Anyone experienced that with update to .netcore 7.0 (comes with VS 2022), Creatio "compile" button doesnt work. .nethost goes to 100% cpu and continues working for hours (i kicked it after 6 hrs)
If you uninstall VS and SDK and keep only 2.2 (comes with VS 2019) - it compiles well.
You need to move(if you don't have please create it) the 'global.json' file to the root of the disk and then restart the pool. In the 'global.json' file, replace the version '3.1.0' with '6.0.413'.
Then, move the 'global.json' file from 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website' to 'C:', restart the pool, and initiate the compilation. After doing this, the issue should be resolved.
I have successfully installed the new available version of Creatio8.0.8.4805 on my Linux server. I'm trying to do some tests to validate the .NET 6.0 migration. However, I couldn't force the application to run with .NET 6.0.
1) We are missing documentation on how to migrate an existing Creatio instance to .Net 6 (vs fresh install) which has been updated at minimum to Creatio 8.0.8 and running on .net framework 4.x
We are doing a feasibility study to export Products that were linked with Lead. As per current available feature, we could get the Products count that were added to a Lead but we are looking for the products list for each Lead exported to excel.
As far as I understand you need to export a list of leads with a list of products for each lead there as well all in one file? Or do you just need to export a list of products for one particular lead?
Unfortunately, Creatio does not provide such functionality. However, you can install SQL Executor for Creatio (SQL scripts console) from the marketplace. There you can write SQL requests to the database and then save the results as a CSV file. It will require some basic SQL knowledge.
The request would look something like this for the Orders with products:
SELECT * from "Order" JOIN "OrderProduct" ON "Order"."Id" = "OrderProduct"."OrderId"
You can choose which columns to select, and how to join the tables.
We wanted this feature as a functionality for client where as an end user at specific time interval, they could generate the products list by exporting from Lead.