Default folder filter on Section


I have a question regarding folder filter in Section.

When entering Section page by default there is no filter applied (All is displayed).


I would like to apply one from customers predefined filters as standard filter, to open/apply by default (Test folder in this example).

How can I achieve this?


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The first option is to setup custom filtering by default when opening the section (something as was described here If you still need to display some folder by default than you need to dynamically modify values in the SysProfileData table (it stores currently selected folder in the section and as a result once user selects the folder, go to another section and returns back to the original section with the folder, there will be the same folder selected in the section).

Thank you Oleg, your idea with SysProfileData table is something what I need, but as I see it is not easy task to achieve, because value in SysProfileData table changes each time we change something in section. I need this to set initially only once and after that to let user change it as he wants. Thank you very much.

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