I have problem about filter. How add filter in list creatio?

So that you understand what I mean, I've included the picture below

and the filter I mean is like this

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Hello Muhamad,


Your business task could be achieved by development tools.

Please refer to this article.

Best regards,


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I saw that in Creatio, I'm able to see the change log only for the things that we've created, but I can't see the changes made by anyone in the tabs that are out of the box like the [Feed], [Attachments and notes]. I want to mention that I'm admin and still nothing into the change log about these tabs. 

What should I do?


Thank you!

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You could set up a change log to see who created, modified, and deleted feed messages for a general list (the object of the feed message is called SocialMessage) and the same for [Attachments and notes] tab.

Please see the link below: 

Set up the change log


We registered this idea in order to select the necessary object to log the website.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Is it possible that we can display the change logs as a detail of a page?

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Hi Community,


I have a business task to add a search button to the email at the communication panel - which will allow the client to search for a specific email / search by the sender of the email, etc.


Something like this:


I would like to know if it possible? how ?


Thanks in advance!


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Theoretically, this is possible, however, this is quite a difficult task to do and I cannot even say if this is even possible.

If you really want to do it then probably you should start with analyzing the base logic behind this module. Change the email box and see what requests the system will send, see the initiator of these requests. In your button, you should do something similar to them. 

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Hi Team,


I was working on the onsite upgrade process from 7.16 (dev local instance and Postgre as DB) to 8.0 by following this documentation and with proper files. But I got few errors and I need to configure everything from scratch as told by Support team.


So can someone please refer or help me in figuring out the steps which I need to take in consideration to achieve this task.


Thanks in advance

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We're in the process of reviewing how we will design a new contact page with Freedom UI and we were wondering:


Question 1: how will the addon "GDPR for Creatio"  will be used to integrate in the highly flexible new Freedom UI section pages (example new contact page) ?

Question 2: Is is just a (or more) field(s) we can add on the page, a detail we can add wherever on the page or something else?

Question 3:  is it planned to make it compatible with Oracle DB ?

Update (12.09.2022) : Noticed in the 8.0.4 notes "Data protection compliance. You can now mark custom objects’ fields that contain personal data in the [ Configuration ] section to ensure compliance with GDPR and other regulations on personal data protection. The option is enabled by default for out-of-the-box objects."

Question 4 : That's a great new functionality, but what does tagging help us do ? Will there be an integrated mecanism to help extract / anonymize / delete the specific PII (Personal Identifiable Information)  natively, or do we need to do the processes ourselves ?

Kind regards,



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no one supporting this app anymore ?



Damien Collot,


Hi Damien!


1. This application is incompatible with Freedom UI.

2. The basic logic handles only the following five options: Do not use email, do not use phone, do not use fax, do not use mail, do not use SMS. If you want to add new fields to the GDPR policy, you have to write a new procedure on the database level.

3. We have implemented the Oracle compatibility, You can download the latest version on the marketplace.

4. This add-on has only internal logic without any integrations. Currently, developers are not planning to expand this solution, but you can use this logic or develop your own solution.


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Hi team,


I am trying to create dynamic folder programmatically (from client side code), 

Below is the code I tried where I am able to create record in ObjectFolder table but the folder is not visible on the frontend (UI), the reason what I think could be that I am using direct Insert.


When the above solution doesn't worked for me I tried calling "saveLookupFolder" method inside FolderManagerViewModel. Below is the code for it.

Following is the "saveLookupFolder" method inside FolderManagerViewModel.


It's giving me this error : 

In my usecase I have to create a record inside ObjectFolder table with two parameters which are "SearchData" (folder filter Value) and "Name" (folderName). But I don't know If I am using the right base function (saveLookupFolder) for this purpose, but I also think that direct insert will provide no help to me.

Someone please help in this case. What base function to call and how to call?


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Hi community!

I'm adding a br on the mobile app to filter a custom lookup field based on another field's value.

To do this I have created a separate module and included it in the MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace.


It's not working on the app.

Could you help me out understanding what's missing?

Here's the BR 

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Account", {
	ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.MutualFiltration,
	triggeredByColumns: ["Industry", "UsrApplication"], 
	connections: [{
		parent: "Industry", //Lookup field on Account
		child: "UsrApplication", // Custom Lookup field on Account (the Obj UsrApplication has a Lookup column "Industry")
		connectedBy: "UsrIndustry" // Lookup field on the "UsrApplication" obj


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I have a question about the feed tab. 

I do want to ask you if there's any out of the box possibility to change the permissions for a user. I don't want to let a user to edit or delete his own comment posted in the feed tab, but the manager should have access to those 2 functionalities.

Can I implement this without code?


Thank you,

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If you want to configure the deletion permissions please use Permission to delete messages and comments:image.png

Permission to delete messages and comments gives permission to delete messages and comments left by other users in the [Feed] section, on the [Feed] tab of the Notification Panel, and on the [Feed] tab of the view and edit pages of the system sections.

Please note, that there is no possibility to deny permission to users to delete their own messages and comments even if they do not have access permissions to this system operation.

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Hi Team,


There is a requirement in which I have to verify a specific condition based on fields and lookup values on clicking the SAVE button. I am using ESQ in edit page schema while overriding asyncValidate method to achieve this. 


But, I am unable to figure out which commands can be used to get further field values of that lookup, and then compare it. For reference, here in my case, Contact lookup is on Custom section and I want to fetch Department value of it .


Thanks in Advance, Prashant Jha

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Please check the below Community post for an example of the implementation:



Let us know in case of any questions. 

Best regards,


Hi Anastasiia,


How can we fetch columns of other object through ESQ by matching them with a condition. Any example or syntax will be helpful.

Prashant Jha,

Hi, take a look at this article, I believe this is what you needed.

In any case, you can use another ESQ request based on the values you got from the previous one.

Hi, I am overriding asyncValidate method with multiple filters (A AND C) AND (B AND C). Here C is the field from the same object, A and B are the fields from other object using ESQ.


I have created a separate function to achieve this as below :


ConditionCheck : function(ID, BUnit, esq)



            var esqFirstFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Id",ID);

            var esqSecondFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,"Department.Name",BUnit);


             esq.filters.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND;











                            return false;


                    return true;




And, I have used this function to call (A AND C) and (B AND C) separately as:


var result1 = this.ConditionCheck (A, C, esq);

var result2 = this.ConditionCheck (B, C, esq);


Now, I am not sure how we can combine the result1 and result2 in asyncValidate method such that it will only going to save when both result1 and result2 holds "true". Please help me on this.

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Hi Creatio Team,

we currently have an issue compiling processes containing script object : 

the compiling start but seems to never end. There is no error message.

I tried to leave the script object empty, just to check if my script code was the problem : no luck, compile still take forever, without error...


My colleague tell me that this issue has also happen for him since some weeks (maybe since 8.0)

Is it a known problem ? What may cause that kind of issue ?

Best regards,


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Hello colleagues,

To investigate this issue and help you we have to check the application logs of your environment for the day when the issue was reproduced.

Please contact support with details.

Best regards, Alex.

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