We appear to have issues with creating Recurring Events in Calendar.

I have tried creating a basic (4 occurrences) of an Event yesterday, and while Creatio created all 4 occurrences, the Notification Center reports this:

"Create recurring activities action failed. Contact your system administrator for details"

In addition, when creating recurring events, we often get:

  • Creatio becomes very slow or unresponsive -- sometimes possible to connect with an Incognito window
  • Clicking on Save, the popup screen does not go away (need to X out of it)
  • Browser developer tools shows errors with MakeRecurring (error while sending request application server request time-out, POST, {parentId: xxx, frequency: W, interval: 1, until: 04/15/2023, startDate 02/20/2023, byDay: 2})
  • If Events are created, then Creatio becomes very slow and you need to logout and log back in again
  • Deleting the recurring event causes things to hang

*Sometimes* things work OK and the only issue is the Notification Center report that it failed, but most often it just does not work properly. 

I am trying to book meetings that occur on a weekly basis, and have tried both booking them at an interval of 7 days and using the weekly choice and choosing only one (or two) day(s) of the week, as choosing all appropriate days seems to really kill things.

Here is a video with voice over with examples of the problems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m1tEBG_RXV-ARKWNO71AVaDpzlpeq1-O/view?…


Any suggestions of how we might do things so that the Calendar and recurring events are more responsive?

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Hi Jeffrey,


I reviewed this app and was unable to reproduce the issue on our end. However, this could be a result of conflicts between your custom logic in the Activity section and the add-on logic. This solution works using stored procedure functionality, which can affect Creatio negatively. 


We decided to remove this add-on from the Marketplace to avoid similar problems in the future.

We do not recommend using it.

Also, have sent feedback to our R&D team about including such functionality in Creatio out of the box.


Thank you for your request, we appreciate it!

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Dear Community,


I want to add multiple details of the same object "product in order" to the order section. My problem is that the product catalogue of the original detail does not appear when adding products in the newly created details.

Does anyone have the code to adjust this?



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Hello Markus,


First of all, we don't recommend adding the same details on the page more than once as they may not behave correctly.


The "Product in Order" detail is quite specific, and is meant to be used in one section only. You can make it visible it two different tabs. 


To add the same detail twice, you can create a new detail based on this object, and then add it to the page. So the detail should work correctly.





Thanks for answering! If I create a detail based on the same object, unfortunately the selection page (in the screenshot above) is not transferred. Any idea how I could copy this functionality to the new detail?

Hello Markus,


honestly, it is quite difficult to understand where you have the issue without looking at it. You can try the following:

1. Open this detail's settings in "Order" section

2. Go to the second section where you need this detail, open Wizard, Add new detail

3. Than you can just copy the relation from the first one (like Object, columns etc.)

4. Give you detail another Name and Code, then Save.

5. Now you have the same detail as in "Orders" which is working correctly.


If you will still have some questions, I recommend creating a case for our support team so my colleagues will be able to help you resolve the problem as quick as possible.




Markus Kumpfmüller,

To begin with, you should create a new object and set  Parent Object: BaseProductEntry.

Please follow the below steps for Product Catalogue.




 The following dependency and code to the edit page where the detail is added. (Ex: OpportunityPageV2)


            Dependency: ProductSalesUtils


            /**Opens the catalogue page**/

            openCardInChain: function(config) {

                 if (config && !config.hasOwnProperty("OpenProductSelectionModule")) {

                     return this.callParent(arguments);


                 return ProductSalesUtils.openProductSelectionModuleInChain(config, this.sandbox);


Inside the Detail Schema you need to subscribe the following messages.


                   * @message ProductSelectionInfo

                   * ########### ######### ###### ####### ########

                   * @return {Object}


                  "ProductSelectionInfo": {

                        mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,

                        direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE




                   * @message ProductSelectionSave

                   * ############ ####### ######## ###### ####### #########


                  "ProductSelectionSave": {

                        mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,

                        direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE



            init: function() {




subscribeOnProductSelectionInfo: function() {

    this.sandbox.subscribe("ProductSelectionSave", this.onProductsSelected, this, [this.sandbox.id + "_ProductSelectionModule"]);

    this.sandbox.subscribe("ProductSelectionInfo", function() {

           return {

                masterRecordId: this.get("MasterRecordId"),

                masterEntitySchemaName: this.get("DetailColumnName"),

               masterProductEntitySchemaName: this.entitySchemaName


      }, this, [this.sandbox.id + "_ProductSelectionModule"]);



Important Note: You need to change the schema detail parent to "Base detail - Products". And the schema detail page to "Base edit page - Products detail".

