
Hi community,


In creatio, when mailbox synchronization is enabled, every email received that is linked to a contact is automatically linked to that contact.

Is it possible to disable this mechanism?

There are many emails in a user's inbox that are not useful to be tracked in creatio and that the client would not want to track.

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Dear Stefano,


Due to the basic logic, the last added email to the system is displayed on the "island"  on the left side.

This email, web, and phone are indicated in the contacts table in the email,  web, and phone fields.

There are two different tables  in the system with the following information:

1. For the contact: Communication option (ContactCommunication) and contact (Contact)

2. For the account: Communication option (AccountCommunication) and account (Account)

Let me explain to you the basic logic:

When you added the communication option for contact or account, it will be automatically transferred to the communication option detail.


The [IsCreatedBySynchronization] column is responsible for this process in the contact - a sign of synchronization for the "Means of communication" detail with the associated contact object, in a separate ContactCommunication table. If the value True is specified for the entries in this column, the mechanism works correctly.


Unfortunately, is not possible to disable the logic of automated email address updating when binding an email to the contact.


Best Regards,


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In our company, written offers are still created and sent to the customer by email.

I haven't seen anywhere where you can create offer documents in creatio.

Can someone help me?



In unserem unternehmen werden noch schriftliche Angebote erstellt an den Kunden per Mail verschickt.

Ich habe nirgens gesehen wo man in creatio angebotsdocumente erstellen kann.

Kann mir jemand helfen?

Herzlichen Dank

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Hello Gabriele,


Thank you for your question!


Kindly elaborate a little bit more on the format of the document. If possible, please, attach an example.


Best regards,


Hello Anastasiia,

thanks, I found the possibility to create a document. In the opportunity at the top right at print.

But I still have one question. Is it now possible to save the documents as .pdf and store them in creatio?



Hi Gabriele,


At the moment, we can recommend using the conversion to PDF using MS Word via "save as".


As a workaround, if you do not want users to change the PDF file after downloading:

Download the word file using the 'Restrict Editing' option as a printable template. Then, when downloading, the file will contain the necessary data, but it will not be possible to change it without knowing the password.


Alternatively, please, check this add-on on our Marketplace which allows generating Word printable forms in PDF format using the Aspose.PDF service:


At the moment we are working to ensure that in future releases it will be possible to upload files in PDF format, I have attached this post to the scheduled task of the developers to increase the task's priority.


Best wishes,


Hi Anastasia,

thanks for the information. Please let me know if it is possible to save documents as .pdf.

Greetings form Bavaria


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Since we upgraded to v8, my default Workplace menu no longer is the default. I have a custom Workplace menu, but when I login, it now uses the Sales Workplace menu instead, meaning I always have to manually change it.

Is there a setting somewhere to allow me to set my default Workplace?



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Hi Mark,


Thank you for your question!


This is a known issue and our R&D team is already working on implementing a mass fix for future releases. As for now, this can be fixed by enabling the feature DisableAutoFindWorkplace on the instance.


For Postgre:


do $$


featureCode varchar(100) = 'DisableAutoFindWorkplace';

featureId UUID;


featureId = (select "Id" from "Feature" where "Code" = featureCode limit 1);

IF featureId is null THEN

insert into "Feature"

("Name", "Code")


(featureCode, featureCode);

featureId = (select "Id" from "Feature" where "Code" = featureCode limit 1);

end IF;

delete from "AdminUnitFeatureState" where "FeatureId" = featureId;

insert into "AdminUnitFeatureState"

("SysAdminUnitId", "FeatureState", "FeatureId")


('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, featureId),

('720B771C-E7A7-4F31-9CFB-52CD21C3739F', 1, featureId);

end $$;




DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'DisableAutoFindWorkplace',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);


Best regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Thanks for your quick reply first of all. We use the SaaS Creatio, so is this something I need to raise a case with Creatio support to get applied?

Hi Mark,


If you have a Creatio cloud instance, please, check if there is an SQL Executor for Creatio installed. This add-on has been discontinued but if you still have it - you can still use it and run the above-mentioned queries yourself. If it's not present - we can do this on our end. Please, contact us at in this case.


Best regards,


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Hi Community! Hope you are doing well.

My goal is to create leads from third party app, obviously avoiding loading duplicates.

