Hi all,


please advise me how to disable lead immediate qualification after transition to Qualification stage ?

Please have a look my lead case in attachment.


File attachments
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Hello Valery,


The qualification stage is used to check the completeness of information about a contact or an account to which the lead is linked. This stage starts after the lead information has been saved.

If the available information is sufficient for further work on the lead, qualify the lead without opening the record page. To do this, select the record in the list and click [ Qualify ].

The following instructions can help you to achieve the result you are looking for: 

How to change the standard lead management process? How do I add or modify process stages?

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I have over 2 K invalid emails in my system and I just need to remove them. Is there a way to do that? or do I need to go record by record?

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Hi Heather, 

Could you please elaborate a bit on how you determined that the email is invalid? 

Also, do you mean the email address or the email message? 

Best regards,


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My team is trying to use the Feed feature on various objects, but the messages do not appear in the users' Feed notification tab.  Even when a user is mentioned in the feed the message does not appear in the tab.


The message can be forced to appear when the receiving user replies to the feed message in the original source object.  Of course, that doesn't help anyone since the user would have to know about the message in order to go find it and read it...!


What do we need to activate in order to have properly functioning feeds?

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Hello John,

the Feed notifications should be created automatically if the settings are correct.
You can find more information here:

As for now, it is difficult to say where the issue may occur.
We would recommend you create a case for our Support team in order to conduct investigation and provide you with a solution at the nearest time.




you can also check your system setting NotifyOfNewSocialMessages - it should be turned on in order to receive notifications.





Where is that parameter in my Team Sales settings?  I cannot find it in the "System settings". 

Gleb writes:

Hello John,

the Feed notifications should be created automatically if the settings are correct.

You can find more information here:


As for now, it is difficult to say where the issue may occur.

We would recommend you create a case for our Support team in order to conduct investigation and provide you with a solution at the nearest time.



We are doing as the instructions say, but the messages do not appear in our feeds. 



it seems like this feature was disabled for your version.

As for now, you can check basic Business processes ESN notification and Notify of new social messages - they both should be active.





Both processes are active.

Why was the feature disabled??  How do we enable it?  What is our "version"?

John DeFayette,

Can we have feedback on this issue?  Still not active.

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Hi Community,


Currently we are in the middle of migrating our projects from Creatio version 7.18 to 8.0.1. To do that, we have installed new Creatio machines on our servers, and the packages for each project. However, we are getting some errors while installing these packages on the new Creatio 8 machines. 


One of the packages that we are trying to install is this one:



While installing this package we got the folllowing errors:

2022-05-26 11:15:05,856 [33] INFO Supervisor InstallZipPackage Save - Compiling configuration dll
2022-05-26 11:15:33,238 [33] INFO Supervisor InstallZipPackage Save - Errors and (or) warnings occurred while compiling configuration dll
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(110,11) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelWorksheet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(273,31) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelWorksheet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(84,49) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelPackage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(20,8) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'OfficeOpenXml' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(84,11) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelWorksheet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(110,54) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelPackage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I did a full system source code generation and multiple compilations, and the error persists.


Is there any way to fix this?


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro!

Could you please provide more details about the issue?

Specifically, the platform type (.NET Framework or .NET Core). Are you trying to install the add-on from the marketplace on a clean site, or is the site already customized?

Seems like the compilation system didn't process the external EPPlus.dl

Yevhen Vorobiov,


We are installing the package on a new clean site which uses the .Net Core platform. 


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


Pedro Pinheiro,


Please note, this add-on doesn't support .NET Core platform.

I recommend using .NET Framework.

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Hi community,

I tried to install the application "Map widget for Creatio" from the Marketplace in a sales-team-marketing-demo environment (v. 8.0.1) and it's not working!

I have configured the map chart dashboard but it's not loading and if I open the inspector I find this errors in the console log:

Can you help me?

Let me know!

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Best reply

Hi Luca!
We reviewed the add-on and reproduced the issue on our end. That was an out-of-the-box compilation-related error. When installing the package, the system did not compile and did not generate static content.
We plan to fix this problem in future versions of Creatio. For the time being, I recommend recompiling your system.

Hi Luca!
We reviewed the add-on and reproduced the issue on our end. That was an out-of-the-box compilation-related error. When installing the package, the system did not compile and did not generate static content.
We plan to fix this problem in future versions of Creatio. For the time being, I recommend recompiling your system.

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I am attempting to create a list dashboard for an SQL view.  When adding columns to the dashboard list a blank dialog appears with no content.  Details as follows, using a Creatio CRM trial.  The Object schema Parent object I have set to 'BaseEntity' which from what I can gather is the Base object.  Console errors appear as soon as the dashboard list object is selected.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "UsrAdvisorHourlyActivityView";
CREATE VIEW "UsrAdvisorHourlyActivityView" AS
SELECT "ContactId" "UsrContactId", 
       DATE("StartDate") "UsrHandledOn",
       EXTRACT(hour from "StartDate") "UsrHour",
       ac."Name" "UsrType",
       COUNT(ac."Name") "UsrVolume"
FROM "Activity" a
JOIN "ActivityCategory" ac ON a."ActivityCategoryId" = ac."Id"
GROUP BY "UsrContactId", "UsrHandledOn", "UsrHour", "UsrType";

