Unfortunately, it's not possible to cover such a case with basic functionality. You can either enable import/export for the entire system or disable it for the entire system. There is no way to regulate in which sections it can be downloaded and in which it cannot, unfortunately.
We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.
We want to refresh a Freedom UI page from a business process.
This process is triggered when a field has been modified and will do some calculations.
After that, the page should be refreshed.
In Classic UI, there was an add-on in the Marketplace of it could be fixed with sending a message from a script task which was processed by a method in the javascript page.
Is this still an option in Freedom UI? Or is there another solution?
Also, just to point out, this sort of thing won't be necessary in 8.0.7, which is due out soon. There will be a built in way where you can set an option in the object for it to auto refresh called "Enable live data update". Checking this will handle the sending of the message and refreshing any UI bound to the object automatically when the object is modified in processes etc.
I have this requirement where I need to refresh the form page of my record using the refresh button of the new Freedom UI. This button was created with the help of the page designer, as you can see on the image bellow.
However, when I try to refresh the page by clicking on the created button. Creatio, instead of refreshing the current page data, it loads the data from another record.
Before refresh:
After refresh:
Could you please help me understand this behaviour and explain me how can be solved.
Thank you for your post and sorry for invonvenience caused by this problem. This behaviour was removed in version 8.0.7 which is going to be released very soon.
The below SQL script will give the product version.
Note: This is MSSQL and if you use other DBs please update the syntax wherever applicable.
DECLARE @ConfigurationVersion nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @PrimaryCulture nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @Product nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @SysAdminUnit_AllUsers uniqueidentifier ='A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008'
SELECT @ConfigurationVersion = TextValue
FROM SysSettingsValue ssv
INNER JOIN SysSettings ss on ss.Id= ssv.SysSettingsId
WHERE ss.Code='ConfigurationVersion'
AND SysAdminUnitId = @SysAdminUnit_AllUsers
SELECT @PrimaryCulture = c.Name
FROM SysSettingsValue ssv
INNER JOIN SysSettings ss on ss.Id= ssv.SysSettingsId
INNER JOIN SysCulture c on c.Id= ssv.GuidValue
WHERE ss.Code='PrimaryCulture'
AND SysAdminUnitId = @SysAdminUnit_AllUsers
SELECT @Product =
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%')
THEN 'bpmonline bank sales & bank customer journey & lending & marketing'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%')
THEN 'bpmonline bank sales & bank customer journey'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesEnterprise')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='ServiceEnterpriseSoftkey')
THEN 'bpmonline sales enterprise & marketing & service enterprise'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesEnterprise')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='CustomerCenterSoftkey')
THEN 'bpmonline sales enterprise & marketing & customer center'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesCommerce')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='CustomerCenterSoftkey')
THEN 'bpmonline sales commerce & marketing & customer center'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesTeam')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='CustomerCenterSoftkey')
THEN 'bpmonline sales team & marketing & customer center'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesTeam')
THEN 'bpmonline sales team & marketing'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesTeam')
THEN 'bpmonline sales team'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesCommerce')
THEN 'bpmonline sales commerce'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='SalesEnterprise')
THEN 'bpmonline sales enterprise'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name Like 'MarketingSoftkey%')
THEN 'bpmonline marketing'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='CustomerCenterSoftkey')
THEN 'bpmonline customer center'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name ='ServiceEnterpriseSoftkey')
THEN 'bpmonline service enterprise'
THEN 'bpmonline studio'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'Lending%')
THEN 'bpmonline lending'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%')
THEN 'bpmonline bank sales'
EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%')
THEN 'bpmonline bank customer journey'
SELECT @Product Product, @ConfigurationVersion Version, @PrimaryCulture Localization
Im using PostgreSQL - All MSSQL syntax checkers ive tried also says this syntax is wrong and I cant seem to get anything that will run from this, I cant find any conversions that work manually and ive tried using online converters too
None of the syntax works, could you please be more specific in what I can do to get it working
If you scrolled slightly further down the page you got that code from you'd have seen me commenting that it doesnt seem to work.
We have many many business rules per page. Some are very complicated. We are considering restructuring our build to cut down on the number of rules per page.
My question is - does having so many business rules slow down the loading of each of my pages?
A large number of business rules on a page can affect the speed of its loading, as the size of the object increases.
Two or three rules will not make any obvious changes to the page's performance. While a larger number of complex rules can actually affect the download speed.
We recommend that you contact our support team if you think that the page's performance is too slow, even despite the number of configured rules. (support@creatio.com)
The situation is different with business processes.
Complex processes affect not only a specific section, but also the performance of the system as a whole.
Therefore, we do not recommend running a large number of complex business processes at the same time, and we recommend optimizing them by removing unnecessary elements from them.
We're setting up access rights in our system and the contacts under "Our Company" are being assigned the access right of "all employees". How can we prevent all of our users from seeing the "Our company" account and contacts under that account? We are using record permissions for each organizational role to only see accounts and contacts within that role, but we want users to see all accounts under the organizational role of "all employees" with the exception of "our company".
If there is a need to restrict access to one specific record you can delete the access rights for this record directly on this record page with a help of "Set up access rights" option. Still the record will be available for the system administrators.
If you need to change the access rights for the contact records connected to this account, it can be done with a hep of custom business process that will read all the contact records where the Account = the_needed_account_record and with a help of "Change access rights" business element will delete or grant needed access permissions.
I'd also suggest to test the solution first on test- or dev- site before applying it in the production site.
I update the version from the marketplace, I tried to delete the previous app and reinstalled and same issues shows up. Version is Sales Enterprise
There is a case open in support with the access to the site if you want to check.
If you need to hide the section for some time for a specific user or group of users/role, you can simply remove the section for the needed time from a Workplace in which the user/group of users or specific user role is working and once needed add it to the Workplace again.
You may also consider creating a separate Workplace for this user/users so it will be easier to manage.
However, the user will still be able to access records or a section by a direct link for example, if you need to prevent it, we'd suggest considering changing access rights for the object for the user/user role.
If we are talking about hiding a section for a specific timeframe, for example from 4 to 5 pm each day, such implementation can be done only by means of additional development.