Freedom UI - setting default value to create new record from lookup


Lookup fields on Freedom UI have a feature that let user create a new record from lookup Field, like on the following screenshot (Owner field on Account Form Page):

I'd like to set some default values on such created record. For example, I'd like to set the new contact's account to current account record. I'm able to do this while using simple buttons, but I don't see such possibility for lookups.

It will be ok, even if the answer requires some coding, I have nothing against :)


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You can set the default value for the column if the object settings:



I know that its possible to set default value on the object level, but unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem. Let's see an example:

In Account, I have two important fields: Owner (which is my company employee, who takes care about the customer) and Primary contact (which is my customer, related with the account). Both fields refer to Contact records.


In Contact, I have a Type lookup, which I use to recognize whether a contact is my company employee or a customer.


I'd like to set Type to my company Employee, when adding record from Owner field, or set it to Customer otherwise. I can't do it by setting a default value on the object level.


Anyway, thank you for your answer :)


Hello again, do anyone know answer for my question? :)

Maybe try to set value through Business Rules. It can do this as much as I understood your query.

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