core-base.js:711 user: oslergs+20220426@gmail.com/268b5da7-2ede-4b32-8bbe-9af04721ebba
 file: https://120304-crm-bundle.creatio.com/0/core/hash/ng-core/src/polyfills-es5.js?hash=d68f5581113c4a18ba28d150078addf6
 line: 1
 column: 16730
 message: Uncaught Error: Script error for "UsrAdvisorHourlyActivityView"
 date: Wed May 25 2022 13:49:37 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)
 stack: Error: Script error for "UsrAdvisorHourlyActivityView"
performanceLogger.js:350          POST https://120304-crm-bundle.creatio.com/0/DataService/json/SyncReply/SelectQuery 500 (Internal Server Error)
baseobject.js?hash=d68f5581113c4a18ba28d150078addf6:120 Error while sending request 
	response status: 500 (Internal Server Error)
	request url: ../DataService/json/SyncReply/SelectQuery
	method: POST
	request data: {"rootSchemaName":"","operationType":0,"includeProcessExecutionData":true,"filters":{"items":{"113b5012-338e-4779-ba2b-16e90eec318d":{"items":{},"logi...
polyfills-es5.js?hash=d68f5581113c4a18ba28d150078addf6:1 Uncaught constructor {errorCode: 'ArgumentNullOrEmptyException', message: 'Value for argument "name" must be specified.', stackTrace: undefined, errors: Array(0)}
core-base.js:711 user: oslergs+20220426@gmail.com/268b5da7-2ede-4b32-8bbe-9af04721ebba
 file: https://120304-crm-bundle.creatio.com/0/core/hash/ng-core/src/polyfills-es5.js?hash=d68f5581113c4a18ba28d150078addf6
 line: 1
 column: 16730
 message: Uncaught Value for argument "name" must be specified. 
 date: Wed May 25 2022 13:49:37 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)
 stack: undefined


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Hello Gareth,


Don't forget that when creating a view you also need to create an object in configurations that represents this view. And when creating an object you select BaseEntity as a parent and there are 6 columns added when selecting this object: Id, CreatedOn, CreatedById, ModifiedOn, ModifiedById and ProcessListeners. These columns should be also included to the CREATE VIEW statement and the dashboard is not working because 500 error is returned upon the SELECT query sent to this view and it's returned because of these missing columns. Adding them should fix the issue.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

The error was actually a combination of this and I also neglected to publish the object schema (I missed the console error saying failed to load as well).


From what I can gather through trial and error all that seems to be needed of the inherited columns is the row 'Id', I wouldn't like to leave the other fields without a value though.


Thanks for your time.

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Two issues re. using pre-configured pages.


I enabled debug mode using the browser console.  I then pressed Ctrl-F5 (cache reload) on an open process designer page, and tried to load the setup area of a pre-configured page element in the right hand panel.  It wouldn't load, the cursor just hung loading.  I then disabled debug mode and pressed Ctrl-F5 in the process designer window again.  The setup area of the pre-configured page element then loaded fine.


More problematic was the following while adding a button to run a process that opened a pre-configured page.  Using the debugger to step through a function that called the process with 'ProcessModuleUtilities', the configuration of the process call itself having a callback function for when the process had finished.  The debugger reported that the callback function was being called before the process had run and pre-configured page closed, not after.

define("ContactPageV2", ["ProcessModuleUtilities", "MaskHelper"], function(ProcessModuleUtilities, MaskHelper) {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Contact",
		attributes: {},
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		methods: {
			onProcessCallbackTestButtonClick: function () {
				const config = {
				    sysProcessName: "UsrPreconfiguredPage",
				    callback: function() {
				        Terrasoft.showInformation("The process has completed.");
				    scope: this
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "ProcessCallbackTestButton",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 5,
					"caption": "Process Callback Test",
					"style": "blue",
					"click": {
						"bindTo": "onProcessCallbackTestButtonClick"
				"parentName": "LeftContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 7
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "JobTabContainer",
				"values": {
					"order": 2
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "HistoryTab",
				"values": {
					"order": 5
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "NotesAndFilesTab",
				"values": {
					"order": 6
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "ESNTab",
				"values": {
					"order": 7


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Text book technique to implement the second of these issues would probably be using messages as outlined How to Refresh a Page from a Process in Creatio (formerly bpm’online) | Customer FX.

Hello Gareth,


And have you received any error message when trying to open the pre-configured page in the "Debug" mode? This can point to the reason for the issue.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

I didn't think to look, apols...

       user: *********/5ef2a5b8-b3de-4790-90fa-d2ae501290bf
 file: https://**********.creatio.com/0/core/hash/ng-core/src/polyfills-es5.js?hash=0076eaccde25431d9d2d73f8f01c29c5
 line: 1
 column: 16730
 message: Uncaught Terrasoft.ItemNotFoundException: Property useBackgroundMode is not defined in class Terrasoft.manager.ClientUnitSchemaParameter 
 date: Wed May 25 2022 16:10:27 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)
 stack: undefined

This error appears when debug mode is both true and false.


The sequence to reproduce the (alleged) bug that I am using is, 1) Set debug mode true in the browser console with 'Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", true);', I am doing this  pressing F12 in a Contacts section record, 2) Return to the process designer and press Ctrl-F5 to reload the cache, 3) click on the pre-configured page element.


I am using Edge browser and have tested this in an incognito window.

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