROM "Account" a
FROM "RelationshipConnection" rc
JOIN "RelationshipEntity" ea
ON rc."RelationshipEntityAId"= ea."Id"
JOIN "RelationshipEntity" eb
ON rc."RelationshipEntityBId"= eb."Id"
where ea."RecordId"= a."ParentId"and eb."RecordId"= a."Id");
INSERT INTO "RelationshipDiagram"("Id"
, "CreatedById"
, "ModifiedById")
SELECT ee."RelationshipDiagramId"
, ee."AuthorId" AS CreatedById
, ee."AuthorId" AS ModifiedById
FROM "Entities" ee;-- Entity A
INSERT INTO "RelationshipEntity"("RecordId"
, "CreatedById"
, "ModifiedById"
, "SchemaUId")
SELECT ee."EntityIdA"
, AuthorId AS CreatedById
, AuthorId AS ModifiedById
, SchemaId
FROM "Entities" ee
FROM "RelationshipEntity" re
WHERE re."RecordId"= ee."EntityIdA");-- Entity B
INSERT INTO "RelationshipEntity"("RecordId"
, "CreatedById"
, "ModifiedById"
, "SchemaUId")
SELECT ee."EntityIdB"
, AuthorId AS CreatedById
, AuthorId AS ModifiedById
, SchemaId
FROM "Entities" ee
FROM "RelationshipEntity" re
WHERE re."RecordId"= ee."EntityIdB");-- Update data in temp table
UPDATE "Entities" ee
SET "RelationshipEntityAId"= re."Id"
FROM "RelationshipEntity" re
WHERE ee."EntityIdA"= re."RecordId";
UPDATE "Entities" ee
SET "RelationshipEntityBId"= re."Id"
FROM "RelationshipEntity" re
WHERE ee."EntityIdB"= re."RecordId";-- RelationEntInDiagram
INSERT INTO "RelationEntInDiagram"("CreatedById"
, "ModifiedById"
, "RelationshipDiagramId"
, "RelationshipEntityId")
SELECT ee."AuthorId" AS CreateById
, ee."AuthorId" AS ModifiedBy
, ee."RelationshipDiagramId"
, ee."RelationshipEntityAId"
FROM "Entities" ee;-- RelationEntInDiagram
INSERT INTO "RelationEntInDiagram"("CreatedById"
, "ModifiedById"
, "RelationshipDiagramId"
, "RelationshipEntityId")
SELECT ee."AuthorId" AS CreateById
, ee."AuthorId" AS ModifiedBy
, ee."RelationshipDiagramId"
, ee."RelationshipEntityBId"
FROM "Entities" ee;-- RelationshipConnection
INSERT INTO "RelationshipConnection"("RelationshipEntityAId"
, "RelationshipEntityBId"
, "RelationTypeId")
SELECT ee."RelationshipEntityAId"
, ee."RelationshipEntityBId"
, RelationTypeId AS RelationTypeId
FROM "Entities" ee;
DROP TABLE "Entities";
end $$;
Dear, In account, there is the visual schema in the ConnectedTo tab: https://prnt.sc/10q02hg How can I add a relation in this schema from a business process? I cannot find the existing connections in any object and if I try to add a new relationship to the Relationship object, nothing is changed. Kind regards, Vincent
To be able to add or modify relationships via business process please use the object Relationship. It contains a connection for both contacts and accounts and can be used for adding any possible relations between those objects.
Also, the links below can be useful for further working with relationships:
In detail Communication option for accounts and contacts, you can find the communication option Web - after the link is added to it you will be able to click it. To add this logic to your field check the code of this detail in OOB mobile application and mimic it for your field.
I have seen this field, but in the advanced settings it is hidden from me as it is a out of the box field. I cannot find it in any lead mobile page or lead edit page v2.
If you have source code for this, please provide me so that I can implement that on my field.
I'm working on Activities right now and I created my own activity.
I wanted to insert a New Activity with a press of a button which is located in the MainHeader. Question, what's the best way to insert my own activity?
I am currently trying to insert it via custom web service through
After you call activity.Save() you can get the created record Id using
// get primary Id value
var id = activity.PrimaryColumnValue;// or get any of the column values using
var title = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Title");
var start = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<DateTime>("StartDate");// etc
Using the Insert class does not trigger process events, etc. Instead, you can use the Entity class. Something like this:
var schema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Activity");// Create a new Activity object
var activity = schema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);// Set any any default column values
activity.SetDefColumnValues();// Now set the column values as needed
activity.SetColumnValue("Title", "This is a new activity");
activity.SetColumnValue("StartDate", DateTime.Now);// etc// Save when done
One of possible ways is to create a SELECT query to the database using or the script task process element (if you are going to use a business process) or in the custom web service that is triggered upon clicking the button and select the last created activity (top 1 and ORDER BY CreatedOn conditions). Also the created activity can have some marker in its subject (like "created via web service" or so) that could be used in the filtering condition as well.
Insert query you've proposed won't return an Id of the record, but you can select it once the record is created.
After you call activity.Save() you can get the created record Id using
// get primary Id value
var id = activity.PrimaryColumnValue;// or get any of the column values using
var title = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Title");
var start = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<DateTime>("StartDate");// etc
Thank you! This is a warning message that the arrow function is supported in Ecma Script 6 only. Here is the list of browsers and their versions that support arrow functions (information copied from here):
There is a low probability that a client will have an older browser version so you can ignore this warning or use function declaration to create a method.
Thank you! This is a warning message that the arrow function is supported in Ecma Script 6 only. Here is the list of browsers and their versions that support arrow functions (information copied from here):
There is a low probability that a client will have an older browser version so you can ignore this warning or use function declaration to create a method.
I am trying to get the count of records that are only appearing more than once in a section. I have made the chart dashboard for this but, it is showing single values also which I do not want to be shown. I have attached the dashboard setting page below.
In this, the chart is also showing single count values which needs to be hidden. I have searched for a filter condition but could not find anything.
You need to go to the higher object in the hierarchy to check this connection. The resulting filter depends on where those records appear. In the system, you will be able to check the number of records in a specific section/record, like the number of contacts in one account.
You need to go to the higher object in the hierarchy to check this connection. The resulting filter depends on where those records appear. In the system, you will be able to check the number of records in a specific section/record, like the number of contacts in one account.
There are 2 types of Partnership parameters - Target and Current. I've asked about the current value. I don't understand what is current value indicator and if it is calculated somehow....
I know that points are connected with level but for example from the lookup Level partnership parameters - level 1 - annual revenue value decimal 10 000 - value 50 (and the score is 60 - don't know what's this filed means). Does it mean that the partner gets 50 points when his revenue achieves 10 000?
The current score chart display values like 8, 23, 46 - is it a sum of
Value (integer) set for proper level from lookup Level partnership parameters?
Current value means the amount of current "values". For example amount of current leads shows how many satisfied leads the partner has.
Yes, Level partnership parameters work like this. When the partner reaches the value specified in the Partner Param Category he receives a score specified in the score value. Each level requires a specific amount of score which is summed from all actions partner did.
I have successfully added a detailed summary (average of opportunity amount) on the 'Opportunities' detail in the 'Accounts' section. The detail works as usual.
Please specify your case in more detail, especially what summary for what detail you tried to set up, what Creatio product and version you work with, and what culture is set.