Warning at Template

Hi everyone

I am having a warning when i'am editing my template, the warning is 

"Email template contains tags "u" not supported in HTML5. This can lead to incorrect display of email template in some email clients. Please change the template using css styles"

but really i am not using any tag "u" .

Is there any way to debug this?

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Dear Carlos,

This warning should not influence anything, you can still send these bulk emails but there can be some issues with displaying them in different mail providers as the tag "u" (underline) which is used in your bulk email is deprecated.

Our recommendation is to use the CSS "text-decoration-line:underline" style instead of in places where underline is needed.

In case you didn't add any HTML blocks manually, a block with this tag could be generated automatically, and if you didn't add unsubscribe link and clicked on add it after trying to save the template and receiving the notification message about it.  

In that case, simply delete the automatically added block with unsubscribe link and replace it with the one available in the block library.


Best Regards,


Dear Carlos,

This warning should not influence anything, you can still send these bulk emails but there can be some issues with displaying them in different mail providers as the tag "u" (underline) which is used in your bulk email is deprecated.

Our recommendation is to use the CSS "text-decoration-line:underline" style instead of in places where underline is needed.

In case you didn't add any HTML blocks manually, a block with this tag could be generated automatically, and if you didn't add unsubscribe link and clicked on add it after trying to save the template and receiving the notification message about it.  

In that case, simply delete the automatically added block with unsubscribe link and replace it with the one available in the block library.


Best Regards,


Ivanna Yatsura,

Hi Ivanna 

the html editor embedded into the email designer allows the user to use the unsupported "u" tag.

This fact disorient the end-user


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