
Where we qualify a Lead and the account allready exists, the contact of the lead is not linked to the account.

How could i correct this ?

Thank you



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Dear Nikolas,


Your question is a bit unclear. If you are asking if it is possible to create the opportunity if the account has no linked contact - by default it is enough the have the account linked to the lead to qualify it and create the opportunity automatically. The contact can be different. The created opportunity will have the selected account (in the left side bar of the opportunity page)  and the selected contact as well. The contact will appear on the Contacts detail of Opportunity Details tab




Hello Doyen


I deleted my question, the problem was that if an account with the same name allready exists in the database, the contact is not linked to the account when we qualify the Lead.

i told to my users to use the lead account panel to select the account if it allready exists and to create the account if it is a new account.


Thank you for your answer


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Dear community,

after reading about the timeline tab (, i tried to add some fields in various TimelineTileSetting objects, for example in the Activity tile, here is the Data : 


    "entitySchemaName": "Activity",

    "viewModelClassName": "Terrasoft.ActivityTimelineItemViewModel",

    "viewClassName": "Terrasoft.ActivityTimelineItemView",

    "orderColumnName": "StartDate",

    "authorColumnName": "Owner",

    "captionColumnName": "Title",

    "messageColumnName": "DetailedResult",

    "filters": {

        "typeFilter": {

            "comparisonType": 4,

            "columnName": "Type",

            "columnValue": "E2831DEC-CFC0-DF11-B00F-001D60E938C6"



    "columns": [{

        "columnName": "Result",

        "columnAlias": "ResultMessage"



        "columnName": "Author",

        "columnAlias": "Author"




but it does not change anything in my timeline views.

i can not figure out what's wrong.


any hint appreciated !




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Hello Patrice,


The problem here is that the ActivityTimelineItemView doesn't know anything about the "Author" column and there is no viewConfig for the "Author" column.


Please also see this article that describes how to create a timeline for the custom object in the system….


The idea here is to create a view config for all the columns that are present in the timeline "Data". Same thing should be done for the "Author" column of the activity view model.


Best regards,


Hello Oscar,

thanks for the response, that's a typical rtfm case ;)

i was missing half of the work to do.


best regards



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I can't see any Website events on the lead page.

I just get the message "Data loading is in progress. This may take a few seconds."


It seems I get some errors in my console when I open the Website events tab on the Lead page.


Method: POST
Error 400 Bad request


I created the Lead via Landing page and my Website events should be set up correctly.



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Best reply

Dear Julius,


Thank you for your patience and for contacting us at


As we have discussed in our email thread the new web tracking functionality has been currently revoked for revision.


When the revision would be completed it will become available on all sites for all customers.


For now, the old web-tracking can be used - it is still available!



Please be advised that we will let you know once the New web tracking functionality would be live!


Thank you for your cooperation!

Take care!




Dear Julius,


Could you please contact us at in order to provide the best services?


Please be advised that the answer on the question would be still posted here after resolution.


Thank you!

Dear Julius,


Thank you for your patience and for contacting us at


As we have discussed in our email thread the new web tracking functionality has been currently revoked for revision.


When the revision would be completed it will become available on all sites for all customers.


For now, the old web-tracking can be used - it is still available!



Please be advised that we will let you know once the New web tracking functionality would be live!


Thank you for your cooperation!

Take care!




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I want to add a calculated fieldto my OpportunityProductInterest object.

i add it with the Usr prefix (UsrMarge) , but when i save the object, the system return me the following error:

Unable to save structure. Name: OpportunityProductInterest. 
Label: Product of the opportunity. 
Error: InvalidNameException. 
The "Min Quantity" code in the "From" column must start with the prefix "Usr". 
Contact the system administrator.

This is because the previous developper created fields without the prefix.

Can i change the system parameters to set the prefix not required ?

Thank you,


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I want to add the "UsrUniteDeVente" product field on my opportunity print.

But when i want to select the field, i can not select it, it is not in the list:

Is it possible to add this field on my printable ?

Thank you,


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Best reply

The issue is that the value has a 1:many relationship with the opportunity. The opportunity can have multiple products added, so which one would display? In this case, you should add this using "Set up report tables" which would result in a table or list of the products added to the opportunity.


The issue is that the value has a 1:many relationship with the opportunity. The opportunity can have multiple products added, so which one would display? In this case, you should add this using "Set up report tables" which would result in a table or list of the products added to the opportunity.


Thank you Ryan

it was exactly what i was looking for

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Hello colleagues,


Can I start a conversation with a contact using Telegram from Creatio? how?


I didn't see the possibility to add Telegram as a "Communication option"


Thanks in advance

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Hello Julio, 


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to start the chat with existing contacts from the system. The chat feature enables you to receive requests from external users at the moment. We will raise the idea for R&D team to implement this feature for chats in further releases. 


You can find more detailed information about chats in the Communications - Work with chats Academy article. 


Best regards, 


Olga Avis,

Thanks Olga

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i would like to disallow town and state creation on my address page.

Why is not the section wizard reachable ?

So i can not add a business rules... :'(


Does anybody can help me ?

Thank you,


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Best reply

Sorry i ve got it

i needed to go into the detail parameters...

Thank you !

Sorry i ve got it

i needed to go into the detail parameters...

Thank you !

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Does an add-on that would show customers on a map exist ?

For example, a saler wants to know all accounts near the place he is.

Like this:

Thank you


Like 1



Dear Nicolas,


The is such option by default nor similar addon on the marketplace. We've registered your idea in our R&D team backlog to consider such implementation in future application versions.




Is it exists in newest version? 

Dear Dmytro,

This functionality wan not implemented in the new version. Our R&D team still working on that.

Best regards,


Hi Nicolas,


Creatio Marketplace has a mapping tool called Mapsly that can geocode your accounts based on coordinates/address and display them on the map.

i did it with Toolkit to setup map view for Creatio

and following this guide

thank !

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On an account page, in the tab "Associated with", our users got the error:

"The value of the AUM column cannot be obtained because it has not been loaded."

For my part, with a supervisor account, i don't have the error.

Does anybody as an idea to solve this issue ?

Thank you,




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Solved, rights have been put on the column

i remove the rights and it is ok

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In the Ootb Opportunities Section, there are two columns, Sales Cycle Duration and Overall Sales Cycle Duration. They seem like they are populated automatically but I cannot figure out how. Does anybody happen to know how these columns get updated?

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Best reply

You can find updateOpportunityDaysValues method in BaseOpportunityPage

You can find updateOpportunityDaysValues method in BaseOpportunityPage

Vladimir Sokolov,

Thank you.

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