Hi , please can someone assist me I am trying to create a workflow chart/brain diagram.

is there anyone who can assist , thank you in advance ?

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Hello Saun,


Could you please elaborate on your business task?

Best regards,


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Hello team,

I am trying to integrate sunny landing page with Creatio Atlas and am facing below error.

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://019205-marketing.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/GeneratedObjectWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormObjectData' from origin 'http://mydemodomain.demopage.co' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.


How do I overcome this? I notice sometimes using OpenID when I login to creatio, I get this error as well? Is there a work around for this?


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Could you please contact Creatio support team using support@creatio.com so we can help you with CORS Error.


Thank you,



Funny - just had the exact same problem with CORS on landing page forms. Will contact support ...

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Does anyone know how I can edit the text from the Creatio pre-configured unsubscribed page? I'm not looking at building my own page, just want to edit it. 



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Hi David,


Thank you for your question!


The unsubscribe page is pulled from our services and has a general view. Unfortunately, this page is not customizable. You can set up your own unsubscribe page and redirect unsubscribed users to it, there is no need to change the basic unsubscribe mechanism itself. More information on this can be found here:



We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement the functionality of editing the unsubscribe page in further releases. I will assign your post to this project in order to increase its priority.


Best regards,


Ok, thank you. Yes, it would be an important feature, as some customers work in multi-language regions, so the ability to at least have one multi-lingua message is important.

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I have the following flow in my business process:

I read a collection of records(rentals) and I want to display them in a detail.

I have created a process parameter of type: Collection of records to hold the collection of rentals but I am not able to display them in the detail.

Any ideas how could I achieve this? Is it possible without writing a custom implementation?



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Indeed, functionality allowing you to pass collections into a pre-configured page was added not so long ago. 

Collection data can be displayed on the page only when there are adjustments made in the code of the page to process and work with a collection of records. 


An example of this page can be found in the bank customer journey product:

“Product selection | ProductSelectionProcessPage” 

And more hints on how to use it in the process are in the respecting academy article:


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Hi community,


Is it possible to add a fixed filter for a text field ?

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Hello Stefano,


Fixed filter in section cannot be added with a help of basic system tools, but only with a help of development.

I would suggest to check  the below post for guidance and implementation example:



Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hello Anastasiia,

I would like to add a text box filter field that the user can compile or not 

Stefano Bassoli,



Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task? Can you share a screenshot of the desirable result or an example of such filter in a system?

If I may refer to the subject of your post "FIXED FILTER ON SECTION", then this functionality can be achieved with a help of development as described in the post shared in my previous comment.


Best regards,



Anastasiia Zhuravel,


I attached a screenshot.

The end-user uses frequently a quick filter on a text field, is it possible to make fixed ?

Hi Community! How are you? 

Could you solve this problem? On our side we need to do something similar.

Thank you in advance

Uriel Nusenbaum,

The below can be added to your schema to have a custom Fixed Filter (and customize based on the filter need).


define("ContactSectionV2", [], function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "Contact",
        methods: {
            initFixedFiltersConfig: function () {
                var fixedFilterConfig = {
                    entitySchema: "ContactType",
                    filters: [
                            name: "TypeFilter",
                            columnName: "Type",
                            caption: this.get("Resources.Strings.ContactTypeFilterCaption"),
                            dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                            appendCurrentContactMenuItem: false,
                            addNewFilterCaption: this.get("Resources.Strings.SelectContactTypeCaption"),
                            hint: this.get("Resources.Strings.SelectContactTypeCaption"),
                            buttonImageConfig: this.get("Resources.Images.ContactTypeFilterImage")
                this.set("FixedFilterConfig", fixedFilterConfig);




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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I'm trying to use a basic macro in my email template(ex: [#Recipient.Contact name#]), but it is not replaced with the proper value.


I also tried to use a custom one and the same, values are not replaced as expected.

Any idea what am I missing?



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We would need to take a better look at this issue and thus advise you to create a support request by emailing us at support@creatio.com.


Best regards,


The same issue is occurring for me using basic macros in email templates.  Specifically, [#Recipient.Contact name#] does not work.

Francine Braese,



Please send us an email at support@creatio.com so we can check the details and advise you.


Best regards,


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Such error may occur if any of the default localizations were deleted (any records from the dbo.SysCulture) 

Please flush Redis of your instance and try to create an object again. 



Yes Did It's working Thank you

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I'm using Creatio Studio(trial version for now) and I have created my own custom object(Car Rental) - with the Represents Structure of Database View behavior (meaning that a table should be created for it).

As part of my business process I want to add data to the object, but I'm receiving the following error:  Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: 42P01: relation "public.UsrCarRental" does not exist 


I have saved and compiled the object accordingly but it seems that it does not work.

Could you give me some hints?


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The "Represents Structure of Database View" means a table is *not* created for it. Instead it looks for a database view of the same name as the object. 

For normal objects that will have records, you should not check the "Represents Structure of Database View" checkbox for the object. Does that make sense?


Hi Ryan, thanks a lot. Your suggestion helped me ;)

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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if there is a way to use the Calculated Field Widget for Dashboards, within the new Freedom UI? 


I note on 8.0.2 there is a way to copy elements from old UI. Is this possible? 





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Hello Mark,


Could you please describe in greater detail your task?


Thank you,


Hi Artem, 

within the old UI, we have the marketplace add-on "Calculated Metrics For Creatio", which once installed, has the ability to create calculated metrics in "Dashboards". 

I would like to migrate from the old UI dashboard, to freedom dashboard. However, calculated fields is mandatory. 

Is is possible through dev to implement this DevLabs add-on with the Freedom Dashboard? 





Unfortunately, there is no way to set up existing sections in the Atlas UI.

Our developers are already working on bringing this functionality in future releases of Atlas.

As soon as they bring this feature old sections will be automatically updated.


Thank you,


Hi Artem, 


I am referring to using the element within the new UI. Not bringing an existing section into it. 



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I have a working Printable which prints my quotes. However, the formatting of the numbers is not in thousand separators, so I therefore updated the Word mergefield values, but when outputting from Creatio, I get no merge values populated.This is what I have done so far:

  1. Created a new version of the Word doc template
  2. Toggled the field codes to display the full merge values
  3. Changed a field which has a large multi thousand number from the following (note: how I have removed \*MERGEFORMAT):
    1. {MERGEFIELD "Opportunity product.Total, amount" \*MERGEFORMAT }

    2. {MERGEFIELD "Opportunity product.Total, amount" \# #,##0.00 }
  4. Uploaded to replace the working Printable
  5. Generated the quote

In the resulting word doc, the values for this field are missing.

I have also tried the following variations, with none working:

{MERGEFIELD "Opportunity product.Total, amount" \# "#,##0.00" }

{MERGEFIELD Opportunity product.Total, amount \# #,##0.00 }


Either I am missing something obvious or Creatio does not like this format override.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Hi, Mark


You can use a macro for these fields in your printable. For example: ColumnName[#NumberDigit|,#] 

More information at the link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/application_components/repor…


Unfortunately, there are no basic application tools to add commas between the digits. It can only be done with the help of the development process. In this community thread, you can find the example of such implementation https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-set-comma-separator-money-f….


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