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


Trying to create "Product in Lead" detail with product catalogue. Using your hints, I've created new object PrbProductInLead (parent: BaseProductEntity) with Lead lookup column, added PrbProductInLeadDetail schema (parent: Base detail - Products) and PrbProductInLead1Page schema (parent: Base edit page - Products detail). Changed LeadPageV2 so it contains:

define("LeadPageV2", ["ProductSalesUtils"], function(ProductSalesUtils) {
            openCardInChain: function(config) {
                if (config && !config.hasOwnProperty("OpenProductSelectionModule")) {
                    return this.callParent(arguments);
                return ProductSalesUtils.openProductSelectionModuleInChain(config, this.sandbox);

Also I added code to PrbProductInLeadDetail:

		messages: {
			"ProductSelectionInfo": {
				"mode": Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
				"direction": Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
			"ProductSelectionSave": {
				"mode": Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
				"direction": Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
		methods: {
			init: function() {
			subscribeOnProductSelectionInfo: function() {
				this.sandbox.subscribe("ProductSelectionSave", this.onProductsSelected, this, [this.sandbox.id + "_ProductSelectionModule"]);
				this.sandbox.subscribe("ProductSelectionInfo", function() {
					var answer = {
						masterRecordId: this.get("MasterRecordId"),
						masterEntitySchemaName: this.get("DetailColumnName"),
						masterProductEntitySchemaName: this.entitySchemaName
					return answer;
				}, this, [this.sandbox.id + "_ProductSelectionModule"]);

But when I push the AddRecordButton on Lead page, I get loading mask that won't come off until I close the page. Browser console says:

Error while sending request - InvalidTypeCastException (Column must be lookup).

What am I doing wrong? Please, help.




Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Could you please clarify whether we should create a detail (which will result in Creatio adding an object, detail, and page to the configuration) or if we must add a custom section?

"To begin with, you should create a new object and set  Parent Object: BaseProductEntry."

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I am using the "Creating quotes for opportunities" addon on Creatio 8.0.5.

I just noticed that quote products are not visible to standard users, only to system administrators...

Here is my test case :

- Creation of an opportunity with products as a standard user

- Launch of the "New quote" process

- Input of quote data and quote save

=> The products of the opportunity are not visible on the quote

- Reopening quote from the opportunity

=> The products of the opportunity are still not visible on the quote

- Launch of the quote edition with the default Word printable

=> The quote edition does not contain the product lines

- Modification of quote rights to make it accessible to "All employees"

=> The products of the opportunity are still not visible on the quote

- Standard user logout from Creatio

- Login as system administrator

- Reopening of the quote created by the standard user

=> The products of the opportunity are visible on the quote window

=> The quote Word printable contain the product lines

I did this same test case on an old Creatio test website in version 7.18.5 (I'm on a on-premise installation), as well as on a cloud trial version of Creatio in 8.0.6, I reproduce this same behavior .

Has this incident been observed before?

Is there a flaw in my test case?

Thanks in advance.


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Best reply

Hello team,


I found the source of my problem!

The problem was at the level of an inheritance of rights on OpportunityProductInterest table, the rights were linked to the Opportunity table...

The archive rows being linked to the Quotes table, this was a problem...

I removed the inheritance and everything is back to normal.





I'm still stuck with this problem...

Anyone have an idea?



Hello team,


I found the source of my problem!

The problem was at the level of an inheritance of rights on OpportunityProductInterest table, the rights were linked to the Opportunity table...

The archive rows being linked to the Quotes table, this was a problem...

I removed the inheritance and everything is back to normal.



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I am trying to import large amount of data, around 7 million lines. I noticed that using an excel this is almost impossible. What are the alternatives?


Comparing this to inserting it in an SQL, I usually bulk insert batches of 5000-8000 and it will be done in 5 minutes. 

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Hi community,

I've added a custom button in the product in order detail in the order page. But I need to hide this detail custom button when a field, say fieldA, in the order page has the value of 0; and display the detail custom button immediately when user change the value of fieldA to a value greater than 0.

Take it brief, I need to use fieldA as a toggle. When fieldA>0, the detail custom button displays; when fieldA<=0, the detail custom button hides.


Thank you in advance! 

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We have incorrectly linked Datasource to Homepage. How is it possible to remove it?

Thank you!

