Hello Community,
I need to remove the "Actions" button from the Case record page, I have tried the following codes in the DIFF array, to do remove the button but none of them seem to work:
"operation": "remove",
"name": "ActionsButton"
"operation": "remove",
"name": "ActionButton"
Can someone guide me on how this can be possible?
Thank you in advance.
In order to remove the "Actions" button from the Case record page there is a need to add the following code to the CaseSection schema:
"name": "CombinedModeActionsButton"
Please refer to the below example:
define("CaseSection", [], function() {
return {
entitySchemaName: "Case",
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[{
"name": "CombinedModeActionsButton"
methods: {}
This way while opening the Case record from the Case section the "Action" button will be hidden.
Best regards,
Anastasiia Zhuravel,
Thank you for the clarification.
I had tried the same change, but was doing it on CasePageV2 hence it did not reflect.