
Is there a way to add advanced filter mode to lookup record in lookup section?

Right now there is only "Add filter" option on Filters/folders. I need to add "Switch to advanced mode" to lookup record to add more modes to filter. 


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At the moment, it is not possible to configure advanced filters in Lookups records.

We have recorded your request and this issue will be considered in as much detail as possible with the prospect of implementation in future versions of the application.

As a workaround, the advanced filter can be configured by the "list" dashboard by selecting the directory object, and in the display parameters select the advanced filter.

Thank you for your appeal and for helping to make our product better!

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7.18.5 in-site

Set up integration with ZAPIER - 1.03.

Periodically, ZAPIER gives an error when transferring data:

Could not parse JSON from /0/DataService/json/SyncReply/RuntimeEntitySchemaRequest

hide details


This is all the information that displays by mistake ZAPIER

the error occurs when transferring not all but only some records


Can someone explain what this error is?

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Hi Alexey!

Please tell us more about the issue.

Which steps did you take to transfer data?

Did any common errors occur?

Did the issue occur on a particular step?

Hi Oleksander,

Here is all the information by mistake http://joxi.ru/L21EGgYFV0GbK2

Here is the action itself - create a contact and fill in three fields "Email", "Name", "Account"





the error is not permanent. When that day or two appears, contacts are not created, and then they are created again, and even when you restart those that have not been completed, they are successfully completed


Вот вся информация по ошибке http://joxi.ru/L21EGgYFV0GbK2

Вот само действие - создать контакт и заполнить три поля "Емейл", "ФИО", "Аккаунт" 





ошибка не постоянная. Когда появляется то день или два не создаеются контакти, а потом снова создаются и даже когда повторно запускаеш те что не віполнились они успешно выполняются


Hi Alexey,

I have forwarded your feedback to the developers in charge. They're working on the further steps now.

We recommend using the "Run business process" event. In that case, Creatio's internal logic will handle creating a record rather than DataService.

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I would like to add a hyperlink (titled "Details" below) in edit page of a record. When clicking the hyperlink it should redirect to another page in a new tab.

Right now clicking "Details" the page opens in new tab. My issue is that along with the required page, a new tab opens at https://{sitename}/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx as well. Thus 2 new tabs are opened when I click on the link now.

Below is what I have (Today's agenda is not a detail; it's a control group):

Below is my code:



                let url = ;

                window.open(url, '_blank');



diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "DashboardDetails",

                "values": {

                    "layout": {

                        "colSpan": 7,

                        "rowSpan": 1,

                        "column": 7,

                        "row": 2,



                    "enabled": true,


                    "click": {"bindTo": "onDashboardDetailsButtonClick"},


                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 2



Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to resolve this?

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Best reply

Hello Nirupama,


Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK item type also has an addtional property "href" and if it's not filled in by default it's automatically filled in with the base application url (https://somesite.creatio.com). You can also see it when hovering the mouse to the link or copy the link adddress from this element. As a result when you click on the item your custom URL is opened and additionally the default URL of the website.


If it's possible you should try setting your custom URL to the "href" property like:

getCustomURL: function() {
				return "https://www.wikipedia.org/";
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "DashboardDetails",
                "values": {
                    "layout": {
                        "colSpan": 7,
                        "rowSpan": 1,
                        "column": 7,
                        "row": 2,
                    "enabled": true,
					"href": {"bindTo": "getCustomURL"}
                "propertyName": "items",
                "index": 2


Hello Nirupama,


Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK item type also has an addtional property "href" and if it's not filled in by default it's automatically filled in with the base application url (https://somesite.creatio.com). You can also see it when hovering the mouse to the link or copy the link adddress from this element. As a result when you click on the item your custom URL is opened and additionally the default URL of the website.


If it's possible you should try setting your custom URL to the "href" property like:

getCustomURL: function() {
				return "https://www.wikipedia.org/";
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "DashboardDetails",
                "values": {
                    "layout": {
                        "colSpan": 7,
                        "rowSpan": 1,
                        "column": 7,
                        "row": 2,
                    "enabled": true,
					"href": {"bindTo": "getCustomURL"}
                "propertyName": "items",
                "index": 2


Thanks, Oscar! That works!


As a follow up, is there a way to make the integer value in the above screenshot a hyperlink, so that instead of providing a separate link like "Details", they can on the value and that redirects them to the details page?

Nirupama Mohan Latha,


As for the integer field - I am not sure, but you can try converting it into a string column and add the logic as was described here.

Thank you!

