Hi Community,

We are localizing in Italian our application. We are using the OOTB Attachment TAB.

May we ask some suggestions for localizing the label hereafter reported?





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What is the version of the app you are currently using?

Hanna Skalko,

Hi Hanna

We are using Version 8.1.2 (.3914)




Thank you for your reply!


This tab has already been translated in the newest version of Creatio - 

Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio Community! 

Hanna Skalko,

Thank you very much for your update.

We will wait for Creatio - to be installed on our environments.



Hi Hanna


We confirm that in Creatio - the localization is addressed.






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Hi community,

I created a business process that inserts a new OpportunityProductInterest for a specific product into a specific Opportunity.

The insert process element step copies the Product.Notes column to the OpportunityProductInterest.Notes column.

Product.Notes is a localizable text column and its value is localized to English and Italian.

If the BP is saved using a user localized in English, everything works fine, while if I make changes to the BP using a user localized in Italian, the BP does not work.

The expected result is the OpportunityProductInterest.Notes filled with the value Product.Notes, but in the wrong scenario the column is assigned the empty string.


What do you suggest me?

thank you in advance

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I founded the solution.

The OpportunityProductInterest.Notes field was not a text localized, then the BP didn't work correctly.

I change the field as localized text and everything is fine now.


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I am trying to validate a section data using custom code and entity event layers.

Since the current user can belong to different regions across the world, the validation error message must be thrown in different languages.


I understand we can use Localizable Strings, but I am unable to Get the value of the localizable string.


If I create a Localizable string called "MessageToUser", how can I access its value in C#?


Thanks in Advance!

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Hi Shivani,

You are correct, in this situation you need to use Localizable strings.

In the source code you can create it in the left panel, and if you want to add them to event logic, you can find them in the "Resource" section:

You can find an example on how to access this string in this article.


Dmytro Vovchenko,


Thank you. Unfortunately, the line of code to get localizable string :

 var bodyTemplate = UserConnection.GetLocalizableString(ClassName, "BodyTemplate");

gives the following error in Visual Studio

'UserConnection' does not contain a definition for 'GetLocalizableString'

I had referred this link earlier, and since the definition was absent, I was wondering if I am missing something or there is any other way to get the localizable string in Source Code Schema


Just to be sure, did you use all on them in your code?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Common;
using Terrasoft.Core;


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