Dear Community,
We have new custom section (Restaurants) and we use this section as a lookup in other section as a reference, this new section have a lot of fields that are not needed to be visualized in other sections or in the lookup.
it's possible hide some of this fields in the filter lookup? (please see attached image)
thanks in advance for your help!
Dear Fernando,
It can be done by overriding Terrasoft.LookupPage, for example
define("GlbLookupPage", ["ConfigurationEnums", "LookupPage"], function(ConfigurationEnums) {
Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.GlbLookupPage", {
override: "Terrasoft.LookupPage",
alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.GlbLookupPage",
Then override
generateViewModel: function() {
var model = this.callParent(arguments);
model.getSchemaColumns = this._getSchemaColumns;
return model;
where_getSchemaColumns is the method that filters needed columns.
Best regards,