Hello all,


Once we log into the Creatio, there is no name of the current user on the page.

I need to show the current user's name at the top of the page.

Does anyone know how to do it?


Thank you.



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Hi David,


User name of the current user can be reviewed in the user profile located at the top of the page:


If you still need this on the top of the page and the app version you have is greater than 7.18.0 you need to enable AllowCreateAngularSchema system feature for all employees, override MainShell, add container and string field inside it and create a hanler that will read Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.displayValue property and set this value to the string field.

Hi David,


User name of the current user can be reviewed in the user profile located at the top of the page:


If you still need this on the top of the page and the app version you have is greater than 7.18.0 you need to enable AllowCreateAngularSchema system feature for all employees, override MainShell, add container and string field inside it and create a hanler that will read Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.displayValue property and set this value to the string field.

Oleg Drobina,

Thank you, it works.

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Hello all,


I have a page detail that contains item transfer information.

Every item has 2 types of units (uom), big unit and small unit. Every unit has its own conversion to each other.

So, every time the user enters the "ship quantity", I want the system to calculate the big unit and the small unit, and then update it to the UI.

The "ship quantity" uses either the big unit or the small unit.


Currently I use a business process to calculate the big and small quantity. 

So, every time the user enters the "ship quantity", a request will be sent to call the business process. All of this is done in the detail page.

Then, once the business process has done the calculation, it sends the message to the UI, which will be captured by the UI script and shows it to the screen. 

The problem is after the "Ship quantity" of the first row is entered, the user clicks on the second row, the first row's big and small quantities are not updated.

Below is the snippet of my code that updating the row.

body is the return from the business process that the system called earlier.

How to solve this problem?

I wish Creatio has "row lost focus" event that might can help to solve this problem.


Any ideas will be appreciated.




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Hello David,

Most likely your data isn't updating because it wasn't set. this.getGridData will not work on the edit page. I made the logic on the Order page, to do such:

Replace the OrderProductPageV2 module and write code there instead of a business process. Put the business process handler in the editing page module. Add the required parameters to BP and use them later in your custom module by get/set:

var currentPrice = this.get(“Price”);
this.set(“Price”, “some value”)


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Hi Community,


I want to create a Multiple Selection

How could I do that?


Thank you!

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The possibility to use multi-select lookups in Freedom UI is registered as a feedback and will be available in future releases of Creatio’s platform.

At this moment, you can check the materials for Classic UI:

Marketplace solution:


And a link to the community post where this issue has already been discussed, perhaps it will be helpful to you:



Best regards,



I've written up some steps to do this, however, it is only possible in version 8.1.


In the near future I will be releasing a Freedom UI replacement for my marketplace addon linked previously by Anastasiia (Multi-select text field setup for Creatio)


Ryan Farley,


Thank you for this! Could you also please confirm if adding detail records through multiselect is possible in 8.1? 



Shivani Lakshman,

Yes, however, for now you have to handle the adding of the records in code. The article I shared shows how to invoke the lookup in multi-select mode. It uses the results to flatten out to text, however, you could just use the results and do an insert for each into the list/detail. See here for how to do the insert: 



Shivani Lakshman,

I wrote up the details for adding to a list from a multi-select lookup as a new article here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-to-a-list-from-a-lookup-on-a-free…


Ryan Farley,

Thank you! This will really help!

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Hello, I am trying to run a report that will pull both from "Contact" and "Opportunity". My end goal is to run a closed lost report that I can download onto an excel document with the following fields:

  1. Company Name
  2. Contact Name
  3. Email
  4. Closed Lost in 2023
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To solve this task, there are several ways. For example, you can use "Manage a list" for the "Opportunity" section and display the necessary columns in it. You can also display aggregated columns with the "Contact" object (you can read about this in the academy article).

After these actions, you will be able to filter the records you need in the list and export them to Excel.


Additionally, you can use an Excel reporting add-on available on the marketplace.

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Hi Team,


We have a query regarding users having permissions to creating email templates in the Message Template section rather than admin creating email templates


Currently, only administrators have the ability to create email templates, select macro sources, and add macros while creating templates. However, the enquiry is whether the sales team would have the capability to create their own email templates for future use when communicating with customers rather than reaching out to admin for creating the email templates.


Is there a specific permission or access level that can be granted to normal users, specifically those in the sales team with a sales team license, which would allow them to create, save, and utilize their own email templates within the system? This would streamline our communication processes and empower our sales team to personalize their interactions with customers more effectively.


For now they are getting the below error while trying to create a email template :

Thanks for the help in advance!





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for resolving this specific error you would need to give permission for operation by the code "CanManageLookups" in Operation permissions view in System designer. Not sure if users need more permissions to create templates but if its the only error occuring that could resolve it

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Hello, I'm having a problem tagging records, Creatio support indicates it it produced by OmniChatGPTConnector.


