Can Trial site send a email?

Hello community, 

I want to test sending an email function in Trial site

Can it possible?


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It is possible to send the emails from the trial version of the site.

However, you have to set up the app password on the Google side.


Detailed information can be found here:


Happy to help!

Hi Hanna Skalko,

According to the two pictures I posted above, I turned off feature 2-Step Verification, then entered my email and password (I went to Google and login Email to confirm that both are corrected). However, Trial reports an incorrect email or password error.

It is not possible, is it?

Đặng Văn Chức,

Many email services no longer allow basic auth ad instead require OAuth. To use gmail in a trial you must:

  1. Turn on 2-step verification
  2. Set up an app password (only allows you to do this if 2-step verification is on)
  3. Use the app password for the password when adding the account to the trial


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