Change task displayed fields


I would like to change the fields that are displayed on a task.

I would like to change the start date to be the due date instead.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Dear Tyler, 

To change the view of the task in the action dashboard you can do the following: 

1) Create your own module extending ActivityDashboardItemViewModel and changing the logic you need.

2) Create your own module extending BaseDashboardItemViewConfig and changing the Item view as you need. You can see how the fields are displayed in the getFooterViewConfig method, which you would need to modify. 

3) Create a replacing SectionActionsDashboard schema and add your modules to the dependencies. 

Here is an example how to extend the module: 

define("UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig", ["BaseDashboardItemViewConfig"], function() {

    Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig", {

        extend: "Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewConfig",

        alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig",

        // change methods here 



Dennis Hudson,


When I try to extend the module I get the error/warning "Substitution of modules is not allowed"

Tyler Rainey,

To extend the module you would need to create a completely new one (since the modules can't be replaced as regular schemas) and in your module specify that you want to extend the module. 

Here is an example how to extend the module (custom module UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig extends module BaseDashboardItemViewConfig): 

define("UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig", ["BaseDashboardItemViewConfig"], function() {

    Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig", {

        extend: "Terrasoft.BaseDashboardItemViewConfig",

        alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrCustomDashboardItemViewConfig",

        // change methods here 



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