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Hi everyone,

I was trying to remove edit and delete access rights from feed messages. I tried this by modifying the object permission for this object "SocialMessages". However after some investigation I reached to the point that feed is not dependent on object permissions but is something that can be modified in client-modules (front-end). I would like to know if there is a way how to remove/disable the edit and delete button.

Thanks in advance :)

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Best reply

Luis Kateshi,


they can be overriden it depends on the approach it's done. For example try creating a module in configurations with the UsrSocialFeedUtilities name and the following code:

define("UsrSocialFeedUtilities", ["terrasoft", "SocialFeedUtilities"], function(Terrasoft) {
    Ext.override(Terrasoft.SocialFeedUtilities, {
        getPostCommentEditVisible: function() {
                    return false;
        getPostCommentDeleteVisible: function() {
            return false;
    return {}; 

and then create a repalcing view model for the SocialFeed module with the following code (where we add the created UsrSocialFeedUtilities module as a dependency):

define("SocialFeed", ["UsrSocialFeedUtilities"],
	function() {
		return {
			properties: {},
			mixins: {},
			messages: {},
			attributes: {},
			methods: {},
			diff: []

refresh the page in the UI and check what happens. I am sure the edit and delete buttons will be hidden.

Hi Luis,


Indeed this can be done by overriding the logic of the getPostCommentEditVisible and getPostCommentDeleteVisible methods from the SocialFeedUtilities module. So you need to override these methods.

Hi Oleg,

Thanks for your reply. I already tried to do this but as I see it is not possible to create a replacing client-module for "SocialFeedUtilities". And the methods u mentioned (getPostCommentEditVisible and getPostCommentDeleteVisible) seem to be private and I don't think they can be overriden. 



         * ########## ######### ###### ############## #########/###########.

         * @private


        getPostCommentEditVisible: function() {

            return this.getPostCommentEditDeleteVisible();


Luis Kateshi,


they can be overriden it depends on the approach it's done. For example try creating a module in configurations with the UsrSocialFeedUtilities name and the following code:

define("UsrSocialFeedUtilities", ["terrasoft", "SocialFeedUtilities"], function(Terrasoft) {
    Ext.override(Terrasoft.SocialFeedUtilities, {
        getPostCommentEditVisible: function() {
                    return false;
        getPostCommentDeleteVisible: function() {
            return false;
    return {}; 

and then create a repalcing view model for the SocialFeed module with the following code (where we add the created UsrSocialFeedUtilities module as a dependency):

define("SocialFeed", ["UsrSocialFeedUtilities"],
	function() {
		return {
			properties: {},
			mixins: {},
			messages: {},
			attributes: {},
			methods: {},
			diff: []

refresh the page in the UI and check what happens. I am sure the edit and delete buttons will be hidden.

Thank you Oleg, it worked, I appreciate your help :)

Hi Oleg Drobina, can remove/disable the edit and delete button in feed message in a specific section like an opportunity only?

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Hi Community,


I'm having troubles generating a request with the following XML body, using the "Call Web Service" integration tool.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:cam="" xmlns:soapenv="">
	<soapenv:Header />

Basically, when I tried to add the necessary parameters for the request, I've noticed that I can't add an object parameter without defining it as an array.

This setting is blocking me from following the structure of the request above. Because the "request" parameter is not an array. I also tried to import the wsdl, and it didn't work either.


Is there a way to bypass this? Should I create a script task instead?


Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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You can create this service manually.

Because this is an OOTB behavior with the value "is array".

Hi Kalymbet Anastasia,


Sorry, but I didn't understand your answer. The property "Is array" is true by default.


Do I need to create the soap request using a script task? 


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Pedro Pinheiro,


Yes, you're right. When the request parameter is of type object the collection is considered a typed array and the checkbox is checked by default and not editable.

In this case, using a script task for the SOAP service would solve the case.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Hi Community,

I'm hoping to add conditional formatting to a lookup field on an edit page (UsrColour).

UsrColour lookup = Id (Guid), Name (String), Hex (String).


Ideally, I'd like the colour to change based on the lookup value and for the colour to come from the Hex field in the Colour lookup. Alternatively, hard coding the colours into the page code would be an acceptable alternative.

I can format the field using the article below but not conditionally:

Adding Custom CSS Style Sheets in Creatio (formerly bpm’online) | Customer FX


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Best reply

hi Cristopher Montgomery,

This thread helps to add the custom CSS on condition based.

Please check this Custom CSS for a field/label based on Condition .


