How to add a button on left sections panel

Hi Team,


Is it possible to add a button on left side sections panel and trigger a business process by using that button. I am attaching a screenshot below for reference. If its possible please help me how to add a button on left panel. Thanks in Advance!



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Dear Praveen,


It would be easier to use the existing button for this business task - it can even run several processes and will not be pressed by accident. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


Hi Angela Thanks for your reply. But i want to know that how to add a button on left panel and run particular business process once's clicks that button.



praveen n,

You can investigate the source code of schema

LeftPanelTopMenuModule and check the code for quickadd-button as it possesses the same behaviour - perform an action on click. You can add the same button but with "start business process" logic by using "click": {bindTo: "runProcess"} method. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


Hi Angela,

As you said i have created a new module and added the same (quickadd) button  one more time but on UI i am not able to see that button ICON is there any other way to add my code to  this module -LeftPanelTopMenuModule for seeing that icon on UI.






praveen n,

The easiest approach at my point view will be to create a new section using section wizard to get a button in the workplace.


Override method getSideBarItems at SectionMenuModule and substitute a link - itemUrl instead of the link to your new created section. To run process you can use the follwoing link as example: instanceName/0/rest/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/processName/RunProcess?parameter1Name=parameter1Value&parameter2Name=parameter2Value where instaneName, processName, parameter1Name, parameter2Name, parameter1Value, parameter2Value it's your values!


If you want to run the process without parameters, use link without parameters, for example: instanceName/0/rest/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/processName/RunProcess - put your values instead of instaneName and processName. Substitute the section link to "run process" link here:


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


As you said i have created a new section and created a new module  for extending a SectionMenuModule and override the method as you guide but where should we have to call this new module.

praveen n,

You can just add new created section to workplace to add it on the left panel.


Best regards,


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