Linking a detail on a lookup field

I am trying to add a detail to a section and link on a lookup field. I select the detail column lookup but the only option I have on the 'equals to page column' is the Id (and not the corresponding lookup). The strange thing is that it allow me to do this on another lookup field. See attached example. I cannot really work out why as it is effectively trying to do the same thing. I have checked that both the page and the detail are using the same lookup. Grateful for any help here.

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The issue is that the 'Databowl Lookup' object did not have the 'Databowl ID' field, unlike the 'DB Campaign ID' and 'Databowl' objects. In the 'Equals to page column' field, you can select columns that exist in both the detail object and the object where this detail is placed.

For user convenience, when creating a detail, this field is automatically filled as 'ID.'

Additionally, you can read about creating and configuring details in the academy.

Sergii Zhmurko,

Thanks for your reply, however both objects do have that column. They are identical in name and also the lookup that they point too. Unless I have misunderstood your reply I am not sure that is the issue

Hi, If the issue continues to occur in this case, please contact Creatio support ( for a more detailed analysis. Also, to proceed with the analysis, we will need access to the website.

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