
Hi There,

Can portal users login to Creatio through Single Sign On just like regular system users?


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Hello Vishal,


Creatio supports only 1 user type for the SSO. It can be either Employee or Portal User. 

You can use both of them only in case there is a possibility of configuring separate IdP providers for portal users and company employees.

But in this case:

- You will not be able to use JIT 

- Service initiated login (when you getting redirected to your SSO provider after going to Creatio website) will be possible only with one provider or none of them. 

In case you enable it for one provider - (the one which will be stated in PartnerIdP key in web.config) you will have to make sure that all users of a type different from provided within this provider will use SSO only directly from their IdP. 

Best regards,


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Hi All,

I could able to add the rich text column from the Freedom UI page using the designer for Contact section.

But when I tried to add the rich text field from the object,

and drag-deop the element from the section wizard, this column seems to be a normal Text field.

Creatio Product version -

How to make this coulmn as actual rich text field similar to which we see in Freedom UI?


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I don't believe that data type works for classic pages. Instead you can use the steps in this article to convert a text field to a rich text editor:…


I don't believe that data type works for classic pages. Instead you can use the steps in this article to convert a text field to a rich text editor:…


Ryan Farley,

It's very useful. What if I want 2 rich text field in one section page. I tried to create 2 rich text field . All are working good except when I tried to upload image. Image is being cloned in both the field. If I upload image in one of the field it is been shown in both as well. Any solution for this issue?



Please may I ask can the field set as "Rich Text" then be printed without any html characters?

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Hello Community,

How can we set a default Image for image link column in freedom UI?

I want to Change the Image to my own Default Image. Can someone help?


Thanks in advance!

Indurthi Yasaswini


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Julio, he is referring to the Image column type that can be added to a Freedom UI page. It uses a default icon called "image-placeholder"


Hello community,


We have tried Localizable images and direct links to SysImage as well. Please give an example of how to use Resources.Images to have a default image set up


That image is not a resource image, but a mat-icon. I don't know whether the component has a property to select the default icon. I tried guessing at a few:

  • icon
  • defaultIcon
  • default
  • image
  • defaultImage

None of the above worked. It's possible that it does not have a property to set the initial default icon - but that seems unlikely? Either way, we'll have to wait for more documentation on what properties the component supports I suppose.


Which image, this one? 


Julio, he is referring to the Image column type that can be added to a Freedom UI page. It uses a default icon called "image-placeholder"


Thanks Ryan, sorry, also have no idea how change it

Hello Yasaswini,


You will need to add these fields as shown on the screenshot:


      "placeholder": "eye-blue",



Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

Yuliya Gritsenko,

Thanks for this Yuliya. How can we go about finding this sort of thing out for ourselves in the new angular components? In the Extjs-based pages, it's easy to look at source to see what things can be done. However, with the angular components, plus everything being minified, it's very difficult to find where to look. Are there any tricks to using devtools to find the source of the components to look for this sort of thing (even if minified)?


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I see there are 2 duplicated records in SysProfileData forOrderSectionV2GridSettingsGridDataView


Select * from "SysProfileData"  

Where "Key" = 'OrderSectionV2GridSettingsGridDataView'

AND "ContactId" IS NULL

AND "SysCultureId"='1a778e3f-0a8e-e111-84a3-00155d054c03'


And when I save columns setup in Order section for all users the new record is added. But when this new record in bound to the package and installed on Production site, my column setup is not applied.

How safe is it to remove existing 2 records that came out of the box?

Thank you

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There is a script that safely removes all duplicates in the table SysProfileData, you can use it:


from "SysProfileData"

where "Id" in


  select uuid(min("Id"))

  from "SysProfileData" 

  where "Key"<>'' and "Key"<>'chrome'and "Key"<>'gecko'

  group by "Key","ContactId", "SysCultureId"

  having count (*) > 1


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Hi Team,

We have created a detail and while creating didn’t opt for “Make the list editable” checkbox [didnt check it] and saved it but now not able to select the box and looks like it is locked.


Question : is there a way to check the “Make the list editable” checkbox


Thanks in advance!



File attachments
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Hi Amritha,

You can also make the editable list in detail following this article -


No need to create replacing schema if it's your custom detail object because you already have it.

Hope it helps

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I'm trying to do a basic forecast configuration, comparing with Opp amount total vs forecast. However, I want to have a column showing sum of the opp amount but based on probability %. For exemple, an opportunity valued at 10K with a 50% probability % is valued at 5K, one at 5K at 80% is 4K. So total expected would be 9K. Is there an option for this in the forecast? 

Plan be would be to do the calculation in Opp and used that as the amount$. But I know some systems can do the option above OOB, so wondering if I just missed it. Thanks

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It is indeed possible to calculate such value right inside of the forecast!


