How to cancel a multitude of business processes?

We have a multitude of old instances of same business process with status Error. In the Process Log, I tried to select them all and then press ACTIONS(175930) → Cancel execution, but it just didn't work. I gave them some time, but the next day they were all there. Canceling them by 200-400 works, with some delays. Canceling by a couple of thousands doesn't work - a few hundreds become canceled, others remain with the status "Error". It would take too much time to cancel them in such small portions. Is there a quicker way?

Our site is in the cloud.

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Hello Yuriy. 


Alternatively to cancelling execution of each instance of the process manually, you can find this process in the Process library and deactivate it:

By answering "Yes" to the clarifying  questions, all the instances of the process will be cancelled:


Should you have any questions, please let us know. 

Best regards, 




Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thank you. I deactivated it, yet they remain with the "Error" status, and there was no dialog "...Cancel them?", unfortunately




Have you tried OOB tools that cancel the process instances in Error status? It also deletes the data according the parameters you set here: 


You can find the description of all the settings on our Academy.

This probably will take some time but at least the system will do everything automatically.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

Thank you, I tried this way. I changed the Allowed time for process instances in the "Error" state (days) setting from 0 to 1. The system started lagging, it canceled the processes with an average speed of 500 processes per hour. Users could not enter the system because of lags, and I too, only from time to time I could enter. It could take 2 weeks to wait until all the processes close, so I asked the Support to solve it. At last, as I see it, they plainly cleaned the Error instances from the Log and the slowness stopped. That's our experience.

I conclude that in our case, this method works for a low number of processes in the Error state.

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