

I have a client who frequently uses the email template designer and we have a situation where between two templates the cog-icon in upper right corner of the block acts differently and I dont know why.


In one template the cog, once pressed, opens up the following menu allowing to align the block across the designer to left, center or right:

In another template where I push the same cog-icon I cannot get any menu to show up and I find no other way to align the main block either. All new templates I create also have the same problem of not seeing any menu pop up when pressing the cog-icon.


Do you know what could be the cause of this difference?


All the best,

Per Näsström, Chessit

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Hello Per,

I consulted with our R&D team and this is not a mistake, but expected behavior.

It's just that we have two versions of templates in the system (GRID - the old content designer with a drop-down menu on clicking on the button from the case; and MJML - the new content designer on mjml, where clicking on the button activates the panel on the right of the template settings).

From now on - all new templates are opened in the new designer and the template settings panel is opened right away by default, that is why it feels like the button is not working.

Also, please note that template alignment functionality is not available in the new content designer, that's why this menu is missing.

I hope my explanations were useful to you.

Best Regards,


Hello Dennis, sorry for the very late response. I have conveyed this to the customer and they now understand that all text will be centered in the future due to this new designer. 


Thank you for investigating this.


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I have tried to retieve the Object in OData. but it shows internal exception with following message. I have already deleted the column Name PhoneNumber.


The EDM instance of type '[Terrasoft.Configuration.OData.ContactInformation Nullable=True]' is missing the property 'PhoneNumber'.",

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Hello Prabin, 

Please try to generate source code and compile the website to actualize OData on it. 

After that, please try to run the same request again and check if the response is changed. 

Thank you. 

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Good Morning,

We are trying to export an excel file with macro in it.

After installing IntExcelExport we manage to extract the date we need in an excel file.

We wanted to do the same with an excel template containing a macro.

We could not do that, the upload to Creatio of the sample file does not produce an error but it generate a corrupt file.


it is very easy to reproduce the issue:

1-You need to install the add-on  IntExcelExport.

2-Create a new Custom extraction.

3-Inport an excel template with macro in it (Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet (.xlsm) or Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (.xls)).

4-Try to generate any king of report (the generated file will be corrupted and will not open)


Could you help us please to manage to generate a excel file with macro in it.

Should we use another product?


Best Regards.


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Hi Yassine,

I'm sorry to say that the Excel reports builder does not support Excel templates with macros. There are no similar apps for your consideration at this time.

Irina Lazorenko,

Hi Irina ,

Thanks for your response.

I found a workaround, i will just include a link to the macro in a different file already existing in the download folder.

It is not ideal but if it works it is ok :)


Best Regards.


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Hi, community,


I am getting this error message when adding a new object to the "List of Objects Available for portal Users" Lookup.




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Hello Andreia, 


Please contact us at support@creatio.com to address this question. 


Best Regards, 


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I am attempting to set default Access Rights for new emails (inbound and outbound) for my Sale Department users.  Essentially, I want to ensure that all Sales Department members have Read Access to all emails generated by their department colleagues.


I use the Object Permissions UI page, setting the values for EmailDefRights.  I add my email profile as Record Author under the Use Record Permissions, set User or role who obtains permissions to Sales Department (user group), and check Grant Read access.  When I go to Apply the new setting, and request to change existing records, I get the following error:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

And I cannot even leave the settings page.

What am I doing wrong?

BTW, I also tried this action on the Email message Permission, but nothing seems to happen.

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Hello John, 


Please write an email to support@creatio.com, as your case needs to be analyzed individually. 


Best Regards, 


Done.  Request #SR-01139268

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I created a custom web service to accept xml from one of our lead aggregators. However, it is not deserializing the request body, and all I get in response is a Null Object Reference error. Am I missing something?


My custom web service:

namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.UsrMyLeadImportNamespace
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Xml;
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
    using System.ServiceModel.Web;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;
    using Core;
    using Core.DB;
    using Terrasoft.Web.Common;
    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
    public class UsrMyLeadImport: BaseService
		private SystemUserConnection _systemUserConnection;
		private SystemUserConnection SystemUserConnection
				return _systemUserConnection ?? (_systemUserConnection = (SystemUserConnection)AppConnection.SystemUserConnection);
		// Service operation.
		[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "new")]
		public MyResponse New(LeadInformation leadInformation)
			var response = new MyResponse();
			response.ResponseStatus = "Tracking Number is => " + leadInformation.TrackingNumber;
			return response;
	[XmlRoot(ElementName = "LeadInformation")]
	public class LeadInformation
		[XmlElement(ElementName = "TrackingNumber")]
		public int TrackingNumber { get; set; }
	[DataContract(Namespace = "")]
	public class MyResponse
		public string ResponseStatus { get; set; }

Request Body:



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Best reply

I've performed the same setup (additionally to the code you've shared, registered the service as anonymous) and sent the following request in Postman:

As you can see the result is correct so the issue is somewhere in the request you send or in the service settings. You need to double-check them.

I've performed the same setup (additionally to the code you've shared, registered the service as anonymous) and sent the following request in Postman:

As you can see the result is correct so the issue is somewhere in the request you send or in the service settings. You need to double-check them.

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I would like to replace the action on the Green phone when it is clicked in leads and Oppos. I added a menu item for the action , but want the green button to doo the same action instead of what it does by default. What is the best way to do that?


Thank you


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Hi Keith

The tabs buttons are designed to show UI elements to make a quick action.

If the custom action you're building needs user input (text, date, etc ..), you can create a custom PublisherModule based on CallMessagePublisherModule.

Or, you can build a custom button like the Playbook button to run the action.

I hope this helps!

Thank you


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Hi community,

I have a standard package and would like to migrate it to the new assembly-type package.

I know it is possible to move a single package element to another package, but I have never done it.

Do you have any suggestions?


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Please note there's a useful article on Creatio Academy on Package conversion that should help with your need. Make sure to check it and lt us know if questions appear!


Kind regards,


Mira Dmitruk,

Thank you Mira

I will give you a feedback

Stefano Bassoli,

Hi Mira,

I have a standard package installed in the production environment.

What happens if I migrate to an assembly package and then try to install it in my production environment.

Is this a supported scenario?

A technical youtube video going in more details about uses cases, best practice and advantages of this new feature would be great :)

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Hi community,


Some of our new orders (usually the maintenance orders) need to include some existing products in other orders (the previous maintenance orders or new purchase order) of the same account. I want its behavior like in adding product in order page (all products from another specified existing order were listed already, you can just edit multiple records and save), then these "selected products" (with quantities>0) will be added to this new order.


Thanks in advance.


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Hi Andrew, 


Thank you for the question, but it is quite hard to understand without an example or more details. Can you please provide some test examples (with orders and products) for us to see how you would like to use this functionality? 


Best Regards,


Ihor Skohariev,

For example, I have an account "Streamline Development" that placed an order (ORD-14) in 2019.

This year she wants to place a maintenance order whose products will include some items in ORD-14.

In this case, what would you do? (Ususally, the maintenance order will include hundreds of items that from the previous orders' products)

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Does anyone know if it is possible to get the Calculated Metrics Marketplace app, to work on Freedom UI? 



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Hi Harry! I have forwarded your feedback to the developer in charge. At the moment they do not have such plans.

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