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

hi Cristopher Montgomery,

This thread helps to add the custom CSS on condition based.

Please check this Custom CSS for a field/label based on Condition .


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Exactly what I need. Much appreciated.

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I need to filter contact list that is displayed when logging a call activity through Section Actions Dashboard. Below is the code I have added for the same:

1. Replaced CallMessagePublisherPage

 define("CallMessagePublisherPage", ["ConfigurationConstants"],
	function(ConfigurationConstants) {
		return {
			entitySchemaName: "Activity",
			mixins: {},
			attributes: {
				"Contact": {
					"lookupListConfig": {
						"columns": ["Account"],
						"filters": [
							function() {
									var config = this.getListenerRecordData();
									var additionalInfo = config.additionalInfo;
									var account=additionalInfo.account.value;
									var filterGroup = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
									return filterGroup;
			methods: {
						setDefaultCallDirection: function() {
							var query = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
								rootSchemaName: "CallDirection"
							var recordId = ConfigurationConstants.Activity.ActivityCallDirection.Outgoing;
							query.getEntity(recordId, function(result) {
							}, this);
			diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


2. Replaced SectionActionsDashboard

  define("SectionActionsDashboard", ["SectionActionsDashboardResources"], function(resources) {
    return {
        methods: {
				onGetRecordInfoForPublisher: function() {
					var info = this.callParent(arguments);
					info.additionalInfo.account = this.getAccountEntityParameterValue(info.relationSchemaName);
					return info;
						case "Lead":
							return this.getMasterEntityParameterValue("QualifiedAccount");
						case "Contact":
						case "Opportunity":
						case "Order":
							return this.getMasterEntityParameterValue("Account");
						case "Account":
							return {"value":this.getMasterEntityParameterValue("Id")};
							return {};

With above code, I get the below result in Account section when I open the window to select contact.

Above is the expected result. But when typing in the name on the lookup field instead of opening the selection window all contacts that match the text are displayed(not filtered by Account)

Any idea how to apply the same filter when pulling the list by typing in the lookup field?


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Best reply



Please also add the following method to the CallMessagePublisherPage:

getLookupQuery: function(filterValue, columnName) {
					var esq = this.callParent(arguments);
					var filterGroup = this.getLookupQueryFilters(columnName);
					return esq;

and refresh the page after that. This should result in the needed filtration in the list view of the lookup.



Please also add the following method to the CallMessagePublisherPage:

getLookupQuery: function(filterValue, columnName) {
					var esq = this.callParent(arguments);
					var filterGroup = this.getLookupQueryFilters(columnName);
					return esq;

and refresh the page after that. This should result in the needed filtration in the list view of the lookup.

That works, thank you!

Hello everyone. Thanks for the article, it was very helpful. Perhaps you can tell me how to filter the list of emails address via Account? That is displayed when registering email sending activity via the Section Actions toolbar? Thanks!

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Hi Team!


Can you help us on how to add static folders to:

1. custom section?

2. Creatio OOTB section, where the static folders functionality is not available by default (for example, Contracts)?

I've tried inserting folder of Static type into %Section%Folder, but it works only for the sections where static folder already available in UI. 

Thanks in advance!

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1. Please be informed that static folders functionality is not available in the custom section. We have created a corresponding query for our R&D team.


2. In the basic system version only the following section can have static folders:


process library

process journal


system settings

As for the Contacts section, static folders are available with the "Marketing" product only.

Is this going to be added at some point? It seems dumb not to have it everywhere. 



Unfortunately, this functionality is still not available. Our team is working on it, but we can not provide an ETA for it. 

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I'm having an issue where no previously created activities are appearing in the mobile application when toggling to Offline Mode.

Can anyone provide insight on where to look for a fix?

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I added a new mailbox to our our Creatio on-prem instance and want to download emails from customized folders.  I've selected this option but no folders are displaying. What could be causing this?

Thank you!

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Hi Francine Braese,

Do those folders have access to be shown at CRM end?

Also, did you try to check the inbox for the mail synchronization confirmation?


BHoobalan Palanivelu.


Most likely, the mailbox synchronization is unsuccessful, you can open the browser console on the Network tab, then open the mailbox settings, in "Network" you should see the GetMailboxFolders request that reads existing mailboxes from the mail server.

Check if this request completes successfully, if there are any problems, you will see the reason why the mailbox is not displayed in the "response" tab of the request.

You can also make sure that the synchronization is correct on the mailbox diagnostics page.

If the problem persists, please contact our support team at support@creatio.com.

Best regards,

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