Hi Team,


I need help in automatic mapping of excel file fields with the creatio fields for the scenario as follows:


The fields of section are mapped while import if the titles of fields are same in both excel and creatio instance section. But in the case of linked fields, we have to manually map the fields. How can this mapping process be automated?



The field settlement party got mapped automatically as the field title is same in excel and in creatio. However, in case of the Risk Location, the field is in another section which is linked through the Claim ID lookup. Hence, had to be mapped manually.


please suggest a solution for how risk location can also be mapped automatically without user intervention.


Best Regards,



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As for now, there is no built-in functionality that allows binding columns while importing as Connected object -> column from this connected object automatically, since it can provoke more errors after the import. But we have a suggestion registered to our R&D team regarding this topic in the "Accepted" status so it is included in the plan to make the functionality better. I will also let them know about your request so to make the priority of the problem higher! Currently, you need to specify connections manually and there is no workaround for this functionality.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!


Kind regards,


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Hi there,

I received a file from creatio to install to the system.


Where do I find install it?




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Could you please specify what kind of file you received?




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I tried to install the following add-on from the marketplace: Starting a project (https://marketplace.creatio.com/template/starting-project)

But the installation failed. See attached log.

The Creatio instance is version is 8.0.2.


Any idea if this add-on can still be used and how to properly install?


Kind regards,


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I've recently tried this same package and get the same error and was going to report to support. Have you reported to support already?


Ryan Farley,

Hello Ryan,


I did not report this to support as I was told that support for DevLabs add-ons is done via the community. Should I raise a ticket in the success portal?





Hi Vincent,


I have updated the template package. Try installing the template again.

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I'm not able to enable approvals in version 8.0.2

Does anyone know how to enable approvals in the latest version ? knowing that there's no View>Open section wizard in the section created with the newwest version





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Could you please elaborate on the issue and explain what functionality exactly you are not able to find? How did you create the section exactly and how did the "Enable approvals" look in the older sections?


Kind regards,


Hello Mira,


In version 8, i've created a new section in the Application Hub > New Application > New page.

In the older version we used to create a new section in the Section Wizard. Also in the older version, in the section itself, we usually click on View > Open section wizard where we can find multiple section properties including the Enable Approvals checkbox.

Tha't what i'm trying to find in the newest version, as there's now View > Open section wizard in the page.





I have checked this matter with our R&D team and unfortunately "Enable approvals" checkbox is not available in the Freedom UI yet.  It is planned to add it in future releases, but it is hard to tell when exactly it will happen.


Kind regards,


Hello Mira,


Thank you for your reply.


So what's the current workaround for that ? Supposed we're working on a new section developed using the version 8 and we wanted to enable the approval on it 



Mira Dmitruk,

What is the current status of this feature. We need to add Approval for our custom section, but there is no Visa object for that.

Is it possible in 8.1 already?

Kind regards,


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I just build a new section, with some fields, once y open it to make a new register, it doesnt display the fields I build, only the button NEW 

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Hello Alex, 


Please contact support at support@creatio.com, so we will investigate it further. 


Thank you,


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I've installed the field module app and configured "rules" & "actions".

Now I need to add a new "visit" activity with actions rule that I defined using a business process. I successfully created such record, BUT I can't find the way how to define the actions ("Actions - Visit" detail) when I'm creating the record in the business  process.

Any Idea?





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Dear Eran,

Actions - Visit - it is a detail.

Detail has its own object.

So, you need to use one more business process element "Add data" to add records to the object of the detail.

It is impossible to create records in multiple objects using 1 business process element.

Best regards, Alex,

Thanks Alexsei, 

I've tried to add a record to the "Actions - Visit" detail  (VisitActions table), BUT the "VisitActions" object is  NOT on the list of Objects to select of the "Add  data" element... 


Any Idea ?

Eran Malik,

Please contact a creatio support team.

They will escalate the question to the responsible team and I hope your issue will be solved.

Best regards, Alex.

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Hi all, 

Where can I add a template for future use in Data Import section


Thank you

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Hello Tyme,


The highlighted templates work with Duplicate parameters.

During the file import, at the third step, system offers you to "Specify the duplicates search rule for data import to the system", here you can select the columns which will be used to search for duplicates. Also, there you have an option to save these settings as a template:

If you check the corresponding checkbox and proceed with data import, you'll have an option to populate it's title:


During the next import, you'll have an option to select a duplicate search template by selecting it from the list at the stage of loading a file for import. This way you can apply the template to a new import.

Best regards,


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HI all,

I need your help.

I'm Trying to customize the mobile app. But each time I follow the documentation 

and need to modify the manifest module with:


"CustomSchemas": ["mycustommudule"],


I get console error (on the debugging browser) saying:

Path for schema 'mycustommudule' not found.

* i get this error for every custom module I create and try to add it to "CustomSchemas".


Or  adding "PagesExtensions": [mycustommudule,...]  <-- doesn't work


Basically i'm trying to add a button to my custom section on the mobile app & handle it's "on click" event. but i just can't make it work..

* I followed the documentation on :



with no luck...




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HI Eran!


Have you tried generating source code for all schemas and compiling the app?


Best regards,


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Hello Danielle, 


Could you please double-check whether you have followed all the steps from the installation guide, also there is a video overview:

If so, could you please clarify on which step exactly the issue occurs?


Best regards,


Dear @Anastasiia, at this time is no any video on the documentation of Zapier connector. At this time also I Cannot do it work

Hello Julio,

Could you please elaborate on your issue?

Best regards,


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Hi all,

please advise me how to disable immediate qualification after my transition to Qualification stage.

My case:

1. Lead case was customized. The first stage is 'New'.

2. Create new lead, current stage is 'New' 

3. Transition to 'Qualification' manually

4. Immediate qualification occurs





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Hello Valery,


The qualification stage is used to check the completeness of information about a contact or an account to which the lead is linked. This stage starts after the lead information has been saved.

If the available information is sufficient for further work on the lead, qualify the lead without opening the record page. To do this, select the record in the list and click [ Qualify ].

The following instructions can help you to achieve the result you are looking for: 

How to change the standard lead management process? How do I add or modify process stages?

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