Add custom buttons into "ActionButtonsContainer"

Hi all,

      How can I add custom buttons without break to layout like the screenshot? And I want add a group button like "Actions", but I dont know how to do that.


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Hello Toan, 


Please, add the following code to diff (change parentName attribute):



        "operation": "insert",

        "name": "MyActionsButton",

        "parentName": "",

        "propertyName": "items",

        "values": {

          "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

          "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.MyActionsButtonCaption"},

          "classes": {

            "textClass": ["actions-button-margin-right"],

            "wrapperClass": ["actions-button-margin-right"]


          "prepareMenu": {"bindTo": "prepareMyActionsButtonMenuItems"},

          "menu": {"items": {"bindTo": "MyActionsButtonMenuItems"}},

          "visible": {"bindTo": "MyActionsButtonButtonVisible"}




Add the following to attributes:

"MyActionsButtonMenuItems": {

        dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.COLLECTION


Fill MyActionsButtonMenuItems collection with your items


Please, let us know in case any additional information is required.


Best regards, 


Olga Avis,

Thank you very much, it works well.

Toàn Mai

mariam moufaddal,


If we are talking about the base approval in the section (using Approvals detail that is created after enabling approvals in the section) - this is not an easy task at all and we don't have a ready solution for this, so you will need to create your own using the following scenario:


1) Check which request and to which service is sent when approving or rejecting a record and check which parameters are passed (there should be a parameter that stores a reference to the main record for the approval record)

2) Create a logic of calling the same service for all the records that are selected in the section and bind a click event for your custom action to this logic


Or you can create a separate hidden boolean field on the page called "Is approved" and create a logic of calling a business process that will automatically check or uncheck this column using ProcessModuleUtilities and modify data process element.


Best regards,


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