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In "old style" Creatio is possible to create different section pages depending on a lookup field, just like Activities out-of-the-box section (one page for Task, one for Email, one for Call).

In Freedom UI pages I cannot find the way to do the same thing: how can I setup different Freedom UI pages depending on the value of a lookup field of the record?



Like 3




Unfortunately, this feature is really not available in the current release version of the app.

However, our development team is already aware of this need, so this feature may appear in future versions of the app.

Pavlo Sokil,

Hello Pavio ,

Is this feature ready yet ?




Unfortunately, this functionality is not yet available. Due to complexity of the task our R&D team need time for testing and further implementation. 

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hello ,

Is there any alternatives please ?




There is no available workaround for now.




8.1 Quantum release notes

Multiple form pages for a single object. It is now possible to create multiple form pages for a single object in the Object Designer as well as in the settings of both List and Button components. The app determines the page to open based on a field value. For example, this lets you have completely different pages for different request types.

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Hello community,


I got an error while installed package from DEV to PRE environment. The error in the log showed as below. Please advise what was wrong and what should I do?

Thank you in advance!

2023-02-13 10:24:54,107 Lookup values "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_3060a5b7123046008292d2ff391eca00" from package "Dynasafe1" installed
2023-02-13 10:24:54,170 Error occurred while installing data "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_2e6d095fc4d0489e85718fd9726cd018" in package "Dynasafe1". UId c3395037-7ea2-4919-a3bf-75881b2dd66f: 23503: insert or update on table "SysModuleEdit" violates foreign key constraint "FKfswQzuMwAT8Bnlby6UilfQqmU"
UPDATE "public"."SysModuleEdit"
	"ModifiedOn" = TO_TIMESTAMP('2023-02-13 10:24:54.154', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3'),
	"ModifiedById" = '{410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00}',
	"SysModuleEntityId" = '{45417B49-B9B2-4255-893D-F1FB10103294}'
	"Id" = '{2E6D095F-C4D0-489E-8571-8FD9726CD018}'
2023-02-13 10:24:54,201 Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: 23503: insert or update on table "SysModuleEdit" violates foreign key constraint "FKfswQzuMwAT8Bnlby6UilfQqmU" ---> Npgsql.PostgresException: 23503: insert or update on table "SysModuleEdit" violates foreign key constraint "FKfswQzuMwAT8Bnlby6UilfQqmU"
   at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.<DoReadMessage>d__157.MoveNext()


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The package installation issue is caused by the fact that the elements "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_2e6d095fc4d0489e85718fd9726cd018" from the Dynasafe1 package have bindings to non-existent data.

The "SysModuleEdit_SysModuleEditManager_2e6d095fc4d0489e85718fd9726cd018" element contains the binding ID 45417B49-B9B2-4255-893D-F1FB10103294 of the SysModuleEntity object (SysModuleEntityId column), but the SysModuleEntity table does not contain this ID.

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Dear colleagues,


Somebody know how can I start a campaign from a process?


Or execute the code behind the "START CAMPAIGN" button on campaigns, when campaign is on manual start mode or the SCHEDULE CAMPAIGN if the campaign start mode is "at the specified time"


Thanks in advance

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You can find all the campaign options here:



Could you explain your business goal in more detail?

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Hi, sure I have a campaign we need start and stop due some conditions, so I can change from a Process some campaigns values, but cannot Start it from the process (or I don't know how to do it).


If I have a manual start campaign, it has a button to start it https://prnt.sc/PRhNgH_YhpGI, and if it has a start date defines we have the Schedule campaign button https://prnt.sc/fzSsKfTPvJ0a, so in both cases the campaign need a manual action to start immediately or to schedule to start in the specified date.


My question is, can I from a process trigger the actions behind the buttons, or start it when manual or schedule when has a start defined date?


Thanks for your help and support



Julio Falcón

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Hello, have you some idea how to solve what I exposed?

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Dear Community,


I wish to create somewhat of a wizard to add a new order in our CRM. Similar to how you would order something online. Step 1 would be to check the adress for service availability, step 2 choose products, step 3 choose subscription type and discounts, step 4 personal info, contact info and payment info.


I am playing around with preconfigured pages but these are limited, for example if you wish to calculate prices. You cannot trigger a business flow as far as I know to change a price field based on the amount of products fields.


Is there any way to do something like this?





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You can create it by means of preconfigured business processes and creating a new method with the same logic as in the refreshAmount method from BaseOrderPage


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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