If you already have the "Opportunity amount" column in the forecast, you would need to do the following.


You would first need to add the "Probability, %" column to the forecast:



Notice that we have checked the "Hide column" checkbox since we do not want this column to be shown in the forecast table. If you want to edit it later, you can just add it back by clicking View -> List of columns:


After that, you need to add your calculated column:


Now you will be able to see the result after pressing the "Calculate" button!


On the screenshot below, the opportunity in the red rectangle has a probability of 50%, therefore the value in the calculated column is half of the real one:

Hope it helps!


Best regards,


Thank you for your clear reply. I thought of this, but it does not seem to work, as I want all those opportunities to be aggregated. So the calculation works on only one opportunity, but not when there are multiple opportunities, it seems because of the "sum" function on the calculation method. For example, I have 2 opportunities, assigned to 2 reps, so calculations work:


However, If I assign both opportunities to the same rep, then the % adds up to 130% and it seems to recalculate instead of just adding all the probable values:


The difference I have with your example is that I used the Contact section for my Forecast, to display sum by rep (it is a B2C use case, so accounts are irrelevant). So for that % probability, I am binding contact with opp owner, instead of doing it opp to opp like you are.


David Belanger-Goyette,


Unfortunately, the correct grouping value will be shown only if individual records are available in the forecast.


You can change the forecast to the following setup:


It will have the same structure, but will feature individual opportunities if you open contacts:


Best regards,


Thank you. I did not do it using the opp object because if the forecast runs on opportunity, then I will need to add all opportunities every time I want to check the forecast. I can add all opportunities now, but if new ones are created tomorrow, they will not show unless I manually add them. 

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Hi guys,


Is there any way, or future development of this app, which makes it possible to use calculated metrics on the Home page dashboard? Also thinking of the new Atlas UI as this add-on might no longer work then?

Thanks in advance,

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I would love to see the calculated metric become a core part of the system, and be available on home page dashboards. We add this to every system, IMO it should be there out of the box.

+1 for a homepage/angular dashboard component for this.


I would love to see the calculated metric become a core part of the system, and be available on home page dashboards. We add this to every system, IMO it should be there out of the box.

+1 for a homepage/angular dashboard component for this.


Ryan Farley,

I agree on this being a core part of Creatio. Would make more sense.

Hi Davey,

The responsible team does not have such plans at the moment. However, the Creatio R&D department has already devised plans to redesign and enhance the charts interfaces in the out-of-the-box Creatio functionality. While I cannot provide you with an ETA, we scheduled the first steps in this direction after the 8.1 Creatio release.

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Somebody knows how can I add data from a detail connected to the contact who belongs an email?


I'm trying to compose a bulk/trigger email including some data on contact details, but no one detail is available from the template editor


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance


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Hello Julio,

SalesUp has a marketplace add-on that might work for your needs. See…


Dear Julio,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to insert information from details into macros. One account can have many records in the detail and the macro can only use one record. 

The "Connected objects" list displays only the objects that are present as columns in Contacts\Account.

We already have a task registered for our R&D to implement such functionality in future updates.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks Pavlo, would be great to have the possibility to add a detail of Recommended Products, to contact, in the email, for example.

Hello Julio,

SalesUp has a marketplace add-on that might work for your needs. See…


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I'll try it!




Ryan Farley,

Sorry, I didn't see your previous reply :-(

Thanks Ryan, I told with SalesUp guys, and they confirm me, specifically what we need is not possible with the app, as they answers me: " The main function of our solution is to use data, taken from details (tables, lists...) to create templates with the help of macros. "

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We have a section with rows with editable values. In one of these columns "Period", we want to filter the values selectable based on the Periods "Period Type". I know this can be done by business rules for Edit Pages but on Section Pages it seems more difficult. 


Have tried field setup for section and selecting period type as a field in hopes of getting a filter to appear when adding field but no luck. 


Any help is appreciated.



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Please, take a closer look at the Filter values in a lookup field Academy article that describes how to set up a business rule that will apply a filter to the list of values in the lookup field. 

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Hello colleagues,


I'm looking for a certified Creatio developer who can help us develop a Creatio addon to provide specific functionality to the Bulk/Trigger email template editor (mainly the ability to insert a photo taken from a provided URL into a field in some detail connected to the contact to whom the email will be delivered and enable that when clicking on the image, it is redirected to a URL provided in another field of this detail...).


This is a necessary requirement of a potential client of ours, with this solved (knowing that it is possible to solve it, how much it costs and the time it takes), we can win this client ?


Please could someone help us or know who can?


You can write to me at to share details or write me a WhatsApp at +34 623 17 46 59


I am available in the CET time zone, so I live in Spain


Thanks in advance

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