
Does anyone know if it is possible to get the Calculated Metrics Marketplace app, to work on Freedom UI?


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Hi Harry! I have forwarded your feedback to the developer in charge. At the moment they do not have such plans.

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In Sales (long sales) where is it possible to enter a reason for losing an #Opportunity?  We need a way of registering why the Opportunity was lost as well as linking to the competitor that ate our lunch.

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Hi John,


Within Opportunity, you could use the column "CloseReason" which is OOTB column. This could state the reason why it lost such as "No Budget" or "Lost" or "Stolen Lunch".

You could then use the column "Winner" which links to the "Accounts" lookup, to list the competitor who won the business - also an OOTB column


Hope that helps.

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Hi Community,


Is there a internal chat functionality in Creatio CRM. Lets say, are there 10 CRM users who are currently logged in on the system. These 10 users can exchange messages to each other via chat functionality?

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I believe that your business task can be achieved by using the standard Feed section where channels for posting can be separately created and followers can be selected.

You can find more information about the Feed section here:


Best regards,


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Hi there,


Does anyone have a landing page integration with Gravity Forms using a script?


This piece of the script works



$( "#gform_15" ).submit(function( event ) {



but always sends the data whenever the Submit button is clicked and I want to find a solution to only send when the form is actually sending correctly.

I cannot use the Marketplace integration as I need the Matomo integration script.

Already asked on the Gravity Forms forum, but no response there.


Your help is highly appreciated

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Hello Davey,


If you mean that you would like to create some kind of form validation that prevents from sending the form when there are empty fields, you could add some conditions to the function.


For example you can get the fields from the form by their Id document.getElementById() , and then verify whether their value is null or undefined. If it is, you can just put a return; statement before the createObject(); function, this way the function won't be executed if the conditions are not met.


So it would look somethig like this:


$( "#gform_15" ).submit(function( event ) {

//get the elements 


if(element1 === undefined || element2 === undefined) {

//write something on screen to inform that it needs to be filled


} else {





At the moment we do not have a ready example of this functionality, but you are welcome to try your own implementation and share with us the results.


Best regards,


Dariy Pavlyk,


Thank you for the quick comment.

It's not that I need to check the form, but it's more like:


A user doesn't fill in the required fields, but clicks on 'Submit'

Then the default form will give an error: There was a problem with your submission. Please review the fields below.

But the script is triggered already and data goes to Creatio.

So what I need is that the script is triggered when the form is actually being submitted (like a validation).


Example for contact form 7 that works

document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7submit', function( event ) {


}, false );



And I know it's not Creatio, but Gravity forms, so I'll keep searching unless someone has an answer.

And I'll definitely look into your code example too.

Hello Davey,


The example that I provided would solve this issue, as if there is any required field that is not filled, the  createObject(); function will not be triggered.


if(requiredElement1 === undefined || requiredElement2 === undefined) {


-- This return stops the function here, it won't go down 

} else {




This "return" will stop the function, it won't go further, so the function won't execute the other function called "createObject();". So no request will be sent to Creatio.


Best regards,


Dariy Pavlyk,


Thank you Dairy,


I really appreciate it.


I'll test it and give some feedback

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Could you elaborate on the basic authentication deprecation mentioned in the 8.0.3 release notes… ? When is it occurring?

Do clients on-premise are currently still on 7.18.5  until 8.1 is released ( waiting code being stabilized with new features and fixes), do we need to update their system in 8.0.3 or does the email listener integration with 7.18.5 work ok ?




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Hello, Damien!


As for now, the integration works successfully on all versions with Basic Authentication, and it does not depend on where the site is (cloud or on-premise). 

But as we have written in the release notes 8.0.3 Microsoft is deprecating the login and password authentication (Basic Authentication) method since it is obsolete and insecure. We recommend setting up secure OAuth authentication in the near future so that you do not lose access to your mailboxes from Creatio. 

Also, you can change the method of authentication both on version 7.18.5 and on 8.0.1, it will work.


You can use this article for setting up Microsoft Office 365 Email for using it with Creatio via OAuth:…


Best regards,


Kate Karpik,

Thanks for the clarification :)

Regarding shared mailboxes using Oauth - can it be done also in 7.18.5 or do we need to upgrade to 8.0.3 minimum ?



P.S. Noticed the deprecation will be sooner than later (Oct 1st 2022 -


Dear Damien,


Thank you for your feedback.

Unfortunately, in order to add shared mailboxes that use OAuth authentication to Creatio you need a minimum version of 8.0.3


Best regards,


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Hi there,

I am studying the user session object in order to make some dashboard.

There I found a column "session end method", where there are 0, 1, 2 ,3 as values.

What do these values mean?


Thanks in advance.


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Best reply

Hello Andrew, 


SessionEndMethod column values:

Not closed - 0

The session was closed as a result of the user logging out. - 1

The session was closed by a timeout on the server side. - 2

The session closed forcibly. - 3


Thank you, 



Hello Andrew, 


SessionEndMethod column values:

Not closed - 0

The session was closed as a result of the user logging out. - 1

The session was closed by a timeout on the server side. - 2

The session closed forcibly. - 3


Thank you, 



Ihor Skohariev,

Thank you Igor!

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Hello community, we would like to use the autonumbering feature described on the Academy website. However, we want the number to be assigned after a record is saved, not when the record is created. It is important that no number is "wasted" when a record entry is cancelled. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Hello Alexander, 


when implementing autonumbering on the back-end, you can choose any action you want in the replacing object. 

In your case, instead of the default "Before record added", you can set the process to be triggered by the "After record saved" event.


Best regards,


Hi Max,

thank you very much for your reply. We tried it, but it wasn't possible. Could it be that the "Invoice" module in the original "Invoice" object blocks the creation of individual event BPs?

Alexander Lovenjak,


The original object should not block the creation of the event BP's.

Have you tried using the "Before record updated" event?


When an object is saved it basically sends an Update query to the database so this event should work properly.


Best regards,


Hi Max, thank you for your help. It seems, that there is a bug within the invoice object. Creatio consulting tries to find it. The event handling changes doesn't help.

Best regards


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Hi All


Anyone know how to add or custom button in the list ?

PS. i create this list use freedom builder

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Unfortunately, there are no such basic tools to add the button to the mentioned dropdown. 

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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I'm trying to install the "GlbOpenPopupWindowUserTask" package on a local machine which is installed on my client's server but it shows the error I attached.

Anyone, can help me understand why I can't install it?


Thank you!


Kind regards,


File attachments
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Hi Andreia,


The log file contains no errors. Could you please check the application logs and specify the errors?

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Hi , please can someone assist me I am trying to create a workflow chart/brain diagram.

is there anyone who can assist , thank you in advance ?

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Hello Saun,


Could you please elaborate on your business task?

Best regards,


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