Please see the Support indications


Hello Julio,
Our investigation has revealed that the root cause of the problem lies in the modification of the style for the "ts-modalbox" element within the "OmniChatGPTPanelCSS" scheme of the "OmniChatGPTConnector" package. The alteration of this style is causing the tag window to open is not full.
Our recommendation is to remove this modified style, as it appears to be causing the issue. However, we understand that this modification may have been made for specific purposes that we might not be aware of. With that in mind, we strongly advise you to reach out to the developers responsible for this customization.
They can provide insights into the purpose of the style modification and determine how to address the issue holistically.
Additionally, we have passed the information to your manager by adding her to the thread.


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As this is an addon developed by third-party developers, we recommend that you contact them directly at support@creomate.com for further assistance with this matter.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


In our Approval Process, there will be more than 2 options and we are not using only approve and reject.

We will use the color for our decision

  • White = Approval
  • Black = Rejecte
  • Grey = will active a sub-process to add in more information

Could I able to set up an approval like that?

Thank you

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Your business task could be achieved by business process. 


You can use your diagram as the base for the process. 

Instead of the first Аpproval element use the [Auto-generated page]\[Pre-configured page]  (or [User dialog] element), to display for required user or role, then through the flow on the second Approval element making a decision.

Hello Bao,

Could you please elaborate on your business task?


Could you please clarify what you mean by "In our Approval Process"? Is that a business process or another logic? 

And how did you implement theses colors? 


Um to be clear, I want to ask if there is any way to make an approval process with 3 options

Due to our business, the approval must have 3 options to divine our client into 3 group

  • White: means they are okay with a clean profile
  • Black: means they are having red flags in the profile
  • Grey: means our Top manager will be the one who decides to

Here is the picture for you to understand our business approval right now (but it just a summary, I am not allowed to share more detail on this)



Your business task could be achieved by business process. 


You can use your diagram as the base for the process. 

Instead of the first Аpproval element use the [Auto-generated page]\[Pre-configured page]  (or [User dialog] element), to display for required user or role, then through the flow on the second Approval element making a decision.


It's works

Thank you!

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Hi community,


I added some records in [Connected to] Details. But when I check on the diagram, nothing changed.

Is there any way to update the diagram automatically after adding a record in [Connected to] details?


Thank you!

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Hi Bao, 

In order to help you with this question we need more details on how exactly records were added and where you want them to get displayed. 

Please contact our support team directly via support@creatio,com and provide us with this detailed info so we could advise you on this matter. 

Kind regards, 


Hi Roman,


I already contacted the support team

Thank you for your assistance!

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how can we set up the choice between a desktop or homepage as default logon, as well as workspace (currently switching to all apps..)

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To set up a choice between the desktop or homepage as the default login in Creatio, follow these steps:

Open the System Builder.

Click "Workplace setup" in the "Settings" block.

Find the section you want, open it and select it as the "Home page"

Bes regards, 



Does not work since the introduction of desktops in the new shell, when someone logons on to Creatio, he's brought on the desktop vs the homepage of his workplace. This was already set up as is beforehand.

And not only are my users on desktop, they are also on "all apps", which is not what they want.

Hello Damien,


The issue has already been resolved in version 8.0.7.


After logging in, you will be directed to the same workplace that was active before logging out. However, the page displayed will be the desktop page.



Thanks for the saving on the last active workplace :) , was this mentioned in the 8.0.7 release notes ?

"However, the page displayed will be the desktop page."

Any way to counter this ? We had already made the effort to create custom homepages for the different teams. The new extra desktop pages, which I see could be useful in some cases, are not useful for us at all today. Anyway to deactivate or bypass ?


Hi Damien ,

Did you got any solution to open custom homepages instead of opening desktop while logging in?



Nothing yet unfortunately, really something to change, everyone is asking...

Hi Damien,

I tried updating homepage in user settings, I think it's working now.When user logins in instance it will open dashboards section.

Check in any new cloud instance, for some reasons this feature is not working in local.



Hello Community,


is there a way to get the value of Active workplace?

Hello Community ,

Did you get any solution for this issue? 



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Hi community,


I am currently researching the Relationship which function shows as [Connect to] in Account or Contact in Classic UI

But I want to ask if there is any way to set up permission for that function.

For example, I want only the admin could allow to add or edit the relationship. Others can only read the relationship


Thank you!


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To set up object permissions in that way you need to go to System settings - Object permission - Relationship connection. There you can set up permissions in that way as you provided in the request.



To set up object permissions in that way you need to go to System settings - Object permission - Relationship connection. There you can set up permissions in that way as you provided in the request.

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