Freedom UI - CreateRecordRequest

Hi all, 


Does anyone know if it is possible to send the crt.CreateRecordRequest to a specific page and not to the objects default form? 

I want open the a modal form page rather than the default form. I suppose it will be added in upcoming releases but wondering if there is a workaround now.


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In the basic code I found this example:

request: "crt.CreateRecordRequest",
                            params: {
                                entityName: a,
                                entityPageName: t.cardSchemaName,
                                defaultValues: o

try using the same approach, but change entityName and entityPageName. This should open your custom page.

Hi Oleg, that does work, thank you. 

Only trouble is it opens the modal as a full width page. I don't suppose anyway around that in this version?



I am affraid there is no workaround for it, but I will registed a task for our R&D team on this matter. Thank you in helping us to make the application better!

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