I have those questions:

  1. I know that it exists in the process element "Find and Merge duplicate". What is the result of this item? Does it tell us what is the ID of the record that remains? The new record created or the merged record in which result/parameter? gOldRecordId?
  2. I'm working on a source code schema. Can I re use some code to achive my goal? I was reviewing some other services that create leads from landing pages or others, but they are not simple to adapt. Is there any method that allows me to validate duplicates or to do the merge by code after having saved a lead?

Any other comment or suggestion are welcome.

Thank you!




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We are working to create a series of landing pages on our site to gather as many leads as possible. However, before publishing the new landing pages (containing the Creatio integration code) we wanted to test them using some local .html files with no luck.


Beside the code (generated by Creatio) that has been inserted in the .html file, our form looks as simple as possible:



 Mobile Phone:



When clicking on "submit" no lead gets added in Creatio. Can anyone help with the main reasons why this would happen?


Creatio Version:


Thank you

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To resolve this you need to change the settings of the landing page as on the screenshot below. In the field "Website domains" instead of the whole landing page link put a * after the website address. 


Kind regards,


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In a main object I want to bring the sum from a detail, to get amount sum of the number of records in the detail

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Hello Alex,

I recommend you to read this discussion. I belive that there you can find an answer to your question.

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We start using Creatio une v7.18 but we are now one the v8.0.1.

We are using few pivot table on our dashboard. We'd liked to rebuild them on the new UI, but ... I can't find a way to do a pivot.

Is it still possible to make a pivot in the new Freedom UI app ?

If not, is it planned in the future ? (when ?)


Thanks ! :)

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Unfortunately, the current version of Creatio does not have the pivot table functionality in the new UI yet.

There is already a request for our developers to bring this functionality in future releases but we are not sure when this feature will become available.


Thank you,


Justin Murphy,



Unfortunately, there is no ETA for this feature at the moment.


Best regards,


Yuliya Gritsenko,

And do you have ETA now?

Vladimir Sokolov,



Unfortunately, it is still under review with the R&D team, we can't tell you the exact date, but the development team will consider this request to make it in the future.

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Hello Community,

I need the filter options of a customer portal page within regular sections. I need to hide the advanced filter menu from the section filtering menu.

Do you have any idea of how to do so?


Thank you in advance, have a nice day! 

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Best reply



In the replaced BaseSectionV2 module you need to:


1) define the GetExtendedFilterConfig PTP message with the subscribe direction:

"GetExtendedFilterConfig": {
					mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
					direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE

2)  subscribe to the message:

subscribeSandboxEvents: function () {
					const quickFilterModuleId = this.getQuickFilterModuleId();
					this.sandbox.subscribe("GetExtendedFilterConfig", this.onGetCustomFilterConfig,
						this, [quickFilterModuleId]);

3) in the onGetCustomFilterConfig method handler disable the advanced filtering:

onGetCustomFilterConfig: function() {
				return {
						hasExtendedMode: false

An example of the code used in the portal can be found in the BaseDataView module.


Best regards,




In the replaced BaseSectionV2 module you need to:


1) define the GetExtendedFilterConfig PTP message with the subscribe direction:

"GetExtendedFilterConfig": {
					mode: this.Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
					direction: this.Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE

2)  subscribe to the message:

subscribeSandboxEvents: function () {
					const quickFilterModuleId = this.getQuickFilterModuleId();
					this.sandbox.subscribe("GetExtendedFilterConfig", this.onGetCustomFilterConfig,
						this, [quickFilterModuleId]);

3) in the onGetCustomFilterConfig method handler disable the advanced filtering:

onGetCustomFilterConfig: function() {
				return {
						hasExtendedMode: false

An example of the code used in the portal can be found in the BaseDataView module.


Best regards,


Thank you Oleg Drobina!

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Hello !


Is it possible to use a business rules to hide some elements in section based on the language of the current user ?


For exemple, if my user is log in english I'd like to hide some details block.


Thanks :)

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Unfortunately, there are no such basic tools to implement your business task. 


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Best regards,


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Dear mates,

We are facing a problem since we are using Creatio (2019).

Occasionally, while in use, Creatio stays loading and becomes unresponsive.

If we open a new tab Creatio remains inaccessible.

We have to close the browser and reopen it to be able to access it again.

Currently we are using Chrome but the problem also happened with Firefox.

Do you also encounter this problem ?

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Please contact our support team ( for further investigation. 

Best regards,




Hello Bogdan,

I allready open several tickets without any solution.

I would like to know if other users of Creatio encounter or have encountered this problem.

I will open a ticket today with the timestamp of the problem.

Thank you,


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